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Everything posted by Winz

  1. is it like... are you simply copying and pasting from the board, save as txt and load it? are you aware that script headers shall be map,x,y<tab>script<tab>name<tab>spriteid,{ instead of map,x,y<space>script<space>name<space>spriteid,{ ???? don't just do copy paste. check the tabs on the scripts as well
  2. Coli2.rar Also, as respond to Winz', it isn't possible to just re-name maps by clicking them, you will find yourself erroring in game, even if all the server-side changes are correctly made. oh... :/ i thought it's that simple. lol. (i customized maps long ago x_x)
  3. Using OnDay will be a pain since it occurs 15 times, consecutively.it will be: OnDay1104: OnDay1105: OnDay1106: OnDay1107: OnDay1108: OnDay1109: OnDay1110: OnDay1111: OnDay1112: OnDay1113: OnDay1114: OnDay1115: OnDay1116: OnDay1117: OnDay1118: OnDay1119: Therefore, I suggest you to use if and gettime functions. - script FloatingRates -1,{ OnInit: //Note: You can always set a standard exp. rate or set it as a rand set $@brate,1000; // Change the value here for your Base Experience set $@jrate,1000; // Change the value here for your Job Experience set $@drate,700; // ========================= if ((gettime(6) == 11) && (gettime(5)>=4) && (gettime(5)<=19)) { //Base Experience setbattleflag("base_exp_rate",$@brate*100); //Job Experience setbattleflag("job_exp_rate",$@jrate*100); // Reload the database setbattleflag("item_rate_common",$@drate*100); setbattleflag("item_rate_heal",$@drate*100); setbattleflag("item_rate_use",$@drate*100); setbattleflag("item_rate_equip",$@drate*100); setbattleflag("item_rate_card",$@drate*100); atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; } end; } // We will announce about the EXP rates every 01 Minute of every Hour so that player's know what's going on //============================================================================ - script FloatingAnn -1,{ OnMinute00: if ((gettime(6) == 11) && (gettime(5)>=4) && (gettime(5)<=19)) { announce "Super Month Event is currently in affect with :"+($@brate*100)+"x/"+($@jrate*100)+"x rates!",bc_all,0xFF6060; } end; } //============================================================================ - script FloatingAnn#1 -1,{ OnDay1119: announce "Super Month Event has finished!",bc_all,0xFF6060; setbattleflag("base_exp_rate", 1000 ); // Set this rates back to your regular server's rates setbattleflag("job_exp_rate", 1000 ); // Set this rates back to your regular server's rates atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; end; } //============================================================================ Just asking, have you set the configurations below the OnInit label? why is it the same with the regular rate?
  4. glad it helps. just to make sure, i think the 'reputed +1' you press is not the one that's reputation +1 button. <- the repute +1 button. thanks
  5. replace all "lastTimeTalked" to "#lastTimeTalked" // //=====// /==/ /==/ /==/ // // // /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ // //=====// /==/ /=/ /==============/ /========/ /==//===/ /==/ /==/ // //=////// /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/==/==/==/==/ / / / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ ======/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/=====/==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /========/ /==/ /==///////==/ // ================ rAthena Script ==================================================================== //=== Made by Rikimaru //==================== Information ==================================================================== //==== Daily Reward Script //================= Version : ========================================================================= //=== V 1.1 Fixed a typo in the Script [ Rikimaru ] //=== V 1.0 Finished Scripting the Daily Reward Script [ Rikimaru ] //============== Credits : ============================================================================ //=== Credits to Rikimaru for the Daily Reward Script //=== rAthena Profile Link : http://rathena.org/board/user/434-rikimaru/ //===================================================================================================== //************************************************************************* invek,140,207,3 script Wishing Valkyrie 403,{ //=========================== Settings ================================================================ set .