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  1. Hi guys, These errors appeared when I updated rAthena. I am using the current rAthena. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //---------------------------------------------------------------------// // MINING (EXPLOSION TYPE) // // AUTHOR: LIL TROLL//COLDFIRE // //---------------------------------------------------------------------// // RATHENA SCRIPT // //---------------------------------------------------------------------// // Version 1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------// // Credits to: // // - Sir Emistry(For teaching me OnTouch) // // - Lesbie for requesting the script. // // FEATURES: // // - Set the configuration, run the script. // // - Player set the explosion and run for it! // // - Wait till the explosion off then grab the items. // // - NPC AutoHides after set of explosions. // // - Then add duplicates. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mina,192,64,0 script Usar Explosivos 4_crack,3,3,{ function Scatter_Debris; if(@ExplodedInFace == 2 ) end; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Equips); .@i++){ if (!isequipped(.Equips[.@i])){ message strcharinfo(0), "Eu preciso equipar '"+ getitemname(.Equips[.@i]) +"' para minerar!"; .@Unequipped++; } } if (.@Unequipped){ message strcharinfo(0), .@Unequipped +" de "+ getarraysize(.Equips) +" o equipamento não foi usado."; end; } for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Explosives); .@i++){ if (countitem(.Explosives[.@i]) < .Amount[.@i]){ message strcharinfo(0), "I need to bring "+ .Amount[.@i] +" "+ getitemname(.Explosives[.@i]) +" explosives to mine!"; .@Gearless++; } } if (.@gearless){ if (getarraysize(.Explosives) > 1) .@Dialogue$ = "ferramentas foram"; else .@Dialogue$ = "ferramenta foi"; message strcharinfo(0), .@Gearless +" of "+ getarraysize(.Explosives) +" "+ .@Dialogue$ +" não trouxe."; end; } for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.SFXS); .@i++) specialeffect .SFXS[.@i]; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.SFXS); .@i++) specialeffect2 .SFXS[.@i]; specialeffect2 950; progressbar "green",.Progress; specialeffect2 950; set @ExplodedInFace,2; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.Explosives); .@i++) { delitem .Explosives[.@i],.Amount[.@i]; } announce "Explosivos foram colocados, corra para bem longe da mina!! ...",bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "5..",bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "4..",bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "3..",bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "2..",bc_self; sleep2 1000; announce "1..",bc_self; set @ExplodedInFace,1; sleep2 1000; announce "Explosões Acontecendo!",bc_self; if(checkidle(strcharinfo(0))>=.Delay) { unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; announce "Você morreu na explosão!",bc_self; } Scatter_Debris; sleep2 1000; Scatter_Debris; sleep2 1000; Scatter_Debris; sleep2 1000; Scatter_Debris; sleep2 1000; Scatter_Debris; set @ExplodedInFace,0; announce "As explosões acabaram!",bc_self; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); set .@Random,rand(1,100); if(.@Random < .Chance) { for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.Rewards); set .@i,.@i+1){ getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,1); set .@Rewards,.Rewards[rand(getarraysize(.Rewards))]; set .@Amount,.Amount[rand(getarraysize(.Amount))]; makeitem .@Rewards,.@Amount,.@m$,.@x+rand(-.ScatArea,.ScatArea),.@y+rand(-.ScatArea,.ScatArea); sleep2 .Hidetime*60000; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } } else { set @ExplodedInFace,0; sleep2 .Hidetime*60000; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } set @ExplodedInFace,0; function Scatter_Debris { getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,1); // DONT CHANGE THIS ONE. for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.SFX); .@i++) specialeffect .SFX[.@i]; set .@Debris,$Debris[rand(getarraysize($Debris))]; set .@Scatter,$Scatter[rand(getarraysize($Scatter))]; makeitem .@Debris,.@Scatter,.@m$,.@x+rand(-.ScatArea,.ScatArea),.@y+rand(-.ScatArea,.ScatArea); return; } OnTouch: if(@ExplodedInFace==1){ specialeffect2 EF_SUI_EXPLOSION; unitskilluseid getcharid(3),"NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION",1; announce "Você morreu na explosão!",bc_self; set @ExplodedInFace,0; } end; OnInit: set .Chance,25; // MINING REWARD CHANCE IN %. setarray .Equips[0],5009,30472,30474; // CHANGE THIS TO MINING EQUIPMENTS. setarray .Explosives[0],30616,30617,30618; // CHANGE THIS TO MINING EXPLOSIVES(CREATE YOUR OWN ITEM ID FOR EXPLOSIVE). setarray .Amount[0],1,1,1; // EXPLOSIVES AMOUNT. setarray .Rewards[0],30098,7049,30634; // MINING REWARDS. setarray .RewAmou[0],1,2,3; // REWARDS AMOUNT. set .Progress,5; // TIME TO SET THE EXPLOSIVE ON MINE. set .HideTime,1; // MINE HIDES AFTER IT EXPLODE, APPEAR AGAIN TIME. IN MINUTES. setarray .Debris[0],7049,757,756,6077,1010,1011,984,985; // DEBRIS, STONES,ELUNIUM,ORIDECON,REFINE MATERIALS && ETC.. setarray .Scatter[0],1,2,3; // DEBRIS AMOUNT. setarray .ScatArea[0],1,2,3; // SCATTER AREA. setarray .SFXS[0],225,805,60; // MINING CAST setarray .SFX[0],44,100,4,18,53,65,960,965,967,901,730,722,585,32,907,810,941,563; // Mining Explosion. set .Delay,5; end; } mina,302,356,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#2 4_crack mina,368,333,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#3 4_crack mina,112,378,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#4 4_crack mina,126,299,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#5 4_crack mina,61,360,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#6 4_crack mina,171,241,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#7 4_crack mina,131,142,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#8 4_crack mina,28,121,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#9 4_crack mina,51,238,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#10 4_crack mina,163,371,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#11 4_crack mina,206,389,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#12 4_crack mina,143,81,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#17 4_crack mina,257,319,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#18 4_crack mina2,92,92,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#13 4_crack mina2,84,55,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#14 4_crack mina2,30,79,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#15 4_crack mina2,62,40,0 duplicate(Usar Explosivos) Usar Explosivos#16 4_crack
  2. Hi guys, These errors appeared when I updated rAthena. I am using the current rAthena.
  3. Hey guys, I'm having the same problem with the new customs of Jro and Kro.
  4. Hi @Mabuhay, When the event ends, the player does not receive the prize.
  5. Hello, @llchrisll I also have this same problem and when we leave the instance, this error happens.
  6. @Naruto zackdreaver/ROenglishRE , hexed 2018-06-20. I'm using this .
  7. Hello community! I see that in the "soul attack" ability has an effect when attacking, it just does not appear on my server. How do I solve this problem??
  8. Hi, After I updated rAthena, this error appears when creating the instance. Farming_Instance.txt
  9. Hi Chris, Every time I change levels, this error happens!
  10. Hi Chris, is this debug common in the Hunting Grounds script or did I install it wrong?
  11. Copy all the contents of the import-tmpl folder that you upgraded to the import folder. It worked for me.
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