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Stolao last won the day on November 2 2024

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About Stolao

  • Birthday 12/11/1988

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  • Gender
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  • Server
    Project Einherjar
  • Github: Stolao
  • Discord: Stolao#5462
  • Interests
    Ragnarok Online, Scripting, Norse Mythology, Gaming, Money

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  1. she only improve enchantments that are already on gear she wont add new ones, for that use the enchanters.
  2. i dont play the shitty mobile games so cant say.
  3. < Stolao's Einherjar Enchanting 2019 > Features: Enchanting System + Zeny Sink Todo: No Longer Supported Changelog: 1.00 Initial Release Links: Latest Enchanting Note: I'm not going to be updating this script anymore other then bug fixes as I'm no longer using it myself since I have updated to a SRC based one.
  4. He wants a random option npc whee he can pick the options for item he has in inventory. If anyone helps him this will help with the random option menus https://github.com/Stolao/Npc_Release/blob/master/Custom_Functions/F_RandOptDisp.txt
  5. If you have a wait you have to claim reward via commands, or giving the NPC a physical location to talk to.
  6. Don't use mine anyway someone else released a better one using the quest db. Edit found it. https://rathena.org/board/topic/106447-iro-bounty-board-quest/#elTopicActions_menu
  7. or try https://rathena.org/board/forum/28-script-releases/ there are quite a few events already, your might be out there
  8. possible a hang screen from a missing end or something.
  9. hmm i didnt add a conf for that change for(.@k = 0; .@k < 2; .@k++){ into for(.@k = 1; .@k < 2; .@k++){
  10. I don't a problem with this, but seems unnecessary as if your doing proper coding it should not be an issue to track it yourself. And this is having had to dispbottom/annouce to debug myself. For a script that has alot of moving parts or lord forbid forloops I can see this getting very very messy in the console and not being super helpful where it's probably needed the most.
  11. I'd recommend using v2 But those are the time in minutes between being able to collect a reward (22 hour before claiming next rewards would be1320 for example) And 2nd is how long not logging in for till your count resets, again in minutes
  12. Chest spawn at midnight server time look in your map_index pvp_y_1-1 pvp_y_1-2 pvp_y_1-3 pvp_y_1-4 pvp_y_1-5 pvp_y_2-1 pvp_y_2-2 pvp_y_2-3 pvp_y_2-4 pvp_y_2-5 pvp_y_3-1 pvp_y_3-2 pvp_y_3-3 pvp_y_3-4 pvp_y_3-5 pvp_y_4-1 pvp_y_4-2 pvp_y_4-3 pvp_y_4-4 pvp_y_4-5 pvp_y_5-1 pvp_y_5-2 pvp_y_5-3 pvp_y_5-4 pvp_y_5-5 pvp_y_6-1 pvp_y_6-2 pvp_y_6-3 pvp_y_6-4 pvp_y_6-5 pvp_y_7-1 pvp_y_7-2 pvp_y_7-3 pvp_y_7-4 pvp_y_7-5 pvp_y_8-1 pvp_y_8-2 pvp_y_8-3 pvp_y_8-4 pvp_y_8-5 you mean the flux cash shop? look through map section in downloads This -%TAB%cashshop%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,<itemid>:<price>{,<itemid>:<price>...} <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%cashshop%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,<itemid>:<price>{,<itemid>:<price>...} I ahve over 2700 custom headgear, you can either macro it, use a program, or manually add them in over time, i believe there is something made by @Tokei in downloads to help with this (forget name i dont use it)
  13. hi good day sir stolao, sir ninja recommended you to me for a paid service. i just wanted to know if you can do a script for me. below are the ff. requirements:


    - script that will give item/s to a party automatically upon finishing the instance (refer to instances folder pre and re)

    - works on idathena trunk https://github.com/idathena/trunk

    1. Stolao


      responded via pm

  14. I went over this in discord with him, he needed to fix that rand() and the index at least (assuming no other issues I don't see right away). Also suggested using constant instead of int values for the options for readability. I have a function in my git for converting random options into a readable line btw, if you need it ever.
  15. <--- Under my name is my git And my signature links to my releases
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