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  1. I've been using RO hosting since day and sadly the host provider closed the service without notice so I am planning to start again but this time to using self managed servers. Can't decide between OVH and Digital Ocean and the location, below are my requirements. Kindly help me decide, your opinion is much appreciated. 1. Main market will be south east asia but I also wanna cater players from mid east and US. My previous host is located at California and did not received any complains with the latency. 2. Projected players will be 500 to 1k. Help me decide for the specs that will cater that number of players and future expansion. 3. I prefer windows for OS but I am willing to learn new from new OS like Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian etc. which once should I choose. 4. VPS or Dedicated? Again, thanks for the response! ?
  2. Anyone know this error msg? i'm currently fresh installed ubuntu on windows 10 OS
  3. How about Ubuntu 16.04.6? @Functor @Foob
  4. Greetings. I have been away for about 6 years from rathena and hercules but I am back to play around with a private server again. I'm a little rusty but not entirely retarded so I would appreciate the help from anybody. My set up: data.grf and rdata.grf are from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uzGIJqhenRyGZhG5gzzCIs29GxlJ3QIr Translations: Translation from asheraf, zackdreaver along with some of my old ones (mixed and matched) My client: 2018-06-20 diffed with NEMO Server side: Ubuntu 18.04 in a virtual machine with the latest rathena as of 9 Nov 2019 Issue: As I was setting up my server and client I came across an issue where having the latest data.grf/rdata.grf was not letting me get past the service select screen. As I was trying to troubleshoot (enable/disable doram both client and server side, try different client versions along with changing my packetver on the server side, diffing my clients multiple times, repatching my kro, rebuilding my client folder) I was finally able to fix it by using an older grf (the above link) rather than the latest one. My issue now is I have a working client but I lost track of what diffs I have on it or what the exact version is. All I know is it is a 2018-06-20Ragexe. (NOT RE). I also forgot if I used the old nemo or the new one. (I was still using WeeDiff and Shin's Diff when I quit last time). I have a working client but no way to update or diff it with nemo if I need to and every other client (2018-06-20c and e) and diff combinations that I tried have not worked so far. Can any one help me out in figuring out why the one I have right now is working and I'm unable to replicate it? Should be a challenge for y'all. I've attached the one that is diffed and one that is not. The one that is not diffed is definitely the one undiffed version of the working client. I just don't know what diffs and exact client version of it aside from it's 2018-06-20. ZeiyanRO_diffed and working.exe ZeiyanRO_raw.exe EDIT: I forgot to mention my whenever I diff the raw client, I would be able to log in and get to see my characters but after selecting the character it would get stuck and time out displaying "Failed to connect to server". No server side errors/warnings would pop up. It is definitely a client side issue at this point and would not be any of my data folders or grf since I have a client that works. It would be either the diff settings or something. (Defnitely not the packetver either) I am open to using other client versions at this point but would take suggestions of what is the most supported and stable. I am running a pure pre-renewal server.
  5. I'm using digital ocean and rAthena won't let me connect after I copied files from my windows PC using winscp and recompiling rathena via putty. Please help
  6. following the first answers, this is the solution for linux (ubuntu 18.04) users. You can jump right to the solution a little lower... I took like 4 information sources to get it all going for me, thats why I put it all together a little more detailed... After preconfiguring fluxCP (see github wiki) I had the same problem mentioned here after hitting fluxCP "update all". To make sure its actually this error, you need to enable full error log in the error.php: sudo nano /var/www/html/config/error.php now set this from false to true: exit with STRG+X and confirm save with Y and RETURN Then you are able to see the full error log: My working Solution open the mysqld.cnf with write permissions (e.g. sudo): sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf append this in the [mysql] section: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION exit with STRG+X and confirm save with Y and RETURN now restart the mysql service: sudo systemctl restart mysql.service
  7. Does anyone here have issues with rAthena on Ubuntu having a 1k player limit? I'm not quite sure if it's an operating system limitation. Testing on a Ubuntu 16.04 system.