@rewname$,"^0000FF[ Wishing Valkyrie ]^000000";// YOU MAY CHANGE THE NAME OF THE NPC //set .rewardid,7227;// CHANGE THE XXXXX TO THE ITEM ID,WHICH THE PLAYER SHOULD GET //set @rewardamount,5;// CHANGE THE XX TO THE AMOUNT OF THE ITEM WHICH YOU WANT THE PLAYER TO GET //======================= Settings End ================================================================ //***************************************************************************************************** if(gettimetick(2) - #lastTimeTalked > (60 * 60 * 24)) { mes .@rewname$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",I"; mes "am here to give you a daily"; mes "Wish. Do you want to have it?"; next; switch(select("-Yes,sure!:-No,bye!:-Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@rewname$; mes "Okay going to give you the item!"; next; mes .@rewname$; switch(rand(1, 7)) { case 1: getitem 671,1; break; case 2: getitem 671,1; break; case 3: getitem 671,1; break; case 4: getitem 671,1; break; case 5: getitem 7539,1; break; case 6: getitem 671,20; Announce "OMG! "+strcharinfo(0)+" Get 20pcs Gold Coins!!! From Wishing Valkyrie",bc_all; break; case 7: getitem 671,1; break; } mes "Okay have fun with it!"; set #lastTimeTalked,gettimetick(2); close; case 2: mes .@rewname$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; case 3: close; } } mes .@rewname$; mes "Sorry :("; mes "You can wish again after"; mes "24 Hours are over!"; close; }
  6. Winz

    Aura on player

    is it like.. a combination of setlook and a custom aura that is not bounded to auraring.tga? i mean, you can make an "aura" and put it inside the lower headgear. at the same time, you can call an NPC to ask you to show that "aura" with this script: map,x,y,dir script Auragiver 909, { setlook 3,<"aura" view id>; end; }
  7. yes, just copy the 3 files and set their name to coliseum2.gat, .gnd, .rsw then, add them on mapcache.dat, conf/maps_athena.conf, and db/map_index.txt
  8. this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19079611/fatal-error-cannot-run-mt-exe-at-compiling-vs-2012-c-project
  9. map,x,y,dir script GoldRoom 909, { set .@goldroomtime, 3600000; //in milliseconds warp ordeal,x,y; announce "You have 1 hour to stay in this Gold Room. The timer starts from NOW", bc_self; addtimer .@goldroomtime, "GoldRoom::OnTimeUp"; end; OnTimeUP: announce "Time's up!", bc_self; warp map,x,y; //returns the player back to the town end; OnPcLoginEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "ordeal") warp map,x,y; //returns the player back to the town end; } this is just like.... purchasing credit to cell phone. then, the player uses it. BUT, if he logged out while he's inside the room, then his time will vanish away. once he's logged back in, he's assumed he has no credit left. so, he'll teleported somewhere.
  10. 1 item for 15days straight of attending the mass. as the request is.
  11. well, i can't reproduce it. the portal closes 45 seconds after I open it. and our script is the same.
  12. oh, my bad. prontera,160,183,4 script Donor Rewards Redeemer 987,{ // ----------------- NPC Settings ----------------- // --- SET THESE BEFORE LOADING THE SCRIPT! --- // Server Name set .serverName$,"Cloud Atlas"; // NPC Name to display during chat. // Default: "[Donor Rewards Redeemer]" set .npcName$,"[Donor Rewards Redeemer]"; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! // Default: "cp_redeemlog" set .redeemTable$,"cp_redeemlog"; // Display Credits to FluxCP Creators? // Help promote our product if its useful. // 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable. // Default: 1 set .showCredits,1; // Max number of unique items to redeem at a time. // DO NOT RAISE THIS VALUE ABOVE 128 WITHOUT // MAKING THE NECESSARY SCRIPT ENGINE MODS // FOR SCRIPT ARRAY SIZING! DANGEROUS! // Default: 128 set .numRedemptionsSimul,128; // --------------- End NPC Settings --------------- // ----------------- Begin Script ----------------- mes .npcName$; mes "Well hello there " + (Sex ? "good sir!" : "young madam!"); mes "How may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?"; next; prompt("I wish to redeem items:Who might you be?:I am merely perusing the area"); mes .npcName$; switch(@menu) { case 1: query_sql "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `quantity` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `redeemed` = 0 LIMIT " + .numRedemptionsSimul,.@id,.@nameid,.@quantity; if (getarraysize(.@id) > 0) { mes "Items Pending Redemption: " + getarraysize(.@id); for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@id); set .@i,.@i+1) { query_sql "UPDATE `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` SET `char_id` = " + getcharid(0) + ", `redeemed` = 1, `redemption_date` = NOW() WHERE `id` = " + .@id[.@i]; getitem .@nameid[.@i],.@quantity[.@i]; mes .@quantity[.@i] + "x " + getitemname(.@nameid[.@i]); } } if (.@i == getarraysize(.