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Everything posted by Cyro

  1. its your player mac address
  2. Working fine for me! Next time use report button to report broken download links,
  3. Make sure you are using translated system/iteminfo.lub
  4. make sure this map has been added to your map_cache.dat
  5. - script mapcheck -1,{ OnPCStatCalcEvent: if ( countitem( <item_id> ) && strcharinfo(3) == "map_name" ) { bonus bAllStats,3; } end; }
  6. did u check this one? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Adding_new_skills
  7. make sure your sprite id is matching accessoryid.lub and itemdb
  8. 1)rathena not supporting SVN anymore , use GIT 2)check this topic
  9. Make sure to recompile after you made client version changes
  10. i saw a server having naruto suit, so you can give make such suits as equipment and give it to your gm's, so each gm have diff suits
  11. and you should release files here here , so your file will be tested and get approved
  12. Weird concept, Best way to do it is to duplicate all maps 5x and mob spowns for 5 players And warp players to the maps based on account id's, or check mapusers and prevent warping if players existing in the map
  13. oh, i thought guess the password event, since you mention event , check this out
  14. #define MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT 5 set this value to 0 in src/common/mmo.h
  15. here you go //===== Athena Script ===================================== //= Mr. Password //===== By ================================ //= //===== Description ======================================= //= Use the GM menu to enter a Password, clue and prize. //= Players will then have to input the password using the //= clue given. //===== Credits =========================================== //= //===== Version =========================================== //= v1.1 //========================================================= //= v1.0 - First release. //= v1.1 - Fixed an exploit. //========================================================= prontera,159,226,1 script Mr Password 869,{ // Set this to the minimum GM level allowed to access the GM CP. if (getgmlevel() > 10) goto L_gm; L_insert: if($prizewon == 0) { mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Somebody already guessed the password."; mes "Please wait for my boss to give me a new one."; close; } mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ", would you like to guess the password?"; mes "The clue is: ^008000"+$clue$+"^000000"; next; mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Go on, take a guess."; input @text$; if ( $prizewon == 0 ) { mes "Too late, you were'nt fast enough!"; close; } if (@text$ == $password$) goto L_win; if (@text$ != $password$) goto L_error; L_error: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Sorry, that's incorrect. Try again."; close; L_win: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Congratulations!! You guessed correctly!"; mes "Check your Inventory for your amazing ^008000"+ getitemname($get_item_id) +"^000000"; mes "Cool Prize huh?"; announce "Mr Password: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has guessed correctly, what a smart person!",0; getitem $get_item_id,$get_item_amount; set $prizewon, 0; close; L_gm: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Hello GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", What would you like to do?"; switch(select("Set Password:Set Clue:Set Prize:Normal Player Mode:Announce")) { case 1: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "So, what password should I use this time boss?"; input $password$; next; mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Ok, so you want the password to be ^008000"+$password$+"^000000? cool."; next; goto L_gm; case 2: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "So, what clue should I give them boss?"; input $clue$; next; mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Ok, so the clue is: ^008000"+$clue$+"^000000, gotcha!"; next; goto L_gm; case 3: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Alright, what should the prize be boss?"; input $get_item_id; next; mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "How many of this item should I give them?"; input $get_item_amount; next; mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "So, the prize is ^008000"+ $get_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($get_item_id) +"^000000? Awesome."; next; goto L_gm; case 4: next; goto L_insert; case 5: mes "[Mr Password]"; mes "Ok, I'll let everyone know we're ready."; next; announce "Mr Password: The Boss has given me a new Password, come try guess it and get a prize!",0; set $prizewon, 1; next; goto L_gm; } }
  16. And make sure your client reading client.xml and not custom file to connect with server
  17. Moved to script request
  18. Cyro


    use encrypted grf , Packet Obfuscation, custom .ini file or a working game guard
  19. this script wont recall players from other map, it will warp the players to the to the gm(the one who used the command) location, it will also warp gm to same location so it will show as black screen
  20. Cyro

    OS Easy to Setup

    I use Linux Windows uses more RAM and CPU. Linux on the otherhand, is cheaper and it allows you to run other things such as the rAthena Emulator and a MySQL server on the server with less RAM But some people find using windows server is more handy since it comes with user interface which they are familiar with
  21. disablenpc "ord11-12"; //from npc/warps/pvp.txt comment out this line
  22. Cyro

    OS Easy to Setup

    There is no problem with any os while installing rathena It's all about individual opinion, install it which os you are comfortable with
  23. you can change the value in mmo.h #define MAX_STORAGE 600 ///Max number of storage slots a player can have
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