  8. Hi guys. I do not know if I'm posting in the correct area, but if it's not, I apologize. since now. please move to the correct area. I'm having difficulty logging into my server. I am using virtual machine with amazon ec2 ubuntu system. but I have already done all the necessary process so that everything of certain. but when trying to connect to the server, I type the login and password, and it appears, it was not possible to connect to the server. I do not get any error in the ssh command panel. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi Im trying to install Flux CP. Im using Ubuntu 18 with Plesk Onyx (Vultr app) Warning: fopen(data/tmp/ConfigServers.cache.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php on line 275 Critical Error An error was encountered during the lifetime of the application. This could be due to a variety of problems, such as a bug in the application. However, normally it is caused by misconfiguration. Exception Details Error: Flux_Error Message: Failed to write data/tmp/ConfigServers.cache.php permission error or data/tmp not exist in Flux::parseConfigFile() File: /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php:236 File Line Function/Method /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php 277 Flux::raise() /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php 335 Flux::parseConfigFile() /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php 121 Flux::parseServersConfigFile() /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/index.php 67 Flux::initialize() Exception Trace As String #0 /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php(277): Flux::raise('Failed to write...') #1 /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php(335): Flux::parseConfigFile('config/servers....') #2 /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/lib/Flux.php(121): Flux::parseServersConfigFile('config/servers....') #3 /var/www/vhosts/tirion-ro.com/fluxcp/index.php(67): Flux::initialize(Array) #4 {main} I searched it everywhere for information but still i cant fix this. Anyone have an idea what im doing wrong? I tried given permissions to lib/Flux.php I tried disabling suexec from plesk
  10. I'm currently trying to build my server on a PC with Ubuntu But when I try to "make server" it shows a lot of warning and Makefile 50 : recipe for target 'map' failed (as shown in the picture) Seems like it fail to create the "map server" I was following the tutorial from here: https://www.vultr.com/docs/setup-ragnarok-online-server-on-ubuntu-14-04-x64 Is there anything wrong in the tutorial? or in what part I probably mess up?
  11. Hello guys ! Hope you are doing well ! I know that a lot of post have been made about this problem and i have made a lot of research for this but without any solution. i have made a virtual machine on ubuntu 18.04 , hosted by my computer at my home , and i have made a NAT configuration on my router for that the port are enable on this virtual machine. I have also open the port with ufw and iptables on the virtual machine, and the server seems to respond when i made a connection on him.(telnet) However it is for me impossible ( by settings my wan ip or my local ip ( on the clientinfo.xml in my data folder) to connect on the server ! There is the state of my rathena server on my virtual machine before i'm trying to login : Then i'm trying to login into my server with my client that i have made : and my server is responding by this when the connection error is appears : The last message is : "Closed connection from MY WAN IP" So it seems that my client is able to communicate with my server but dont want to login. My map and char conf are ok : char_conf.txt have : login_ip: & char_ip : my wan ip map_conf.txt have : char_ip : & map_ip : my wan ip inter_conf is all the database log & password at local ip that is working well. I have patched the server with the --packetver=20140305 ( this is the clientthat i'm using diffed with nemo with the readable data folder option) Could it be a problem of missconfiguration in the client ? I'm not trying to log with the s1/p1 , i have changed it and i have made another acount(GM) which have group_id at 99 and id 2000000 in my database. I hope that somone can give me a solution because i don't have anymore ideas or solution for this x) Please help ? Thanks for the future help.
  12. Wondering if someone still uses the old Win9x and WinXP operating systems..?. Personally i prefer linux os like ubuntu but alas RO doesnt work on them 100% (yes it works through wine but i would not call that 100%?).
