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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free


    This well-endowed sage will give your players the selected elemental endows, the same as the sage Endow skills. You may configure the price or whether players are required to have the corresponding elemental stones. The NPC is intended for low-rate servers, where not everyone has access to an endow slave on an alternate account. He will also sell elemental converters at the configured prices.
    Default settings will require players to have corresponding elemental stone, and will cost 20k zeny. Endows will last for 30 minutes on the default configuration. Elemental converters are sold for 10k (discount enabled).
    V1.0 - Released - 5-Jul-2018



  2. Free

    Goddess Blessing

    Config Table:
    function goddessblessing { // ----- Add your desired SCs below! ----- sc_start SC_FOOD_STR_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH,8640000,10; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,8640000,50; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,8640000,50; // -------- end of adding SC --------- return; } OnInit: // ---- Configuration starts ------ .goal = 100000; // Goal to reach .delay_tick = 60 * 60 * 4; // Blessing time active : 4hrs (seconds * mins * hours) .item_offering = 501; // Item to offer //----- Configuration ends----- Special Credits for the Pseudocode by @Secrets
    By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service:
    • You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files.
    • You are not allowed sell, resell or in any form for money or rewards using my work.
    • You are not allowed claim my work as yours.
    • I have the rights to change all the terms above without prior notice. 



  3. Free

    Kafra points converter

    This script allows users to convert their kafra points to any item set in the script.



  4. Free

    ChangeSuit Function

    ChangeSuit Function
    Function to change player's sprite appearance to 3rd Job & Alternative 3rd Job.
    Only working for Rebirth Jobs and Expanded Classes (if you want to use it for normal classes edit it by yourself).
    callfunc("F_ChangeSuit",0) //<-- Enable callfunc("F_ChangeSuit",1) //<-- Disable callfunc("F_ChangeSuitAlt",0) //<-- Enable callfunc("F_ChangeSuitAlt",1) //<-- Disable ________________________________________________
    Feel free to Donate if you want to support me.




  5. Free

    sader's Vote Manager (support Gepard or IP)

    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= saders Vote Manager //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= //==== GEPARD OR IP (NOT BOTH!) [SEE THE LINES UNDER THE NPC NAME TO ENABLE ONE AND DISABLE ANOTHER!] //==== vote npc , you can add up to 5 options for each vote and you can add multiple votes //==== test it before using it so you know how it work //==== if you use 'false' as an option the option would be empty so you can use less than 5 options //==== [email protected] //============================================================ //==== I DON'T SUPPORT FREE SCRIPTS ON MY PM , IF YOU HAVE QUESTION YOU CAN POST AT THE TOPIC IN RATHENA! //============================================================  



  6. Free

    Login Scanner

    Just another OnPCLoginEvent script simple scan.
    Expected to prevent intruder and  stat hack.
    Shared as it belong to community, not mine.
    3 way scan: checking GM name, check max base stat, check total stat point.
    modified original script by Brian - check statpoint



  7. Free

    mapusers count Functions IP/GePard

    You need at lest rAthena 10e7035bebdbc2ec25a392ee2cf14172ecf169e5 or above! (for old rAthena you should add the pr manually!)
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= getgpmapunits command //= getipmapunits command //===== By: ================================================== //= Sader1992 //= Free!! // https://rathena.org/board/profile/30766-sader1992/ //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project // https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts //===== Description: ========================================= // getgpmapunits("map"); return the number of players with the same GePard id in the given map. (You must have GePard to work!) // getipmapunits("map"); return the number of players with the same IP in the given map. //============================================================ //==== please report any error you find //============================================================ //============================================================  
    you should add the functions to your rAthena/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt to work (add it in that file where ever you like, no need for guide for that ?!)
    scenario ? >
    you want a Warper NPC (or maybe event NPC) that allow only one player per IP in the map ?
    //============================================== //NPC EXAMPLE FOR IP FUNCTION //============================================== prontera,152,183,5 script Warper IP Test 446,{ if(getipmapunits("prontera") > 0){ mes "you already have a char inside this map"; }else{ warp "prontera",152,183; } end; } //==============================================  
    Same as above but per GePard ID not IP
    //============================================== //NPC EXAMPLE FOR GEPARD FUNCTION //============================================== prontera,155,183,5 script Warper GePard Test 446,{ if(getipmapunits("prontera") > 0){ mes "you already have a char inside this map"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,183; } end; } //==============================================  
    BONUS Test:
    pvp warper
    prontera,158,183,5 script PVP Warper IP Test 446,{ mes "would you like to teleport to the pvp map?"; if(select("yes:no") == 2) close; if(getipmapunits("pvp_n_1-1") > 0){ mes "there is another character with the same ip inside the map!"; mes "only 1 character per IP allowed in this map!"; }else{ warp "pvp_n_1-1",0,0; } end; }  



