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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/13 in all areas

  1. trunk/db/re/skill_require_db.txt Find: 378,0,0,60:70:80:90:100,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,678,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Replace: 378,0,0,60:70:80:90:100,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,678,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    3 points
  2. < Stolao's Ex Job Master > Features: Allows Players to swap in and out of all jobs freely saving there stats (non sql) Full Configurable with Built in Renter, Platinum Skills, Reseter, Rebirth, Baby, Supports 3rd classes Option to disable class Unlocking, so players have to earn classes from quest still Uses a few of Euphy's script snippets found here, thank you for permission to use Todo: Optimize? Make Rental/Point/Item check/removal funcs Rewrite oninit section for easier understanding Add a special check for super novice Known Bugs: Platinum Skills earned through quest are lost sometimes on job change if platinum is disabled, unsure of fixChangelog: v1.-- Failed attempt, scrapped v2.-- Scipt Was far to large spannning 9500 lines v3.00 Revamped almost from scatch v3.01 Remade Save_Stats function to be dynamic v3.02 Remade Load_Stats function to be dynamic v3.03 Designed new config v3.04 Added the .ROEAJLIST Array in config v3.05 Designed new menues v3.06 Added Dynamic menu using exsploded "JStats"+.ROEAJLIST[]+"$" data v3.07 Finished Load_Stats script adding in the getarg(1) v3.08 Added Skill/Stats Reset v3.09 Added Locked Checks v3.0A Removed unused variables v3.0B Fixed skill/stat reseter conditions v3.0C Added "rental" check to Change Job v3.0D Added Zeny/Point Check to Change Job v3.0E Added Item Check to Change Job v3.0F Added Job Check to Job Change, no changing to current Job v3.10 Added Euphy's Renter v3.11 Changed Price on Euphy's Renter to work with my config v3.12 Changed Setdragon; to setdragon rand(1,5); lol v3.13 Changed Save_Stats function to use skillPointCount() instead of readparam(12) v3.14 Optimized skill/stat reseter a little better, needs work still v3.15 Added Job Managment sub menus v3.16 Fixed some Tabulation v3.17 Added exsplanation menu for all but "Job Managment" v3.18 started on rebirth menu v3.19 Fixed bugs in menu variable naming v3.1A Fixed bug in Cost check of Renting v3.1B Added Baby Convertion v3.1C Fixed bug in baby -> normal converter v3.1D finished Rebirth menues v3.1F Added if are rebirth check to rebirth v3.20 Added Level check to rebirth v3.21 Fixed a bug in stats saving incorrectly v3.22 Optimized text a little v3.23 Added wipe v3.24 Added rental check to baby and rebirth v3.25 Added platnium to Load_Stats func v3.26 Added sc_end SC_ALL; to baby and rebirth v3.27 fixed statspoints in rebirth scaling up v3.28 Added check if have a rebirth to rebith v3.29 Changed setdragon rand() to a select() for colors V3.2A Public Release V3.2B Fixed TK bug V3.2C Fixed jobname in wipe data V3.2D Fixed a bug with novice wiping its data V3.2E removed a few mes notes from bug testing phase v3.2F Removed Disabled Locked menu options v3.30 Changed Baby Menu Options to be dynamic to wether your a baby already v3.31 Removed some notes I forgot in v3.2E v3.32 Small Optimazation v3.33 Changed all While -> For v3.34 Improved Load_Stats functionality, no longer uses atoi() v3.35 Shortened Save_stats by 1 line v3.36 Removed TotalLvCalc func as I deemed useless v3.37 Fixed bug with unlocking a class, gaining extra skill points v3.38 Shortened Unlock Class by 1 line Extras: exp.txt //Base - Novice 10,0:4001:4023,0,550,900,1500,2200,3200,3800,4200,4550,5000,5500 Links: v3.38Job_Master_EX.txt v3.33Job_Master_EX.txt v3.2EJob_Master_EX.txt v3.2AJob_Master_EX.txt
    2 points
  3. BrowEdit Tutorial Videos Here is a list of free tutorial videos I made about a year ago that gives BrowEdit users a good grasp on using the BrowEdit Mapping Program. The tutorial videos teaches young BrowEdit users from the ground up of how to install BrowEdit, get familar with the interface and functions and finally actually producing a fully functional map you can integrate in a ragnarok server. I plan on expanding this list to cover a broader range of topics. Browedit Tutorial #1 - Getting Started Video Information: Downloading and setting up BrowEdit. Configuring BrowEdit to be usable & providing recommendations on BrowEdit revisions. - Browedit Tutorial #2 - Basics of Designing Video Information: Understanding the user inferface of BrowEdit & editing functions. Teaches navigational controls and introduces how to properly setup a map for editing. