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Everything posted by luizragna

  1. Hello guys. I was using the hexed 2018-06-20dRagexeRE. But when i changed to 2018-06-20eRagexe (without RE), the client didn't connected after char selection screen... OBS: I'm using the same diff's for both. Diff list: And same sclientinfo.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>^008B8BMagi^000000 ^A52A2ARO^000000</display> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>12</langtype> <registrationweb>www.celestero.com</registrationweb> <yellow> <admin>2500000</admin> </yellow> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
  2. First do you need create a custom status. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Adding_new_statuses
  3. Have you tried to view this topic? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Adding_new_skills
  4. No meu servidor rathena eu atualizei o script, testa ele //========================================================================================================================== // Função que adiciona 15 dias Vip ao usuário //========================================================================================================================== function script vip1 { set $nivelVip, 1; set $diasVip, 1; set $verificaVip, 1; //if (getgmlevel() == 1) goto extender; if (getgmlevel() > 0) { getitem 30015,1; mes "[Sistema VIP]"; mes "Você já é um Jogador VIP."; mes " "; mes "^696969(Ticket VIP devolvido)^000000"; close; } query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = 0 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "^1874CDVip inserido com sucesso!^000000 Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; mes "Vip inserido com sucesso! Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; mes "Obrigado por ajudar o nosso Servidor!"; sleep2 2000; close; end; estender: query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip estendido por mais "+$diasVip+" dias! Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; end; } //========================================================================================================================== // Função que adiciona 15 dias Vip ao usuário //========================================================================================================================== function script vip15 { set $nivelVip, 1; set $diasVip, 15; set $verificaVip, 1; //if (getgmlevel() == 1) goto extender; if (getgmlevel() > 0) { getitem 30002,1; mes "[Sistema VIP]"; mes "Você já é um Jogador VIP."; mes " "; mes "^696969(Ticket VIP devolvido)^000000"; close; } query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = 0 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "^1874CDVip inserido com sucesso!^000000 Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; mes "Vip inserido com sucesso! Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; mes "Obrigado por ajudar o nosso Servidor!"; sleep2 2000; close; end; estender: query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip estendido por mais "+$diasVip+" dias! Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; end; } //========================================================================================================================== // Função que adiciona 30 dias Vip ao usuário //========================================================================================================================== function script vip30 { set $nivelVip, 1; set $diasVip, 30; set $verificaVip, 1; //if (getgmlevel() == 1) goto extender; if (getgmlevel() > 0) { getitem 30003,1; mes "[Sistema VIP]"; mes "Você já é um Jogador VIP."; mes " "; mes "^696969(Ticket VIP devolvido)^000000"; close; } query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = 0 AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "^1874CDVip inserido com sucesso!^000000 Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; mes "Vip inserido com sucesso! Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; mes "Obrigado por ajudar o nosso Servidor!"; sleep2 2000; close; end; estender: query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `dt_vip` = DATE_ADD(`dt_vip`,INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+" AND `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); dispbottom "Vip estendido por mais "+$diasVip+" dias! Relogue seu personagem para ativa-lo."; end; } //========================================================================================================================== // Função que controla a data de término da conta vip e anúncios ao logar //========================================================================================================================== - script GerenciadorVip FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCLoginEvent: set @site$, "www.celestero.tk"; query_sql "UPDATE `login` SET `group_id`= 0 WHERE `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+" AND (`dt_vip` IS NULL OR `dt_vip` < CURDATE())"; query_sql "SELECT (`dt_vip` IS NULL OR `dt_vip` < CURDATE()) FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), @verificaVip; if (@verificaVip) { dispbottom "Torne-se um(a) jogador(a) Vip e tenha benefícios esclusivos!"; dispbottom "Acesse "+@site$+" e saiba mais!"; end; } query_sql "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`dt_vip`, '%d/%m/%Y') FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), @dataVencimento$; dispbottom "Sua conta Vip é válida até o dia "+@dataVencimento$+""; end; } As funções são: vip1 , vip15 e vip 30
  5. How i sayed, change all #pvppoint += 1; //Simplified version of the "set #pvppoint,#pvppoint+1" dispbottom "You have gained 1 Points. Total "+#pvppoint+" Point"; //Here also add # prefix
  6. It's possible change the view or collor of the equip according to HP?
  7. Change all: pvppoint To: #pvppoint (the prefix "#" is used to accounts variables)
  8. Este error está acontecendo por que provavelmente no comando usa uma variavel do tipo player e está sendo sendo executado automaticamente pelo script, e não quando o jogador clicka Se você disponibilizar o código do script fica mais fácil de descobrir o problema.
