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Everything posted by Winz

  1. if you'd like to make it run on every (times)3 hours, like 03.00, 06.00, 09.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00 and 00.00 (24.00), then you can use this: OnHour00: OnHour03: OnHour06: OnHour09: OnHour12: OnHour15: OnHour18: OnHour21: // event begins If you want to be floating, like 3 hrs after the event is done, then this should do the trick: OnInit: startnpctimer; end; OnTimer7200000: if(!.@a) { setnpctimer -3600000; set .@a, 1; end; } //event script upon NPC done, add this on before end; stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; set .@a, 0; IDK if there is OnTimer10800000 or not, as I know, they don't have it. so, it will subtract the timer by 1 hour on the 2nd hour, then on the next 2nd hour (which will be the 3rd hour), it will do the event script. not tested
  2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=rathena+custom+warper
  3. go to your flux root folder, type: cd .. then, chmod -R 777 cp/
  4. http://rathena.org/board/topic/74167-about-pvp-drop-skull/ source: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=rathena+pvp+drop+skull+when+kill+player
  5. http://rathena.org/board/topic/64514-how-to-disable-3rd-job/ source: Google, Keyword: rAthena disable 3rd class the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd result it is.
  6. Winz

    Making a scroll

    no, add this line: 1052953,Dark_Knight_Scroll,Dark Knight Scroll,2,10000,,1,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem 13534,2;getitem 13810,2;getitem 12208,1;getitem 12215,5;getitem 12216,5;switch(rand(0,3)){case 1:if(rand(0,100) < 15) getitem 5482,1; break;case 2:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break;case 3:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break;default: end;} },{},{} to your item_db.txt be careful with the item id. you need to change it. then, you should add some things to the iteminfo.lub or the idnumitemdesctable those things. refer: http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items
  7. oh shoot, no, it's not a problem. I forget to clean it up hahaha wait. http://upaste.me/33ee1579528dfb86d
  8. this? http://rathena.org/board/topic/99035-easy-script-help/
  9. prontera,150,165,4 script huh 909,{ set .@trade, 512; set .@tradeamt, 1; set .@get, 531; set .@get, 1; mes "[trade things with me!]"; mes "Hiya! do you have any ^0000FF"+getitemname(.@trade)+"^000000?"; mes "Wanna trade with an ^0000FF"+getitemname(.@get)+"^000000?"; if (select("Yes:No")) == 2 { next; mes "[trade things with me!]"; mes "Okay. Bye!"; close; } if (!countitem(.@trade)) { next; mes "[trade things with me!]"; mes "Umm, but you don't have the ^0000FF"+getitemname(.@trade)+"^000000."; mes "Come back to me when you have one!"; close; } mes "[trade things with me!]"; mes "Off we go!"; delitem .@trade, .@tradeamt; getitem .@get, .@getamt; next; mes "[trade things with me!]"; mes "Have a nice day!"; close; }
  10. Can you tell me what are the NPCs should I disable? all scripts inside npc/re are renewal scripts. all scripts inside npc/pre-re aren't you can use the script_athena, script_custom.conf from pre-re to load them. i don't know about the NPCs for those maps I mentioned before.
  11. Winz