  8. Free

    ROM Safe Refiner

    Just sharing my own safe refiner NPC that mimics the Safe Refinement System of ROM:EL. As the item increases its refinement level, the materials required will grow exponentially as it requires the copy of the item you are refining based on its next refinement level. The NPC can only refine the item if its next refinement process is not safe anymore for Hollgrehenn.
    .@npc_name$ = Name of your NPC
    .@price = The required zeny for refining.



  9. Free

    PvP log - Simple SQL PvP Logging

    PvP log - Simple SQL PvP Logging
    //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= PvP log //===== By: ================================================== //= Vietlubu //===== Description: ========================================= //= Simple SQL PvP log //= Notes: //= - Create table `pvplog` when start script. //= - Add new record when has OnPCKillEvent //= - Remove NCP PvP Ranking if you don't want to use. //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 First version. //============================================================ With table `pvplog` you can easy get PvP ranking by month/week or day.
    by downloading this file you agree on the following:
    You never sell/exchange this file. You never claim my work as yours. You never remove line By Vietlubu If you like it, give me a 
    Thank you!



  10. Free

    TARTs | Dual Equipment



  11. Free

    Item Binding

    I made this while taking a short break from the normal rAthena work I do. It works with the item bound system added a little over a month ago. You need to have revision 17351 or newer for this to work. It's mostly focused around guild binding as that was the original intention of the script but I then decided to support the other types. The other types are good simply because this allows players to bind items and log these in a separate NPC table by default. You could also disable unbinding (just remove the option in the switch) and make it a better form of security for users.
    Allows users to bind items to their account, character, or guild
    Multiple configuration options to choose what item types to allow
    Automatically builds a menu list based on your configuration

    OnInit: //* Configuration *\\ //Price .bindprice = 0; .unbindprice = 100000; //What to allow to be bound - Add as necessary //1 = Equipment - 2 = Consumables - 4 = Etc .allowbind = 1; //Log binds via NPC? .logbinds = 1; //Other stuff .boundtypes$[1] = "account"; .boundtypes$[2] = "guild"; .boundtypes$[4] = "character"; end;
    Please report any issues and feature requests. Thanks for downloading.



  12. Free

    who4 command script for gepard

    this only for GePard
    this command allow you to see how many players per PC connected to the server
    something like this

    if someone have for example 2 account opened
    the first named name1 and 2nd name2
    it will show 
    (the unique id from gepard) + name1
    name2 wont be shown in the list
    and the number of players found is the number of the unique ids that connected to the server
    so maybe @who3 have 9999 players and @who4 have 10 players mean there is 10 PCs connected to the server no more



  13. Free

    Simple DailyZell

    Hello everyone. I came this time to bring an old daily reward system that I did. Most of the daily reward systems are so complicated for no reason.
    The system draws every day (or each reload) an item from the list of rewards, which can be vip, cash or an item. Items that have already been drawn will only be drawn once the entire list has been drawn.
    //SQL  and insert sample

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `daily_account` (   `aid` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `daily` (   `id` int(2) NOT NULL,   `type` int(3) NOT NULL,   `value` int(10) NOT NULL,   `take` int(2) NOT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT INTO `daily` (`id`, `tipo`, `valor`, `take`) VALUES (1, 2, 1, 0), (2, 673, 1, 0), (3, 673, 3, 0), //ID: Daily ID //TYPE: 1 = Cash //      2 = Vip //      500+ = Item ID //VALUE: type 1 = Cash value //       type 2 = Vip Day //       type 3 = Item Quantity