@id)) { mes "Thank you for your patronage " + (Sex ? "fine sir." : "ma'am."); mes "Please enjoy your stay on " + .serverName$ + "!"; } if (.showCredits) callfunc "F_FluxCredits"; } else { mes "My records indicate that there are no rewards awaiting to be redeemed."; mes "My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding."; } break; case 2: mes "I am here to allow for the redemption of rewards for donations to " + .serverName$ + "."; mes "Donations may be made to the server via the control panel."; break; default: mes "Very well then."; mes "Good day to you."; break; } close; // ------------------ End Script ------------------ } // ------------ Credits to FluxCP Creators ------------ // - Please do not modify or delete this function or - // - its contents. To disable the credits from being - // - shown, set .showCredits to 0 in the NPC Settings - // - at the top of this file. - // ---------------------------------------------------- function script F_FluxCredits { mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "Powered by Flux Control Panel."; mes "Copyright © 2008-2012 Matthew Harris and Nikunj Mehta."; mes "http://fluxcp.googlecode.com/"; return; }
  13. sccript works fine, with groupid of 0. Can't reproduce what you're talking about. rejecting
  14. it is possible. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Stylist WITH RanD0M!zATi0N!!!ii!! //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy modified by Winz //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 MODIFIED //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Changes your hair style, hair color, and cloth color. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. //= 1.1 Switched to 'getbattleflag', credits to Saithis. [Euphy] //= 1.1 MODIFIED - Added RanD0M!zATi0N!!!ii!! //============================================================ prontera,150,180,1 script Stylist#custom_stylist 122,{ setarray .@Styles[1], getbattleflag("max_cloth_color"), getbattleflag("max_hair_style"), getbattleflag("max_hair_color"); setarray .@Look[1], LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR, LOOK_HAIR, LOOK_HAIR_COLOR; set .@s, select(" ~ Cloth color: ~ Hairstyle: ~ Hair color: ~ RanD0M!zE iT!"); if(.@s == 4) { setarray .@LookBackup[1], getlook(.@Look[1]), getlook(.@Look[2]), getlook(.@Look[3]); while (1){ set .@menu$, " ~ RanD0M!zE iT!: ~ Revert to original"; switch (select (.@menu$)){ case 1: setlook LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR, rand(0,.@Styles[1]); setlook LOOK_HAIR, rand(0,.@Styles[2]); setlook LOOK_HAIR_COLOR, rand(0,.@Styles[3]); break; case 2: setlook LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR, .@LookBackup[1]; setlook LOOK_HAIR, .@LookBackup[2]; setlook LOOK_HAIR_COLOR, .@LookBackup[3]; break; } } } else set .@Revert, getlook(.@Look[.@s]); set .@Style,1; while(1) { setlook .@Look[.@s], .@Style; message strcharinfo(0),"This is style #"+.@Style+"."; set .@menu$, " ~ Next (^0055FF"+((.@Style!=.@Styles[.@s])?.@Style+1:1)+"^000000): ~ Previous (^0055FF"+((.@Style!=1)?.@Style-1:.@Styles[.@s])+"^000000): ~ Jump to...: ~ Revert to original (^0055FF"+.@Revert+"^000000)"; switch(select(.@menu$)) { case 1: set .@Style, ((.@Style != .@Styles[.@s]) ? .@Style+1 : 1); break; case 2: set .@Style, ((.@Style != 1) ? .@Style-1 : .@Styles[.@s]); break; case 3: message strcharinfo(0),"Choose a style between 1 - "+.@Styles[.@s]+"."; input .@Style,0,.@Styles[.@s]; if (!.@Style) set .@Style, rand(1,.@Styles[.@s]); break; case 4: set .@Style, .@Revert; setlook .@Look[.@s], .@Revert; break; } } }
  15. if answered, mark as answered. if needs further help, state it clearly
  16. emistry, you forget the "not for vendors" - script Sample#20_min_item -1,{ OnMinute00: OnMinute20: OnMinute40: if (checkvending()) end; addrid( 0 ); getitem 501,1; getitem 501,2; getitem 501,3; dispbottom "Gained items for every 20 minutes." end; }
  17. just follow what the error and warning says. you can see the direction db/produce_db.txt check line 425 disable it. ( this is for the error ) and for the warning part look for the pet_db.txt inside your trunk/db/... and search for those ID#. disable it. Ah okay thank you very much Another question. Where can I get past SVN that is a pre-renewal emulator. Coz I want that old SVN, for example, about the skill Clashing Spiral its damage will be based on what is the weight of the spear. Or is there a way I can make it in the latest SVN. you can disable the renewal mechanics on the trunk/src/config/renewal.c *src/config/renewal.h The pet listed there requires the corresponding monsters to be loaded by the server. I believe that you're not enabling renewal. that's why you got that message (the monsters are renewal monsters) you can ignore it / delete them from pet_db.txt