    Making a scroll

    put this on the { equip} tab: getitem 13534,2;getitem 13810,2;getitem 12208,1;getitem 12215,5;getitem 12216,5;switch(rand(0,3)){case 1:if(rand(0,100) < 15) getitem 5482,1; break;case 2:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break;case 3:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break;default: end;} so, it will be something like this: 1052953,Dark_Knight_Scroll,Dark Knight Scroll,2,10000,,1,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem 13534,2;getitem 13810,2;getitem 12208,1;getitem 12215,5;getitem 12216,5;switch(rand(0,3)){case 1:if(rand(0,100) < 15) getitem 5482,1; break;case 2:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break;case 3:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break;default: end;} },{},{} script part: getitem 13534,2; // 2x Light White Potion Box getitem 13810,2; // 3x Light Blue Potion Box getitem 12208,1; // 1x Field Manual getitem 12215,5; // 5x Blessing Scroll getitem 12216,5; // 5x Agi Scroll switch(rand(0,3)){ // 4 choices: no bonus, Mask, Glove, Belt case 1:if(rand(0,100) < 15) getitem 5482,1; break; // player will get Dark Knight Mask. but, 15% chance (random, 0~99. if number is < 15, get) case 2:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break; // player will get Dark Knight Glove. but, 5% chance (random, 0~99. if number is < 5, get) case 3:if(rand(0,100) < 5) getitem 2780,1; break; // player will get Dark Knight Belt. but, 5% chance (random, 0~99. if number is < 5, get) default: end;} // player did not get any bonus tested, working (i used the opposite of your bonus effect to test the rand section). I've opened the box for several times but have never received any of the special items. probably today's not my day.
  12. so, you're saying this is not yours? http://rathena.org/board/topic/99004-sad-girl-custom-quest/ nvm
  13. // Daily Dynamic Rental Headgear Quest // v1.1 (cleaned // by Winz prontera,150,164,3 script Test 909,{ if (taken) if (gettimetick(1) <= taken+86400000) { mes "[Free headgear]"; mes "Sorry, you have received your headgear today."; set .@timeleft, taken + 86400000 - gettimetick(0); set .@remainingTime, taken - gettimetick(1); set .@hr, .@timeleft / 3600000; set .@min, .@remainingTime % 3600 / 60; mes "Talk to me again in ^0000FF"+.@hr+" ^000000hour"+((.@hr > 1)? "s":"")+" ^000000and ^0000FF"+.@min+" ^000000minute"+((.@min > 1)? "s":"")+"^000000"; close; } mes "[Free headgear]"; mes "Wanna free headgear?"; mes "Today's prize is: ^0000FF"+getitemname($ar[.hg])+"^000000"; next; mes "You just need:"; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.todayreq)/2; set .@i, .@i+1) mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(.todayreq[.@i*2])+" ^000000:^00FF00 "+.todayreq[.@i*2+1]+" ^000000pcs."; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) close; next; mes "[Free headgear]"; mes "Got the things already?!"; mes "Let me check your bag."; next; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.todayreq)/2; set .@i, .@i+1) if (countitem(.todayreq[.@i*2]) >= .todayreq[.@i*2+1]) set .@yes, .@yes + 1; if (.@yes != (getarraysize(.todayreq)/2)) { mes "[Free headgear]"; mes "You don't have the required items."; mes "Come back to me after you got those items."; close; } for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.todayreq)/2; set .@i, .@i+1) delitem .todayreq[.@i*2],.todayreq[.@i*2+1]; mes "[Free headgear]"; mes "Here's your headgear!"; mes "Congrats, 3Q, bye!"; rentitem .todayhg, 60*60*24; set taken, gettimetick(1); close; OnInit: deletearray $ar; deletearray $exchange; setarray $ar[1],2251,2252,2253,2254,2255,2256,2257,2258,2259,2260,2261,2262,2263,2264,2265,2266,2267,2268,2269,2270,2271,2272,2273,2274,2275,2276,2277,2278,2279,2280,2281;//headgear setarray $exchange[1],501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,525,526,528,529,530,531;//materials if (.hg == (getarraysize($ar)-1)) //last headgear index set .hg, 1; //set to first else set .hg, .hg+1; //next one e.g: 2251 -> 2252 set .todayhg, $ar[.hg]; set .@items, rand(5,6); set .@exsize, getarraysize($exchange)-1; for (set .@i,0; .@i < .@items; set .@i, .@i+1){ set .@j, rand(1, .@exsize); for (set .@k,0; .@k < .@i; set .@k, .@k+1) while(.@selected[.@k] == .@j || .@j==0) { set .@j, rand(1, .@exsize); } setarray .@selected[.@i],.@j; setarray .todayreq[.@i*2], $exchange[.@j]; setarray .todayreq[.@i*2+1],rand(100,500); } end; } modification: - added ban feature: ban the character, he is allowed to take the quest again after 1 day (86400 seconds / 86400.000 milliseconds) - removed some non existent material item id: 524, 527
  14. 1. I'd like to know, who made this quest? (ah forget about the question, I don't mind whoever made it) 2. Why do I see 2 quest numbers there? 20500 and 20000 ? please be consistent. 3. what does this suppose to mean? if (checkquest(20000) == 0 || checkquest(20000) == 1) { //Active. If the player doesn't have the quest or the player has the quest?probably you want to make it this: if(checkquest(20000) == 1)4. why do you have so many this thing? close; end; and close2; end; use close if you want to end a script that has mes use close2 if you want to execute something else after closing the box (e.g: deleting cutin, warp players) e.g: mes "Okay, I'll warp you now"; close2; warp prontera,x,y; cutin "",255; end; and use end; if the script has no mes. e.g: protera,150,164,3 script Test 909,{ dispbottom "Your cashpoint is: "+#CASHPOINTS; end; }