  14. Free

    Junk Seller

    Junk Seller will scan your inventory and sell everything at the same time. 
    The list of items will display in a window so the player has a chance to confirm. 
    If the player has the skill "Overcharge" it will add zeny to the sale amount accordingly. 
    1. SQL DB required for personal blacklist, run this command to create the necessary table in your DB:
    CREATE TABLE `junkerblacklist` ( `char_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `item_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `item_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 2. Add junkseller.txt to whichever directory you store your NPCs, and update scripts_custom.conf. 
    3. Modify this array at line 54 to configure your permanent global blacklist. 
    setarray @Blacklist[0], 4. Uncomment / Comment the code at lines 541 and 544 if you would like the script to include Cards. 
    // Checks if item is an Etc item (3) // Comment this line and uncomment the line below if you want Cards to be included if(getiteminfo(.@iid,2) == 3){ // Comment the above line and uncomment this line if you want Cards to be included //if(getiteminfo(.@iid,2) == 3 || getiteminfo(.@iid,2) == 6){ 5. Modify .@showbl to 0 at line 39 if you don't want the message displaying how many items were removed by the blacklist system. 
    .@showbl = 1; // Shows how many items were removed by the blacklist system.  



  15. Free

    Item Trader - as requested

    This is a reply from this post : 
    Can trade multiple item with success or fail rates.
    // < ITEM FOR TRADE >, < AMOUNT >, < ITEM TRADED >, < AMOUNT >, < SUCCESS RATE >.. setarray .@trade, 501, 10, 502, 1, 50, // 10 red potions = 1 orange potion @ 50 % 601, 10, 902, 1, 100, // and so on.. @ 100% 701, 10, 702, 1, 75; // 75%  
    I will fix any old scripts that arent working as of date. Just leave me DM so I can check. I dont attend any modifications unless I am interested to add it myself.
    I also work for free for the interest of many. If you have any personal request for your own personal work and asking for free fix, i will ignore you right away.
    Thanks and enjoy!



  16. Free

    Superstylist.txt (Now with trans job support)

    Hey all so I took the Superstylist and cleaned it up a bunch and added a check for all working third jobs. so if you are not one of the supported jobs it won't let you open dress room and crash client when you try to change body type ? here it is all original credit given in file.
    Update 5/5/2018 ?
    If you want Trans jobs to work just change this:
        Class == Job_Rune_Knight || 
        Class == Job_Warlock || 
        Class == Job_Ranger || 
        Class == Job_Arch_Bishop || 
        Class == Job_Mechanic || 
        Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross || 
        Class == Job_Royal_Guard || 
        Class == Job_Sorcerer || 
        Class == Job_Minstrel || 
        Class == Job_Wanderer || 
        Class == Job_Sura || 
        Class == Job_Genetic || 
        Class == Job_Shadow_Chaser
    To this:
        Class == Job_Rune_Knight || 
        Class == Job_Warlock || 
        Class == Job_Ranger || 
        Class == Job_Arch_Bishop || 
        Class == Job_Mechanic || 
        Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross || 
        Class == Job_Royal_Guard || 
        Class == Job_Sorcerer || 
        Class == Job_Minstrel || 
        Class == Job_Wanderer || 
        Class == Job_Sura || 
        Class == Job_Genetic || 
        Class == Job_Shadow_Chaser ||
        Class == Job_Rune_Knight_T || 
        Class == Job_Warlock_T || 
        Class == Job_Ranger_T || 
        Class == Job_Arch_Bishop_T || 
        Class == Job_Mechanic_T || 
        Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T || 
        Class == Job_Royal_Guard_T || 
        Class == Job_Sorcerer_T || 
        Class == Job_Minstrel_T || 
        Class == Job_Wanderer_T || 
        Class == Job_Sura_T || 
        Class == Job_Genetic_T ||
        Class == Job_Shadow_Chaser_T



