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jTynne last won the day on February 6 2022

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About jTynne

  • Birthday 10/18/1987

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    Columbus, Ohio
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  • Github: jTynne
  • Discord: Eiphes/jTynne
  • Interests
    Vocal Pedagogy, Piano, Computers / Technology, Web Design, Candle Making

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Community Answers

  1. Will see what I can come up with when we update to a 2018 client. Thank you, Stolao!
  2. I've done that (just did it again to be sure nothing new was changed since the last time I attempted it), to no avail. The monster can be spawned, but cannot be targeted and displays as a Poring as before. I'm sure there's gotta be a way to do it using the LUA coding; I'm just not experienced enough to figure it out myself, sadly.
  3. Stalk on! :3 I noticed the LUA stuff and tried getting it to work a year ago with the June 2017 client, but couldn't get past the 3999 limit without custom monsters displaying as Porings. Hrm.
  4. jTynne


    BUMP / Re-Introduction: Hi, my name is still Justin! I'm now 30 and have two Masters degrees, and teach full-time. I left the RO scene about two years ago to focus on wrapping up my undergrad and also focus on my graduate studies in music. Now that I'm finished with school (for the foreseeable immediate future, at least), I'm back in RO-land doing hoodrat shit with my friends. If any oldbies are still around these parts, hello! And any new faces I've yet to meet, hello!
  5. Howdy, This is something that I've wanted to see for a number of years. Those of us who have created hundreds of custom monsters eventually run into the same issue once we run out of available IDs: We're limited to using IDs under 3999 for custom monsters, otherwise they will display as a Poring, or overwrite an official monster. Outside of Xray or Aesir, has anyone developed a working method to extend the monster view IDs beyond the default 1001-3999? I know that several years ago NEMO had a patch for this, however, it didn't work and thus was removed from the repository, and to my knowledge, no one ever picked it up and got it working, or, created a viable alternative. If anyone could point me toward a working means to get this feature working with the game client, I'd be most appreciative, or know someone who could be commissioned to perform this task. Many thanks in advance.
  6. No donation required; The files are out there. If you feel like sending cash, feel free, but it's not required.
  7. Thank you for making this into a reality, @Temtaime
  8. With the latest, all I get is : msaa not supported And then it loads Amatsu's trees and I can't do anything in the window. o.o
  9. C'est moi. People pay me to sing loudly.
  10. Incredible progress, @Temtaime! I've pledged $5/mo to you on Patreon. It's not much, but I may increase in the future. If you're interested in seeing this project succeed, I encourage you to also pledge to Temtaime's Patreon account. This is the first client project that has actually been produced that didn't close before a public release was made available ever that I'm aware of. This is huge. Congrats, Temtaime! I look forward to seeing how your project develops moving forward. If there's any manner I may be of assistance in the future, do let me know. I am, however, experiencing difficulty getting the client to run: "msaa not supported"
  11. Make certain you're running rAthena in RE mode and change your packet version in the /src/config/packets.h file https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/packets.h #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20151104 #endif Change the 20151104 to your client version (20170614 is the version for Rytech's latest client release here on the forum). Recompile your server and it should work. I just had to go through these steps myself to get it working on my server.
  12. Interesting. Also running into the same issue. Running latest rAthena and I've also modified my lub files to show the advanced Doram skills. Following. Edit: Nvm, I see this requires 2016+ clients to use.
  13. Hi, First, let me state that I've been running servers for over a decade and have released a great deal of content over the years ranging from complete regions, monster sprites, scripts, etc. I no longer operate a public server, but still make content behind the scenes in my spare time. That said, anyone who has followed me over the years (eA, rA, Herc, etc) knows that I enjoy creating custom "episode" content (maps, monsters, scripts, database inserts, utilities, NPCs, etc). One thing that has always bothered me, however, as someone who thoroughly enjoys breaking the meta game and adding in new content to stretch the imagination of original game mechanics through use of cards, new areas to explore, etc, is the hard coded limit for monster IDs. If you create a great deal of custom monsters, you quickly run out of available IDs, as Gravity continues to push closer and closer to an ID of 3999. Currently, increasing the MAX_MOB_DB size limit in mmo.h yields little in terms of adding in a large number of custom monsters unless you implement said monsters with IDs that overlap in the <4000 ID range. Naturally, I imagine Gravity will increase this limit at some point, however, I'm impatient and the content I'd like to release publicly would require far less extra editing on both my and users part of my content. My request is likely not the easiest to implement, however, I would like to request someone create a diff for the NEMO patch client to increase the view range of monsters. Consider this a paid commission to encourage others out there to also expand beyond the meta game. The Request: Create a patch (or update the attached patch -- thanks mkbu95 for digging it up from the repo!) for NEMO that is 2015-11-04+ compatible which will increase the mob view ID to work past the job classes, clones, etc (for example, allow 15,000-32,000 to show an actual monster sprite that rather than a Poring that registers as a monster and not an NPC). This is something that I've wanted to see released for years and now that I'm in a better position in life to be able to assist with bumping this up as a priority ($), I'd like to encourage the development of the patch. The first person to successfully create a fully functional patch will receive compensation. (If this should be in a paid services section, I apologize, I figured it belonged in client requests. Please move or lock/redirect to the correct board if necessary.) Say hi on Discord (US, EST hours) or reply here if you're working on it. IncreaseNpcIDs.qs
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