  18. don't need to check weight? just send the items directly to players? if fail, then GG? ok remove line 43 - 46 and 50: prontera,160,183,4 script Donor Rewards Redeemer 987,{ // ----------------- NPC Settings ----------------- // --- SET THESE BEFORE LOADING THE SCRIPT! --- // Server Name set .serverName$,"Cloud Atlas"; // NPC Name to display during chat. // Default: "[Donor Rewards Redeemer]" set .npcName$,"[Donor Rewards Redeemer]"; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! // Default: "cp_redeemlog" set .redeemTable$,"cp_redeemlog"; // Display Credits to FluxCP Creators? // Help promote our product if its useful. // 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable. // Default: 1 set .showCredits,1; // Max number of unique items to redeem at a time. // DO NOT RAISE THIS VALUE ABOVE 128 WITHOUT // MAKING THE NECESSARY SCRIPT ENGINE MODS // FOR SCRIPT ARRAY SIZING! DANGEROUS! // Default: 128 set .numRedemptionsSimul,128; // --------------- End NPC Settings --------------- // ----------------- Begin Script ----------------- mes .npcName$; mes "Well hello there " + (Sex ? "good sir!" : "young madam!"); mes "How may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?"; next; prompt("I wish to redeem items:Who might you be?:I am merely perusing the area"); mes .npcName$; switch(@menu) { case 1: query_sql "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `quantity` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `redeemed` = 0 LIMIT " + .numRedemptionsSimul,.@id,.@nameid,.@quantity; if (getarraysize(.@id) > 0) { mes "Items Pending Redemption: " + getarraysize(.@id); for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@id); set .@i,.@i+1) { query_sql "UPDATE `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` SET `char_id` = " + getcharid(0) + ", `redeemed` = 1, `redemption_date` = NOW() WHERE `id` = " + .@id[.@i]; getitem .@nameid[.@i],.@quantity[.@i]; mes .@quantity[.@i] + "x " + getitemname(.@nameid[.@i]); } if (.@i == getarraysize(.@id)) { mes "Thank you for your patronage " + (Sex ? "fine sir." : "ma'am."); mes "Please enjoy your stay on " + .serverName$ + "!"; } if (.showCredits) callfunc "F_FluxCredits"; } else { mes "My records indicate that there are no rewards awaiting to be redeemed."; mes "My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding."; } break; case 2: mes "I am here to allow for the redemption of rewards for donations to " + .serverName$ + "."; mes "Donations may be made to the server via the control panel."; break; default: mes "Very well then."; mes "Good day to you."; break; } close; // ------------------ End Script ------------------ } // ------------ Credits to FluxCP Creators ------------ // - Please do not modify or delete this function or - // - its contents. To disable the credits from being - // - shown, set .showCredits to 0 in the NPC Settings - // - at the top of this file. - // ---------------------------------------------------- function script F_FluxCredits { mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "Powered by Flux Control Panel."; mes "Copyright © 2008-2012 Matthew Harris and Nikunj Mehta."; mes "http://fluxcp.googlecode.com/"; return; }
  19. have you tried to edit the LAN's clientinfo to just connect to your WAN? does it work? (probably won't)
  20. some people doesn't read docs. R.I.P docs folder..
  21. conf/char_athena.conf: //login_ip: //bind_ip: char_ip: your.WAN.IP.ADDRESS or your no-ip address conf/map_athena.conf: //char_ip: //bind_ip: map_ip: your.WAN.IP.ADDRESS or your no-ip address for people outside your LAN, set their clientinfo to use your WAN IP address. For people in your LAN, you can set their clientinfo to use LAN or WAN IP address / No-ip address. to make it simple, just set clientinfo, connecting using WAN ip address
  22. //===== Hourly Points Script ========================================= //===== By: ========================================================== //= GorthexTiger modified by Nibi modified again by Winz //==================================================================== - script hourlypoints -1,{ set .point_amt, 10; //Normal points gained. OnMinute10: if(checkvending() >= 1 ) { dispbottom "No loyalty reward because you were vending."; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .point_amt; dispbottom "You received "+.point_amt+" Cash points by staying in game on the 10th minute"; end; } This way, I will just login at minute of 8 for every hour. after I get the points, just logout to reserve PC resource.
  23. this? http://rathena.org/board/topic/66834-antibot-botkiller-6/?hl=antibot
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