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Everything posted by Normynator

  1. 1. Open the terminal (on the remote system) 2. Use the CentOS 7 wiki guide 3. Done
  2. It’s still „useable“. it just means that you have to swap out the unstable packages with the least stable ones (in your case also gcc/g++ 6 I think)
  3. The dependencies seemed to be just copied from the wiki. Debian Stretch (9) does already include gcc/g++ 6 in the standard package manager, so there is no need to install anything unstable. Also I am really not a fan of using PHPMyAdmin in production. It‘s said to be optional but still i think making the database accessible from the internet is never a good idea.
  4. Well using the Mac isn’t a safe approach anyway
  5. No, and also not going to add something like that, because my goal is not to write a hackshield.
  6. I am sorry i dont understand the question.
  7. By implementing a TCP socket. I will use the boost library to do that in my project. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/ip__tcp/socket.html
  8. which command are you talking about? If i remember correctly you have to send the packets via TCP that should be all.
  9. Disclaimer: This code is far from being good! It’s just quick and dirty to have some fun and play around a bit! Sooo here it is: https://github.com/Normynator/Mana You probably have to change the hardcoded paths and this and that but the code itself should give you a hint. injection_test has my own dll code launcher_test has the code which injects the dll into the exe. Have fun and good luck!
  10. Well also is mac. I just created a launcher which injects a dll into the client. If you wish i can upload it so you can check it out.
  11. I am sure you can find everything you need if you use google. Example: how to get MAC address https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13646621/how-to-get-mac-address-in-windows-with-c may I ask what you are trying to achieve?
  12. Run the map server with gdb and see what gdb says once the server freezes again.
  13. Hard to tell without error log or gdb Output.
  14. If you compute the delay before the buffing then the „lock“ is not needed, since the delay is handling that. The problem is that current implementation is calculating the delay after buffing, which I think results in running the script twice before the delay does what it should do.
  15. Just a guess: move the delay_buffer assignment above .@size assignment. So the delay is calculated before having to select a buff not after.
  16. There is no problem as long as you use an OS which is supported by rA
  17. This is not eathena nor 3ceAm. why don’t you just ask in the right forum??? since the next question probably is: “where to ask?“ here is the answer: http://herc.ws/board/forum/184-3ceam-support/
  18. Well sharing error messages always helps ... also you should check your mapserver wirh gdb
  19. Would’nt it be easier to only allow the same IP two times??
  20. Well i dont understand the second screenshot but you probably messed up with your email-server. FluxCP is probably not the fault here.
  21. Well how about contacting @Emistry ?
  22. As you can see here, its a paid script, so noone would be allowed to share it.
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