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Everything posted by Normynator

  1. If you did not edit „new_account“ in /conf/login_athena.conf then you can create an account with _M/_F. For example: normynator_m Then you can login with the username without the _M/_F For example: normynator
  2. You mean this? bonus2 bHPDrainRate,30,5; Adds a chance of absorbing 5% physical damage inflicted on target as HP.
  3. Have you tried using a VPN ? Sounds like the "building routers" firewall does not allow communiction on ports you require for connecting to your server. (I've that problem too, I have to use a VPN if I want to use ports other than 80/443 ... )
  4. Der link sieht ziemlich cool aus, da werd ich mich mal durchklicken.
  5. why don't you use xampp for windows? would be the easiest way to get a mysql server up.
  6. You should check the server logs, and share the server logs (server logs means: the output on the map/char/login server consol)
  7. This looks like what you need: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36087665/preg-replace-callback-requires-argument-2-array-to-be-a-valid-callback
  8. Since you did not specify a OS I just guess: Patching for unix systems —> https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/appy-patch-file-using-patch-command/
  9. You have to implement it on your own, you can use flux as a reference, since its already coded there. ?
  10. Discord API requires a websocket and http. That’s what the bridge is for. But this version will be abondend soon in favor of a pure C++ version, which you can find here: https://github.com/Normynator/roCORD/tree/development?files=1
  11. Thats probably because the diff does not work with this rA rev. Thats not because of C/C++ thats because the diff is too old.
  12. What do you do? Error logs? Something? Just saying that something is NOT working won‘t help.
  13. You dont have to convert C into C++, C++ compiler can compile C/C++ code. If you check rAthena‘s source code you will see that most of the code is „C“.
  14. There is a security issue with the bridge on version 1. Please make sure to ONLY allow communication to port 1337 via localhost! FIXED thanks to @Stolao for testing! Make sure to use the newest version!
  15. - Release of roCORD.v2 - Proof of Concept - Added new dedicated repository for roCORD.v2 (https://github.com/Normynator/roCORD/tree/poc-unstable)
  16. It does not clone the whole history, that was very important for my project, since it always recloned the given commit-hash and applied my changed to it before starting.
  17. Maybe it would be good to not run it as root even inside the container. Also maybe add something like this: RUN git clone --shallow-since 11.03.2018 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git . \ && git checkout d89690fbdbaa5dc78f98d96ee91403e329c12af1 Obviously for rathena. And how about seperating into different containers? #PROD version: '3' services: core: build: ./server image: core:latest volumes: - sql_scripts:/herc_server/sql-files database: image: mysql restart: always volumes: - sql_scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d - server_db:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: ragnarok MYSQL_USER: ragnarok MYSQL_PASSWORD: raganarok MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: secret depends_on: - core map: image: core restart: always command: ./wait-for-it.sh database:3306 -- "./map-server" volumes: - ./server/config/comm/main/import/map-server.conf:/herc_server/conf/import/map-server.conf:ro depends_on: - core - database ports: - 5121:5121 login: image: core restart: always command: ./wait-for-it.sh database:3306 -- "./login-server" volumes: - ./server/config/comm/main/import/login-server.conf:/herc_server/conf/import/login-server.conf:ro depends_on: - core - database ports: - 6900:6900 char: image: core restart: always command: ./wait-for-it.sh database:3306 -- "./char-server" volumes: - ./server/config/comm/main/import/char-server.conf:/herc_server/conf/import/char-server.conf:ro depends_on: - core - database ports: - 6121:6121 flarum: image: mondedie/docker-flarum:0.1.0-beta.7.1-stable container_name: flarum ports: - 80:8888 environment: - DEBUG=true - FORUM_URL=http://s8nozieb.me - DB_PASS=secret2 volumes: - ./forum/assests:/forum/app/assets - ./forum/extensions:/flarum/app/extensions depends_on: - mariadb mariadb: image: mariadb:10.1 container_name: mariadb environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret2 - MYSQL_DATABASE=flarum - MYSQL_USER=flarum - MYSQL_PASSWORD=secret2 volumes: - forum_db:/var/lib/mysql volumes: sql_scripts: server_db: forum_db: I once made this for hercules, would be nice if we could have something similar for rAthena. (https://github.com/Normynator/Ragnarok/tree/master/docker)
  18. - Added a discord server for faster support and idea sharing ?Join!
  19. Der sieht eigentlich ganz nett aus, auch wenn ich ihn nicht gelesen habe.
  20. Make sure the bridge is running on at port 1337 before starting your emulator.
  21. I wrote a installation guide for Linux. Thanks @Vegas for providing a server setup for me! https://github.com/Normynator/Ragnarok/blob/master/rA_mods/discordbot/guides/Guide_EN.md
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