  15. even the script header is wrong. a right script header is: map,x,y,r<tab>script<tab>NPCName<tab>spriteNum,{ e.g: protera,150,164,3 script Test 909,{ see the "spaces" there. those are tabs
  16. then keep renewal activated, but disable the NPCs for a renewal server (refered as 3rd job). some players can bypass the rule you set by accomplishing the quest if you don't disable the re npcs. BUT remember, some maps may be loaded but empty, with not even 1 warp point
  17. probably, changing line 7 to set .@correct, rand(.length); will do the trick
  18. mark as answered, and repute +1 if you would like to. thanks
  19. No difference, I guess. but, some would may prefer Athena-ish script, so they use set. I'm one of them. no difference tho. by the way, it shall be set varname, 0; or set .varname,0; not .set varname,0; *Update <variable> = <value>; may be used as well, but only rAthena is compatible with this statement. eA and 3CeAM (even 3CReAM) seems not to.
  20. +20 foods? hmm, I suppose you're referring to this as an example? http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_item_db&item_id=12430 if yes, then YES. sc_end sc_all; will remove the buff as well, since the food has a script of: sc_start SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD,300000,20; on OnEquip (OnUse) label wait. how could this be on Database?
  21. //================================= //======== rAthena Script ========= //== +10 item (not weapon) and zeny trader ===== //== Compatible with: rAthena SVN = //== Version: -99 ================= //== Maed by: Winz ================ //================================= //== uhh, pardon with the words === //== lols ========================= //================================= prontera,157,158,3 script WINGZZ!! 909,{ getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ if(@inventorylist_refine[.@i] == 10 && getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],5) != 32 && getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],5) != 2 ) { set .@datitem, .@i; break; } } if (!.@datitem) { mes "You don't have any +10 item with you."; mes "Weapons and shields will not be counted as one of them."; close; } if (Zeny < 500*1000*1000) { mes "You don't have at least ^FF0000500,000,000 Z^000000 with you"; close; } mes "So.. umm.."; mes "Wanna trade your ^0000FF+10 "+getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]); mes "^000000and ^FF0000500,000,000 Z^000000 for a wing?"; mes "You w!ll be abLe.. to.. to fly! yeah, fly! believe me!"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: next; mes "I believe I can fly~~"; delitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; set Zeny, Zeny - 500000000; next; mes "I believe I can tuch da skai!"; mes "^0000FF*throwing a pair of wings"; mes "Looks wearable!^000000"; getitem 512, 1; close; case 2: next; mes "R.r..really?"; mes "So you don't want to high up fly?"; mes "Ok then.."; close; } } This will reject any 1-handed weapon, 2-handed weapon, and shield (since 2 handed weapon will take up the number 32 (shield) and 2 (1 handed weapon)) if you wanna receive shields, then search and remove the following: getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[.@i],5) != 32 && i'm kind of afraid it will be bugged. since heard that NPC temporary variables may be changed when is paused using next, select, menu. but, i found it to be negative. i tried to use player temporary variable, and it's bugged. after the item was removed (deleted), the next time that char talks with the NPC, NPC will think that he still have the item (even though the trading process will be denied (money not deducted again)) if you don't get this paragraph ^^^^, that's fine, don't mind.
  22. //================================= //======== rAthena Script ========= //== +10 item and zeny trader ===== //== Compatible with: rAthena SVN = //== Version: -99 ================= //== Maed by: Winz ================ //================================= //== uhh, pardon with the words === //== lols ========================= //================================= prontera,157,158,3 script WINGS!! 905,{ getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ if(@inventorylist_refine[.@i] == 10){ set .@datitem, .@i; break; } } if (!.@datitem) { mes "You don't have any +10 item with you"; close; } if (Zeny < 500*1000*1000) { mes "You don't have at least ^FF0000500,000,000 Z^000000 with you"; close; } mes "So.. umm.."; mes "Wanna trade your ^0000FF+10 "+getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]); mes "^000000and ^FF0000500,000,000 Z^000000 for a wing?"; mes "You w!ll be abLe.. to.. to fly! yeah, fly! believe me!"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: next; mes "I believe I can fly~~"; delitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; set Zeny, Zeny - 500000000; next; mes "I believe I can tuch da skai!"; mes "^0000FF*throwing a pair of wings"; mes "Looks wearable!^000000"; getitem 512, 1; close; case 2: next; mes "R.r..really?"; mes "So you don't want to high up fly?"; mes "Ok then.."; close; } }
  23. id like to set for 12 hours, should be look lie this? at_timeout: 12 [Hours] or at_timeout: 43200000 [milliseconds] minutes
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