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Browedit Tutorial #3 - Intermediate Level Terrain Editing Video Information: Teaches how to apply textures, build walls, making slopes and environmental terrain changes, and controlling water levels. Part 1 - Part 2 - Browedit Tutorial #4 - Intermediate Level Light Editing Video Information: Introduces how to implement lights to brighten and colorize a map. Gives recommended RGB combinations and lighti strength parameter settings in giving ideal light and shadow outputs. Part 1 - Part 2 - Browedit Tutorial #5 - Adding Effects Video Information: How to add effects to a map to fit the needs of the environment. Examples can be torches, flying bats, magic circles etc.. - Browedit Tutorial #6 - Adding Sounds Video Information: How to add ambient sounds to your map. This includes noises you hear in niflheim, prontera, geffen etc.. - Browedit Tutorial #7 - Making a Sky Map Video Information: Ever wanted to make a sky map? Well this tutorial will show you how to make a floating blue sky based map with cloud formations. - Browedit Tutorial #8 - Adding Custom Textures to BrowEdit Video Information: How to add your own custom textures to BrowEdit and using them in your custom map. - Browedit Tutorial #9 - Adding Custom BGM Music to a Map Video Information: How to add your own personal background music to a map as well as making sure the BGM file is compatible with the client. - Browedit Tutorial #10 - Adding a Custom Map to a Server Video Information: How to add your own personal map to a eAthena test server so you can test your own maps. - Browedit Tutorial #11 - Adding a Duplicate Model that Utilizes Custom Textures Video Information: Ever wanted to use a model in a map that doesn't come into conflict with another model. Perhaps for the sake of the maps theme? - Browedit Tutorial #12 - Quick Tips/Tricks & Useful Hotkey Info Video Information: Creating a new map can take a while. This tutorial will cover useful tips/tricks to reduce the development time of your map as well as avoiding long processes to complete a task. - Browedit Tutorial #13 - New Lightmaps Tutorial Video Information: This tutorial is a revamp of the previous lightmaps video tutorial. This particular tutorial is a more concise and easier to learn version of how to create lightmaps with ease in the areas of shadows/sun/colors/global lighting and light fixes. - Browedit Tutorial #14 - Making Slopes Video Information: This is a quick tutorial that explains how to create sloped terrain primarily based on ramps that can lead up to raised areas. It also shows how to make slopes on the edge of a map. - Browedit Tutorial #15 - Making Map Minimaps Video Information: Want to make a minimap that matches your coordinates perfectly whether it be a minimap with color or black/white gradient? Well this tutorial will cover just that! - Browedit Tutorial #16 - GAT Editing Video Information: Explains the main kinds of gats, how to place them, slope them, and what applications they are used in. - Browedit Tutorial #17 - 3ds Max Modeling [Acquiring Models] Video Information: A quick video covering several different sites you can get models for free that are supported by 3ds Max. - Browedit Tutorial #18 - 3ds Max Modeling [importing/Apply Textures to Model] Video Information: Using 3ds Max, you will be able to import models supported by 3ds Max, apply textures to them, and UV Unwrap the model to have it ready for RO. - Browedit Tutorial #19 - 3ds Max Modeling [Polygon Limit & Splitting Models] Video Information: RO has limits to how many polygons it can draw per model. This tutorial will explain what those limits are and how to split a model into parts. - Browedit Tutorial #20 - Exporting & Importing Lightmap Shadows for Editing Video Information: How to remove or add specific shadows on a map without having to redo all of the lightmaps through means of exporting & editing the shadow png file directly. - Browedit Tutorial #21 - Cleaning Up Shadows Along Walls & Ground Video Information: Didn't like the shadow drop across the edge of a map or lifted platform/wall? - Browedit Tutorial #22 - How to Create Transparent Objects Video Information: How to provide transparency in a model by means of TGA support. - NOTE: If you wish to see a certain topic covered in a future tutorial video, please make a request by leaving a comment in this thread!