  13. How do I download this version (11b255e0e9cd2541ddd0e7c314b440f59627d07d) of Rathena?I use Ubuntu VPS.
  14. How do I download this version (11b255e0e9cd2541ddd0e7c314b440f59627d07d) of rathena? I use Ubuntu VPS.
  15. How do i configure MySQL when or after compiling the source from github? because currently when i run it, it will show error as follow: ``` [Error]: Couldn't connect with username = 'ragnarok', password = 'ragnarok', host = '', port = '3306', database = 'ragnarok' ``` This is caused by my MySQL server already configure to different port and i am using different username, password, and database. How do i reconfigure this database settings? Thank you. Platform: uBuntu 18.04
  16. Hi everyone, I'm opening this topic because I play on a server on Ubuntu 16.04 and after the server add gepard shield, the client doesn't launch anymore. Before the add, the client worked perfectly. Do you know how to play on Ubuntu with the new client 2018 and gepard ? I precise than the patcher works fine and when I click on "Start" or on the .exe, the computer try to load the application but timeout after 10s maybe. Thx
  17. Story Time: A lot of players run into problems. They disconnected in an instance, they bought the wrong item, someone is being a nuisance in battlegrounds. After cursing, they usually type `@request`. But alas, none of the GMs you hired are online! You need to dock their pay. The message is lost in the void. Until now. Discord has support for webhooks, which is a way to associate callbacks to HTTP requests. Their developer docs for webhooks can be found here. Basically, you can send a POST to your discord webhook url, and the contents will be printed to the associated channel. "So?" When someone uses `@request`, the message is sent from the map server to the character server, which then sends it back to all map servers, and the map servers send the message to all connected GMs. Because it sends it to the character server, we're able to send the POST request from the character server. This helps performance, since the map server is constantly doing things and the character server generally uses less resources. "That's great! But how do we send this POST request? Do I need a stamp?" If you're on Linux, there's a great command line tool called `curl`. It's mostly used to download files from a server, but it also has support for all other HTTP methods. "Command line? How do we put it in rathena?" Curl also comes with a library called libcurl that we can use in c/c++ programs! "I see, so we use libcurl to send the message to the discord webhook!" Exactly! How it looks: Installation: Two config options are added in this patch: gm_whisp_webhook and gm_whisp_webhook_url This makes a change to configure, and adds a new flag. You need to add --with-lcurl to your arguments. Example: ./configure --enable-prere --enable-vip --enable-packetver=20170614 --with-lcurl Disclaimers: This only works on linux. I don't run rAthena servers on windows, and neither should you. (personal opinion) You need to install libcurl-devel. On some OSes it could be called something else; on Ubuntu, it's libcurl4-openssl-dev. Don't ask me for a lot of help if you can't get it to work. This is supposed to be a showcase, but I'm giving the code out. I made this in a day, it's not the greatest code. Initializing curl and cleaning up on every call is not the greatest, but unless you are getting 100 requests a minute, it should be ok for now. Eventually, I want to add it to src/common or something. But that'll happen in a future weekend. Code: The code is here: https://pastebin.com/Z82M9ssf
  18. i think centos is not recommended, why do you not use debian/ubuntu instead?
  19. Nice released @Secrets will this override the old soul link bonuses or its an additional bonus.? while compiling my files, warning in that part. status.cpp:14748:44: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings] status_read_soullink_db("db/soul_link.yml"); Im using Ubuntu.
  20. How to avoid this error when compiling? OS: Ubuntu 17.10 It does not change anything, but I'd like to avoid the error. Thanks.
  21. if you use ubuntu give u user permission if want use group can follow this step adduser userid www-data chown -R www-data:data-www /var/www chmod -R 777 /var/www/ i hope this can help you
  22. Fix ubuntu 16 auto install to gcc 7 so g++ is 5 i using ubuntu 14 install gcc 5.4 and done /close
  23. Ubuntu 16 64bit gcc 5 and g++ 5 please help fix this anywy goodnight i will read tomorow thank you
  24. Hi, first of all, this package just for "education purposes". The main mission of it does not give you or any other guy a complete solution, but just give you simple entry point to start from. I know how hard for newbies do everything that done by 10-15 minutes by me in the package without proper documentation and so on. This is just very primitive template how +- everything looks like. Nothing more. If you wish to make a RO server where others will connect to from their homes, you should follow the template, edit some settings and make your own one and host it on linux server (Digital Ocean for example). The main ideas and "howtos" explained in the first post of the topic. Rest is on users own. But the abstract basic things will be always the same. That means you always need some mysql-like server, some client, server-side compiled (for linux platform, or for windows, depends on where will you host the server), you need configuring clientinfo.xml in your grf and etc. So, if answer directly to your question "Could others connect to this server in the package from their homes"? I will answer -> yes they can. Easier way -> make sure you have white IP (IP address which is accessed from the internet) or you have rent windows server (which is costly to be clear) and just follow few mini-steps explained in the first post (like you do it when launching on windows) but with only one difference. You should edit inside grf clientinfo.xml and change to your public ip address of your white ip address to make able others to connect. But this is very insecure, and not recommend method at all. The "true" way how to make an RO server is: Buy any linux-based VPS (cent-os, or ubuntu, or debian) with at least 1GB of RAM (there are really a lot of providers which selling it) Follow official guide and try to setup everything (install mysql server, install important software required for server compiling) Configure server-side config files to make able others to connect to the server Configure mysql-server, create databases, create users with permissions which will be able to connect to mysql-server and read/write to the database setup client test everything play
  25. mit git log oder git status. Update mal deine revision, ich habe zumindest die aktuelle Version getestet (auf Ubuntu), da gab es keine Aggro/Dropprobleme
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