  9. No final da linha do comando do DS que anuncia o número de jogadores, você vai ver bc_all Troque para bc_map
  10. O seu patch não tem as palletas de cores que estão sendo informadas no servidor
  11. Try this: prontera,148,185,4 script Healer Delay 84,{ @P_Difference = gettimetick(0) - @P_Time; if (@P_Difference >= .HDelay) { percentheal 100,100; @P_Time = gettimetick(0); } else { @P_Rest = (.HDelay - @P_Difference)/1000; // /1000 to convert to seconds message strcharinfo(0),"Do you must wait "+@P_Rest+" seconds to Heal again"; } OnInit: .HDelay = 4000; //Delay to heal (in milliseconds) }
  12. Solved, i added AI to mob. monster ("payon",167,215,"Poporing",1031,.amount,"",0,AI_ATTACK);
  13. @n0tttt he conjured but the ability did not come out
  14. Hello guys! I want make the poporing useskill in other mob. In this case, he cast, but don't happen anything. payon,162,219,4 script Unit Master 101,{ .amount = 1; monster ("payon",167,215,"Poporing",1031,.amount); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .amount; .@i++) { .mid = $@mobid[.@i]; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_LEVEL,1; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_MAXHP,10000; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_ATKMIN,10000; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_ATKMAX,21000; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_MATKMIN,10000; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_MATKMAX,21000; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_HIT,10000; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_ATKRANGE,5; setunitdata .mid,UMOB_ADELAY,100; } monster ("payon",172,215,"Mandragora",1020,.amount); //unitskilluseid .mid,19,2,1020; unitskillusepos .mid,19,3,172,215; //Fire Bolt }
  15. Se o seu client for atualizado, você traduz as abas de classe nas ultimas linhas do skilltreeview.lub JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_NOVICE, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_NINJA, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_GUNSLINGER, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_SUPERNOVICE, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_TAEKWON, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_STAR, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_LINKER, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_STAR2, "1st", "2nd", "3rd") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_DO_SUMMONER, "Summoner") JobSkillTab.ChangeSkillTabName(JOBID.JT_DO_SUMMONER_B, "Summoner")
  16. Hello guys. I'm using the client 2018-06-20 RE And tested several different AI and AI_Sakray folders but the problem continues... I b
  17. When do you solve a problemem, please say the solution
  18. The script commands is getmapxy: NPC Script: getmapxy(@mapname$, @mapx, @mapy, UNITTYPE_PC, ""+strcharinfo(0)+""); warp "prontera",@mapx,@mapy; Item Script: { getmapxy(@mapname$, @mapx, @mapy, UNITTYPE_PC, ""+strcharinfo(0)+""); warp "prontera",@mapx,@mapy; } To more info search in doc/script_commands.txt *getmapxy("<variable for map name>",<variable for x>,<variable for y>,<type>{,"<search string>"}) This function will locate a character object, NPC object or pet's coordinates and place their coordinates into the variables specified when calling it. It will return 0 if the search was successful, and -1 if the parameters given were not variables or the search was not successful. Type is the type of object to search for: UNITTYPE_PC - Character object UNITTYPE_NPC - NPC object UNITTYPE_PET - Pet object UNITTYPE_HOM - Homunculus object UNITTYPE_MER - Mercenary object UNITTYPE_ELEM - Elemental object The search string is optional. If it is not specified, the location of the invoking character will always be returned for types UNITTYPE_PC and UNITTYPE_PET, the location of the NPC running this function for type 1. If a search string is specified, for types UNITTYPE_PC and UNITTYPE_NPC, the character or NPC with the specified name will be located. If type is UNITTYPE_PET/UNITTYPE_HOM/UNITTYPE_MER/UNITTYPE_ELEM, the search will locate the current object of the character who's name is given in the search string, it will NOT locate the object by name. Example: prontera,164,301,3%TAB%script%TAB%Meh%TAB%730,{ mes "My name is Meh. I'm here so that Nyah can find me."; close; } prontera,164,299,3%TAB%script%TAB%Nyah%TAB%730,{ mes "My name is Nyah."; mes "I will now search for Meh all across the world!"; if (getmapxy(@mapname$, @mapx, @mapy, UNITTYPE_NPC, "Meh") != 0) { mes "I can't seem to find Meh anywhere!"; close; } mes "And I found him on map " + @mapname$ + " at X:" + @mapx + " Y:" + @mapy + " !"; close; } Notice that NPC objects disabled with 'disablenpc' will still be located.
  19. @BrOrgbr the iteminfo work in data folder, but not inside of the grf
  20. What is the hexed version? Do you use iteminfo.lua or .lub?
  21. The NPC and the signboard are separated. Do you just need add new line on the signboardlist.lub with the NPC coordinates. even if the NPC don't exist, the icon icon will apear
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