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Everything posted by Winz

  1. No. Update to the latest revision and recompile to have the new script command "checkbuyingstore" http://rathena.org/board/topic/99310-buyingstore-checks/
  2. http://rathena.org/board/topic/82370-costume-npc-and-costumeitem/ follow that thing precisely
  3. OnInit: set $GM_Dom, 60; end;
  4. maybe the proper reply is: please do upgrade your revision. we're not using rAthena SVN anymore (DOH!) we're using GIT. GIT. GIT. GIT Transition_from_SVN_to_GIT
  5. I guess the homun damages are (as well) re-balanced using the renewal formula. think about this: if players' damage, defend, resistance are decreased, but homun damages are still the same, then won't it be likely to see more genetics, PvP WoE using their homun? lol probably it will be HvH (Homun Vs. Homun)
  6. change ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{ OnClock1322: : OnClock23: to ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{ startnpctimer; OnTimer7200000: if (!.@done){ stopnpctimer; set .@done, 1; initnpctimer; end; } set .@done,0; <the rest of script goes here> this shall do the trick. to start the counter 2 times. or, you can replace it with this instead, ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{ OnClock0000: OnClock0400: OnClock0800: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: this will start the event exactly on those time listed (server time)
  7. are you sure the map server is reading the script you posted? because as I see on line#46: it's mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "Are you sure you want to make your headgear into a costume?"; mes " "; mes "Note: Stats, Cards & Refine will be removed. Costume is placed in your Costume Tab (ALT+Q)"; next; if( select("No, I am sorry.:Yes, please convert my item.") == 2 ) { costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear mes "[Costume Converter]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear!"; close; } and it's not the same as what your map server shows. AND you need to do some modifications to your SRC. refer this (maybe) http://rathena.org/board/topic/82370-costume-npc-and-costumeitem/
  8. no, like this: prontera,x,y,d script name 504,{ OnInit: set $GM_Dom, 60; end; <the rest of the script goes here> end; } set .name$, "[Domination]"; set .menu$, "Times:Information:What's the Amount?:What's the Price?:Leave"; OnInit: set $GM_Dom, 60; if(getgmlevel() > $GM_Dom-1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000"; if(getgmlevel() > 99) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set GM Level ^ff0000[ADMIN]^000000"; like this?
  9. using pre-re? open src/common/renewal.h. the modifications are there. to quickly set everything to pre-re (item, skill damage calculation, cast time, drop, exp, etc) just comment the "#DEFINE RENEWAL": //#DEFINE RENEWAL
  10. is my internet connection sucks that the scriipt is cut or it's the same for every one to just see a piece of the script? prontera,150,183,5 script test 56,{ if ( Class > 20 ) end; mes "do you want to become..?"; next; if ( Class == Job_Novice ) { for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 6; .@i++ ) .@menu$ = .@menu$ + jobname(.@i) +":"; jobchange select( .@menu$ ); else { .@eac = eaclass(); setarray .@class[1], roclass( .@eac|EAJL_2_1 ), roclass( .@eac|EAJL_2_2 ); .@s = select( jobname( .@class[1] ), jobname( .@class[2] ) ); jobchange .@class[.@s]; } mes "you are now "+ job
  11. Getinventorylist to obtain the list of the items the player is currently holding in their inventory. use if (@inventorylist_count) { mes "please drop all of your items first"; close; } to check if there is an item in it or not. this will return 0 if there's no item in it, and a positive integer if is. using this statement, it will ask the player to drop the items first, if they have at least 1 item in their inventory.
  12. DELETE FROM `table_name` WHERE condition1 = "string" OR condition2 = number AND condition3 = "whatever"; ex: DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str` = "#CASHPOINTS" AND account_id = 20000; to embed with a NPC script, it will be: query_sql("DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str` = "#CASHPOINTS" AND account_id = "+escape_sql(getcharid(3))+""); SQL::DELETE. Refer: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_delete.asp how did I found this out? https://www.google.com/
  13. try changing something that looks like this: mes $LR6; into mes " "+$LR6; is this script made by aladeen? because it's so ******* (read: aladeen) i mean. if ($LR5 == $LR1) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR2) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR3) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR4) goto GMInput5; why don't he make it: if ($LR5 == $LR1 || $LR5 == $LR2 || $LR5 == $LR3 || $LR5 == $LR4) goto GMInput5; =.=
  14. the way the scripter set $GM_Dom is just ******* (read: aladeen). just put this on the beginning (below the script header) or the end (before the script end curly }): OnInit: set $GM_Dom, 60; change the value, set it to sth. refer to groups.conf
  15. [paste=1lc4qc68ig0] known bug: if player a's ban will be lifted on 13:25 PM, and he's online since 13:00 PM, when the time is at least 13:27 PM, he will still be banned. to fix this: ask him to relogin.
  16. what is the rokpoint is? whatever. just attach a dynamic shop, change the point thing to your rokpoint. i don't even know what it is. a dynamic shop made by me: http://rathena.org/board/pastebin/2512lmk1zsq/ check line 29: the currency thing 48: payment method 64 to end: just see it. btw, you don't have to use cashshop. just use regular shop because if cash shop: players should have some cash. but for normal shop: players should at least bring some zeny. (zeny won't be deducted, but the currency will)
  17. Winz


    Me? Taiwan please. I live in Taiwan. connecting to a server in around your place is kind of suicide: to WoE with 200+ ms of ping. proper answer: depends on where you are and where your players will be. if you want to make the server has players from all around the world, then you need to get a server with an ultra high speed data transmission to all over the world
  18. please be more specific. job? 1? 2? 2-trans? or 3? the normal non 3rd class server (just 2 and 2-trans) will a max lv of 99
  19. then yes. since you got a RE server, then it's normal. in renewal, everything has been modified so damage lowered, no instacast, no 190 aspd, no OP-ed crusader, etc. if you don't want it, you can go back to pre-re.
  20. set clientinfo that's the langtype http://rathena.org/wiki/Clientinfo
  21. international forum. please use english or post it in region specific instead. thank you for your understanding
  22. prontera,148,170,6 script MVP Ladder 891,{ mes "Hi! wanna be superman?"; mes "You should be superman."; mes "Let me check your inventory"; next; if (!countitem(512)) { mes "You don't have any apple with you"; mes "You can't be superman. bye"; close; } delitem 512,1; mes "Becoommee... SUPERMAANN!!"; mes "lol jk"; close; } will look for an apple. if found, delete
  23. [paste=jn76fr4dvzc] problem: misplaced right curlys
  24. .gm_level=100; change to set .gm_level, 100; ll .check_delay=1; change to set .check_delay, 1;
  25. make sure you put a link for that in the forum. otherwise yeah you know, the bugs will swarm the forum.
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