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Everything posted by Cyro

  1. Cyro

    Set always day

    https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/misc.conf // Choose if server begin with night (yes) or day (no) night_at_start: yes // Define duration in msec of the day (default: 7200000 = 2 hours) // Set to 0 to disable day cycle (but not @day GM command). // Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute) day_duration: 7200000 // Define duration in msec of the night (default: 1800000 = 30 min) // Set to 0 to disable night cycle (but not @night GM command). // Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute) night_duration: 3600000
  2. Check you database names configured in inter_athena
  3. if you are looking for a developer post here https://rathena.org/jobs_available/ or if you want to hire someone checkout someone here https://rathena.org/thirdpartyservices/ i dont think it related to support section
  4. https://pastebin.com/2MmTzS7X credits to emistry , just update your sql itemdb with all your items
  5. https://rathena.org/thirdpartyservices/promo-code-rathena-server-hosting-cervantes-unattended-rathena-installer-r1/
  6. You diffing a client which is already diffed, try fresh client
  7. https://pastebin.com/Ynze1S7P https://pastebin.com/G3BSc0Xc there is more in rathena if you search properly
  8. id,BOX,Cash box,0,5000,,40,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+rand( 5,5000 );},{},{}
  9. this one is outdated but may be you can update yourself http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf
  10. Cyro

    website help

    No one can help you unless you post some more information, like error log, the code you modified etc
  11. may be the npc hates you! prontera,54,88,2 script Elder of Town 777,{ if(checkquest(90001) == 0) { mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Hello young folk!"; mes "It's nice to see you here around!"; mes "Would you do an old man an favor?"; switch(select("Sure, why not?:I've got no time, sorry!")){ case 1: mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Thank you, kid! You are an angel in this dark time!"; mes "I didn't can find my wife, would you please search her?"; switch(select("Okay, no Problem:Oh, ehrm... Sorry")){ case 1: mes "[Old Man]"; mes "She should be in the south of Crystilia, kid!"; mes "I thank you so much!"; setquest 90001; end; case 2: mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Please come back if you think other about this..."; close; } case 2: mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Please come back if you think you have time for me..."; close; } if(checkquest(90002) == 1) { mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Ah you found my wife!"; mes "That's wonderful, what she said?"; switch(select("She didn't find the way back.")){ case 1: mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Oh my dear.. She's so old now.."; mes "Maybe... Yeah I've got an plan!"; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Please bring me 30 Bill of Birds from Peco Peco"; mes "And kill 15 from them for me. With the blood, I can help her!"; completequest 90002; setquest 90003; end; } // if(checkquest(90003,HUNTING,2)){ if(checkquest(90003) == 2) { mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Ah I see you killed every Monster, but do you have those items for me?"; next; mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Let me see..."; switch(select("Sure, look!:I didn't have them")){ case 1: if (countitem(925) >= 30){ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Wonderful, you have them all!"; mes "Here you get an thanks from me, kid!"; completequest 90003; getitem 974,2; getitem 547,5; end; } else { mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Come back if you got them!"; close; } } } } if (checkquest(90003) >= 2){ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Hello youngster! Thanks again for your help!"; close; } if (checkquest(90001) == 1){ mes "[Old Man]"; mes "Please search my wife!"; close; } } }
  12. what you mean by I can't connect to them with client.? any error message? what is the error message in console when you login ? ps-update your client version in /src/config/packets.h #define PACKETVER 20151104
  13. https://rathena.org/board/topic/80609-customized-payed-healer-using-current-rathena-script/
  14. so you already having your answer , new flux support reCAPTCHA V2 , probably solve your problem
  15. Your database might be getting sql injection or your server having _m,_f account creation enabled
  16. how is related to Announcements >Ragnarok News section ?
  17. just use euphy's quest shop? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/quests/quest_shop.txt
  18. try enabling packet obsession both client and server side with 2017 and paste the error if u got any
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