  17. Free

    Mvp Cards Log

    a simple log of all the Mvp cards on the server saved in a table



  18. Free

    Single Action Coin Exchanger

    Exchange all of a type (Zeny -> Coins) or (Coins -> Zeny) with one user action
    Provides fail-safe configuration
    Users see everything that has been exchanged and how much they've exchanged for without unnecessary click actions
    Requires no script modification if you choose to change the configs

    OnInit: //bronze, silver, gold, mithril, platinum setarray .selections$[0],"Bronze","Silver","Gold","Mithril","Platinum"; setarray .prices[0],10000,100000,1000000,100000000,1000000000; setarray .items[0],673,675,671,674,677; .arraysize = getarraysize(.items); if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.prices)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of price: "+getarraysize(.prices); .arraysize = 0; } else if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.selections$)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of selections: "+getarraysize(.selections$); .arraysize = 0; } end;



  19. Free

    Stat Player Connected

    Adding two new table and a script that help you see when the players are connected and how many.

    -cust_StatPlayerCo checking every hour every day how many player were actually connected.
    -cust_StatPlayerIpDay checking everyday how many players were actually connected.

    Compatible with gepard and last_unique_id (enable/disable in OnInit).

    There's no npc to check that in game currently, only checking in database directly.
    If people are interested, I could add a npc/a command that make it possible to check directly in game for gm and/or players.



  20. Free

    Pet Combination System (RO Landverse Concept)

    Just dropping some random scripts on my drive.
    Script Info: https://maxion-1.gitbook.io/ragnarok-landverse-whitepaper/beginner-guide/pets-system
    NOTE: This is only a replication attempt. This doesn't have the pet combination UI as per the link showing. This will use NPC Shop UI instead. This is NOT limited to pet combination, you can be creative and change this to item tier combination if you wish. If you know how to read and basic scripting knowledge, then you can edit this script without problem. Use at your own risk.



  21. Free

    NPC Exchanger Voteforpoint FluxCP to Cash Point

    This is a NPC script for FluxCP Vote points in order for the
    players to exchange them for Cash Points ingame.
    Credits to JayPee



  22. Free

    Utility: Full configurable Resetter

    Full Configurable Resetter
    I've made this script because I wanted to make my players use a "Reset Ticket" after they've used a couple times the resetter.
    It is working pretty good, and also, it's very easy to set:
    set .@zenyabove,500000; //The cost of a reset after reaching the .@blvl settedset .@zenybelow,0; //The cost of a reset before reaching the .@blvl settedset .@blvl,80; //The max base lvl to have a low cost resetset .@resets,1; //Amount of resets available after reaching .@blvlset .@itemid,26002; //The item id you want to make users use when they run out of resets, mine is 26002, if you set this to 0, they will not be able to reset again
    I am also adding my Reset Ticket sprite/textures, so you can use them in your server.
    P.S. I made this because I want to add this Reset Ticket to the donation shop, so I will not have custom items, but my players will need to donate to have a reset, if you want to use my idea, go ahead =).



  23. Free

    Utility: Flavor Text Death Announcer

    File Name: Flavor Text Death Announcer
    File Submitter: Via
    File Submitted: 23 Jan 2013
    File Category: Utilities
    Content Author: Via
    A customizable death announcer that broadcasts on the map pre-defined by the GM configuring the NPC's settings. It helps GMs keep track of player death when hosting events styled to have a last-man-standing winner while adding a creative flair to each situation.
    It is written so that an announcement with "flavor text" is broadcasted when a player is killed by either a monster or another player. To avoid duplicate announcements, the previous mode is disabled upon activating a new mode.
    The current release, 1.0, is activated by "whispering" a string of any text to "npc:death". Doing so calls the config panel to set the NPC according to your needs.



  24. Free

    @adjgm command

    Permanently adjusts a target player's GM group via atcommand.



  25. Free

    @gstorage command

    Allows for guildmaster to grant or revoke access to guild storage. Supports guildmaster changes and expulsions.

    Create this table in your main schema:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_storage_access` ( `guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;



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