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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. how about try these ? To Mute sc_start SC_BERSERK,-1,1; To UnMute sc_end SC_BERSERK; Berserk Status disable usage of Chat / Commands
  2. try edit here ? conf/battle/battle.conf // Who can have perfect flee? (Note 3) enable_perfect_flee: 1
  3. try this prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ set .itemID,7539; set .Amount,1000; set .WinningRate,10; mes "Do you want to gamble with yours "+getitemname( .itemID )+" ?"; mes "You need "+.Amound+" of it...and only "+.WinningRate+" % to win."; next; if( select("Yes:No") == 2 ) close; if( countitem( .itemID ) < .Amount ){ mes "You didnt have enough of "+.Amount+" each."; }else{ delitem .itemID,.Amount; if( rand(100) < 10 ){ mes "Congratz...you win.."; getitem .itemID,3 * .Amount; }else{ mes "Failed"; } } close; }
  4. try edit here ? /src/map/battle.c case WZ_STORMGUST: skillratio += 40*skill_lv;
  5. it is SQL Code.... so run it in your MySQL
  6. is this what you want ? http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=245719&view=findpost&p=1339503 lazy to copy the content from eAthena...so i just post the link here...
  7. you can try do it like this... ( Un-tested ) prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ if( Class != 0 ){ mes "only Novice can do this Quests."; }else if( Count < 6 ){ mes "Please go kill 5 Poring."; set Count,1; }else{ mes "Thank you, you have done."; set Count,0; } close; OnNPCKillEvent: if( killedrid == 1002 && Count && Class == 0 ){ set Count,Count + 1; dispbottom "You have killed "+( Count - 1 )+" Poring."; } end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: showevent 1,1; end; } prontera mapflag loadevent
  8. Emistry


    sorry...didnt recognize you...but Welcome hahahaa
  9. Emistry

    This or That?

    Dual Core....xD ASUS or TOSHIBA ??
  10. Well..there is alot way to do so... to collect the count for killed monster... you can do it in this way.. - script Sample -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if( killedrid == 1002 ){ set Count,Count + 1; dispbottom "You have killed "+Count+" Poring."; } end; }
  11. Emistry

    DoTA Runes

    erm...i guess it would be something like this ? anyway...the..Invisible part...it doesnt work when i use Cloaking..>.< so i have no idea how to make that...perhaps other member might have a better way to do so ~ prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,2,2,{ dispbottom "Walkthrough to get Runes."; end; OnTouch: switch( .Runes ){ default: Case 0: dispbottom "No Runes Right now."; end; Case 1: sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,( .Duration * 1000 ),100; break; Case 2: sc_start SC_CLOAKING,( .Duration * 1000 ),10; break; Case 3: sc_start4 SC_L_LIFEPOTION,( .Duration * 1000 ),-10,1,0,0; break; Case 4: getmapxy( .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.Duration; clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.Duration; break; Case 5: sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,( .Duration * 1000 ),0; break; } announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has gained "+.Names$[.Runes]+".",bc_map; set .Runes,0; initnpctimer; end; OnInit: OnTimer60000: set .Duration,60; setarray .Names$, "Runes", "Double Attack", "Invisibility", "Regeneration", "Clone", "Haste"; if( !.Runes ) set .Runes,rand( 1,getarraysize( .Names$ ) ); stopnpctimer; while( 1 ){ delwaitingroom; waitingroom (( .Runes )? " "+.Names$[.Runes]:"Cooldown "+( 60 - (getnpctimer(0)/1000) )+" Sec." ) ,0; sleep 1000; } end; }
  12. actually...it doesnt affect anything here...just a simple warning show you that the item that currently selling in this shop might be abused due to player can farm zeny buy purchase the item from the shop and sell back to shop because they can earn the zeny due to cost of purchase is lower than amount of gain... - shop Emistry_Shop -1,512:1 change the value 1 to any value with higher than the overchanged price of Apple....
  13. you can also make use of this ................{ disguise 1002; },{},{}
  14. erm....honestly......i alway refer to the doc some script is simple...i have get use to it..so no need to refer..since it is embeded into my brain xD hahaa
  15. try this - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( !#Newbie ){ mes "Hii..please choose your Items."; switch( select("Set 1:Set 2") ){ Case 1: getitem 501,1; getitem 501,1; getitem 501,1; break; Case 2: getitem 501,10; getitem 501,10; getitem 501,10; break; } mes "There you are.."; set #Newbie,1; close2; warp "prontera",155,181; } end; }
  16. use this http://rathena.org/tools/login_background/
  17. for me...yes...practice is the Key xD alway refer to the doc file to get know of how each script command function.. see those sample script made by other... on the begining..you can try "Copy" what other member did...but make sure you learn what they do from line to line.. understand each line...xD if dunno or face some problem..then ask...haha that's what i did in the past.... i keep BOOM some of my tutor inbox.. like...AnnieRuru / Brian / Dastgir / etc,.....
  18. prontera,155,170,2 script Mr.Tuesday 911,{ and a minor typo mistake at following lines.. should be mes "Damn where is he's hiding";
  19. there is 1...i think it is named BitSecure ... but...it just improved "A bit" of your secure of your server... it doesnt work as perfect as Harmony... if you want it as good as harmony..then just purchase harmony.. it is not even that expensive when considering your server should be have donation as well...
  20. you have to use && instead of || should be if(.@amap$!="quiz_00" && .@amap$ !="quiz01") end;
  21. maybe you forget to enable those NPC ? /npc/guild2/
  22. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + countitem( 7227 ); dispbottom "You have gained "+countitem( 7227 )+" Cash Points."; delitem 7227,countitem( 7227 ); end; }
  23. here ? conf/battle/party.conf // Give additional experience bonus per party-member involved on even-share parties? // (eg: If set to 10, a even-share party of 5 people will receive +40% exp) party_even_share_bonus: 0
  24. you can try this also ~ http://rathena.org/board/topic/53320-%e2%99%a5-e-m-i-s-t-r-y-s-s-c-r-i-p-t-s-%e2%99%a5/page__view__findpost__p__71628 if you want it to use 50 items...then edit this if( !countitem( getarg(0) ) ) and this delitem getarg(0),1;
  25. Emistry

    This or That?

    Chicken !!! xD Which Exist 1st ? Human or Animal ? xD
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