    1 point
  4. Thai Translated By me http://pastebin.com/AqbnH7PW Translated 90% BonesKung.
    1 point
  5. Since it's an NPC, I recommend you to fix it via ActOR2 instead of modifying the bmp itself. Open the spr&act file in ActOR2 (these must have the same name, open the sprite file if you are in ActOR, and the act file if you are in ActOR2, the programs will automatically open both files at the same time). Modify the YOffs (Vertical axis offset) in order to move the NPC image to its proper position. Since you want it to be higher, turn the YOffs value to a more negative value. If it's ~0, try with -40 (and so on, until you see the frame is located where you want it to be). The image must be a few pixels below the horizontal (floor) line, X axis. This way the NPC won't look like it's floating. Don't forget to do this for all the views (though you can save the act and open it in ActOR, then copy/paste views using the Edit Act menu).
    1 point
  6. - script KillCashPoint -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if (killedrid==getcharid(0)) end; //No Points, killed himself if (lastkilled==killedrid){ set lkcount,lkcount+1; if (lkcount>=5){ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-3; dispbottom "You have Lose 3 points of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#CASHPOINTS; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); end; } else{ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#CASHPOINTS; end; } } else{ set lastkilled,killedrid; set lkcount,1; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#CASHPOINTS; end; } } Haven't Tested.
    1 point
  7. change the langtype
    1 point
  8. try to use this. Note please delete the Data folder, System folder and Savedata folder on your ragnarok folder before extracting this files. i also included sa 20120410aragexe to check that it's working. if it's working correctly try to check your diff client let see if your client should work too. 2012-04-10aragexe.rar
    1 point
  9. This will help you Nash
    1 point
  10. Hello guyz, I really dont see any guides on creating the installer for the client. Tools you can use. zip,rar,7z,ClickTeam Install Creator,Inno Setup Depends on your choices really. I will recommend using Clickteam if its lesser than 2gb. Else you can use Inno Setup along with ISTool. We also have a really good guide on making a good setup here
    1 point
  11. I have this in my test server; which is 100% same in pRO Refine Master. set @c,select("+5 Weapon Deed", "+6 Weapon Deed", "+7 Weapon Deed", "+8 Weapon Deed", "+9 Weapon Deed", "+10 Weapon Deed", "+11 Weapon Deed", "+12 Weapon Deed", "+5 Armor Deed", "+6 Armor Deed", "+7 Armor Deed", "+8 Armor Deed", "+9 Armor Deed", "+10 Armor Deed", "+11 Armor Deed", "+12 Armor Deed"); Let me know if you're looking for pRO style Refine Master.
    1 point
  12. Pods -> Cashpoints = prontera,150,150,0 script Test 100,{ OnInit: // NPC Name .NPC$ = strnpcinfo(1); // Cashpoints amount to be received .Amount = 5; // Tickt for transaction (PODS TCG etc) .Ticket = 7227; end; mes .NPC$; mes "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ ". What can i do for you?"; next; if (select("Exchange my " +getitemname(.Ticket)+ " to cashpoints:Nothing" - 1) close; mes .NPC$: mes "How many " +getitemname(.Ticket)+ " would you like to exchange? 1 " +getitemname(.Ticket)+ " = " +.Amount+ " cash points"; next; input @amount; if (@amount == 0 ){ mes .NPC$; mes "Invalid amount"; close; } mes .NPC$; mes "So you want to exchange " +@amount+ " " +getitemname(.Ticket)+ "?"; next; if (select("Yes:No") - 1)close; mes .NPC$; mes "Let me check if you have the following requirements."; next; if (countitem(.Ticket) < @amount) { mes .NPC$; mes "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ " you do not have enough " +getitemname(.Ticket); close; } mes .NPC$; mes "Orayt here you go!"; delitem .Ticket,@amount; set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + (@amount * .Amount); dispbottom "Currently you have " +#CASHPOINTS+ " cash points. Thank you for the transaction"; end; }
    1 point
  13. these are mostly unpopular scripts that probably not getting a lot of replies more popular ones will be in separated topics getitemname2 function for the moment use version 2.4 Global Function PS: why am I getting rep even before I make any release ? O.O
    1 point
  14. We (I and @nanakiwurtz) will try to keep up-to-date the translation for Bahasa Indonesia
    1 point
  15. idepend on your ra version, if its, after r17151 (multimsg) change (wich look the case here) msg_txt(81) to msg_txt(sd,81)
    1 point
  16. Watch this BrowEdit tutorial covering the difference between applying a 1x1 borders to a map. It has quite an effect on shadows & shades ->
    1 point
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