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Everything posted by Winz

  1. change #CASHPOINTS += 1; to getitem <itemid>,<amount>;
  2. src/map/batlle.c line 7507 { "max_lv", &battle_config.max_lv, 99, 0, MAX_LEVEL, }, { "aura_lv", &battle_config.aura_lv, 99, 0, INT_MAX, },
  3. yeah, both linux commands will put the logs that are printed on the screen to the loginserver.log or log.txt. something >> log.txt means run something and output them to log.txt but, I'm not sure what will happen when you close your PuTTy. I guess something >> log.txt 2>&1 & will keep it running when putty is closed. I used to use it as well. ./athena-start start 2>&1 & this will prob. help you: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=243468
  4. then please re-upload the image to somewhere else, like imgur / photobucket
  5. Winz

    Cash shop npc

  6. i can't see the message. but, I saw some aqua and purple colors, I'm assuming it's SQL problem. drop your ragnarok database and make a new one, load main.sql and logs.sql there.
  7. what do you mean by "closing the connection"? you mean disconnecting every single client? if so, then the server will do its usual behavior, to go standby and listens for incoming connection (and will then reply the appropriate thing). Unless if it has gone standby for too long, it will keep pinging the SQL server every 1 second, saying "To keep connection alive", which this phase is known to be the server is not working well anymore (restart it) well, this just happen while I was still using rA SVN. I don't know what about now.. one more thing, don't call me master. just don't.
  8. I somehow believe everybody has read your concern. but, if none of us is from Harmony, what are we supposed to do? aren't we here to help you guys with your problems? and as it's said, and all of us know that the support is long dead. if you would like this kind of thing, just go to the suggestions section and post it there. just see, will the developers of rA approves this suggestion or not. (not thinking so)
  9. you mean.. those pets are only available on BG maps, not other maps? or you want to set them to be available ONLY on BG maps? please be more specific
  10. [paste=991awqm0umr] how did I get the translation? google damit translate
  11. It's okay, don't sweat it oh, forgot about those lines. [paste=1bhnsnntfk9]
  12. uh, i pull back my post. I also found that some cells are not walkable. (saw mapcache, it's the latest one) idk why, I'll try with brow edit
  13. the map you're using is the rebuilt Morrocc right? have you updated your rA server to match it?
  14. Do NOT do this. If you really have to, set 777 on data/tmp ONLY, NOT THE ENTIRE CP DIRECTORY! for debugging material
  15. No, HD Scripts. it's still not eA acceptable script. [paste=aw44ioogi0k] i changed your header. IDK if the sprite section of yours is right or not. the lines after line 43 are confusing
  16. no. just edit the red part: set .@random_array, rand(10); rand(10) will result 0 ~ 9. the next, you count by yourself. rand (20) will ofc result 0 ~ 19 so the next array should end on 19
  17. if i'm not mistaken, ./login-server_sql >> loginserver.log 2>&1 & will open login server and put it in background, while keeping the log of it, while ./athena-start start > log.txt prints the output of the screen on both file and screen. I usually use ./athena-start start > log.txt 2>&1 & and as everything that's printed on the screen will be saved to the log file, I believe both way will do it (print the wrong password entered)
  18. sure. if answered, please mark as answered with the post regarding. much appreciated if you repute up
  19. [paste=2512lmk1zsq] modify everyhting below the OnInit label. the above OnInit label? just edit the mes and dispbottom or whatever as long you know what you're doing
  20. could it be.... you're using a newer map (and mapcache) but you're using a pretty old script? because the version of re is now 1.8 (no longer 1.4) don't worry tho, I got the same script as yours (but I'm using RE which makes me using 1.8) and your pre-re script is the same as mine
  21. please be more specific: currency? (Zeny, Cash, TCG card)? what will the TCG card will do? will it used to buy the things (like buying 10 apples with TCG card)? or just to show to the NPC, will not be deducted, or will be deducted every time the shop is open?
  22. every item that gives you sth (heal, effect, bonus stat, etc) will have some scripts on the OnEquip (OnUse) section. for 501, it will be: so, add this: if (strcharinfo(3) == "prontera") { } so it will be like this: notice the colors
  23. do the SQL upgrades. open sql-files folder, then upgrade folder, and do them one by one, starting from the bottom to the top
  24. insert this: OnWhisperGlobal: if(@whispervar0$=="tick") { dispbottom "My current tick: "+getnpctimer 0; end; } then, whisper to: NPC::<npc name> message: tick.
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