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Everything posted by Cydh

  1. ane salah liat ato emang itu yg dipost char_athena.conf 2-2nya ya. coba, di login_athena.conf, char_athena.conf, map_athena.conf ada //bind_ip: coba diisi sama alamatnya, trus diuncomment
  2. Berat = Weight // Items Database // // Structure of Database: // ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK[:MATK],DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script } hitung aja weight ada di kolom nomor berapa. jika map-server dalam kondisi menyala, gunakan atcommand @reloaditemdb, atau restart map-server.
  3. I appreciate your concern, but, I will tell you something based on my experience, There is something that rAthena's client -people who use rAthena- must accept rAthena's leader decision, like or not. And, even there are some people who don't like what u said, for me, there are some good points for others to review before using IPB4 (well, as long as you experienced the shitty thing of IPB4, it can be reference). [1] I don't get why Akkarin said [1] even Anacondaq said that he experienced with IPB4 [2] It's one of other points that I never can reach rA's leader (Brian, Maki, and ofc Akkarin) back then, they didn't (or don't?) accept people's thoughts if they think it's a criticism. [3] I'm not part of this, maybe hidden somewhere The World Only God Knows, and I just said "ok, it's cool (even idk the difference)" when heard the plan [4] yes decided, so actually u just need to say this to Anacondaq.
  4. This is just take your time about 5 minutes, so just click this link Auction System Survey If this survey goes as I expected, maybe I'll create another survey before creating or expanding everything. Thank you~
  5. That's correct. We don't need all of these copy-paste pages, or if we're keeping them then we should atleast expand on them all with proper examples in working code. Or we just ditch them :/ which one faster, ditch then re-parse from script_commands.txt or 'do some magic to' use that copy-paste pages?
  6. [spoiler=normal user, comments]awesome [spoiler=my comment]good luck with those 700 pages
  7. UPDATE `inventory` SET `card0` = 0 WHERE `card0` BETWEEN 4700 AND 4900; repeat it for cart_inventory, storage, guild_storage, mail, auction repeat it for card1, card2, and card3
  8. u just need more effort to learn from doc/item_group.txt db/import/item_db.txt 32000,WOE_Super_Box,Woe Super Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getgroupitem(IG_WOE_Super_Box); },{},{} db/const.txt (make sure no duplicate name) IG_WOE_Super_Box 1000 db/import/item_package.txt // GroupID,ItemID,Rate{,Amount,Random,isAnnounced,Duration,GUID,isBound,isNamed} // Always obtained IG_WOE_Super_Box,7135,1,50,0 // 50x Fire_Bottle IG_WOE_Super_Box,7136,1,50,0 // 50x Acid_Bottle // Random group 1 IG_WOE_Super_Box,11500,400,10,1 // 10x Light_Yellow_Pot IG_WOE_Super_Box,11501,300,10,1 // 10x Light_White_Pot IG_WOE_Super_Box,11502,200,10,1 // 10x Light_Blue_Pot IG_WOE_Super_Box,11503,150,5,1 // 5x Siege_White_Potion IG_WOE_Super_Box,11504,150,5,1 // 5x Siege_Blue_Potion // Random group 2 with rental IG_WOE_Super_Box,658,80,1,2 // 10x Union_Of_Tribe IG_WOE_Super_Box,1293,10,1,2,120 // 10x Velum_Jamadhar IG_WOE_Super_Box,1294,10,1,2,120 // 10x Velum_Scare
  9. From this http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.asia.php#113195 I've tested "Asia/Calcutta" as well as "Asia/Kolkata" on PHP 5.4.7 and both returns accurate results. But I would suggest you to use "Asia/Kolkata" as "Calcutta" is now renamed to "Kolkata". <?php date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Kolkata"); echo date('d-m-Y H:i:s'); //Returns IST ?> [spoiler=Just for knowledge for others who read] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolkata https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_renamed_Indian_cities_and_states#West_Bengal
  10. Can you enable monsterhp? I need to confirm this list Pull: 1537
  11. Good, you wrote more than what I want to ask. tbh, even lighta started to migrate to CPP (on his own fork) I never know what's the reason. If I -or we who don't know the reason- have lots of questions, totally normal. And your last sentence, yes, we have same thought.
  12. maybe will give u hint https://gist.github.com/cydh/3f3f3290b298fe7b12b22b193edcc717
  13. As follow up of e7e8b54 and people's thought at Issue:#1404 Added config in conf/battle/skill.conf // Land Protector behavior // 0 : Officially, standing players at the border (outer cell) of the Land Protector is still can be affected/hit // by AoE skills (if the skills has splash effect, such Storm Gust). // 1 : Old Athena style, totally ignore AoE skill from outside Land Protector area. land_protector_behavior: 0 Try it now for FREE! Main branch Changes (against my fork master) Diff file Patch file
  14. Thank you if u have unstable Internet connection, better you avoid to download huge single file (except from torrent). I've got it a lot, that's why I tried to ask Akkarin to upload iRO files in part files. xD
  15. Request, updated iRO client (the extracted files, not the installer), splited in some parts @200MB in direct links. If not accepted, just ignore this request.
  16. iirc FluxCP needs these SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, and DROP
  17. New Config Structure For private channel creation private_channel: { allow: true // (bool) Allow playerto create own channel? color: "Default" // (string) Default color, see colors delay: 1000 // (int) Chat delay for each member max_member: 1000 // (int) Max member self_notif: true // (bool) Show message when you enter or leave the channel join_notif: false // (bool) Show message when player joined the channel leave_notif: false // (bool) Show message when player left the channel /* Moderation feature for channel owner, allowed to: */ ban: true // (bool) Ban player kick: true // (bool) Kick player color_override: false // (bool) Player allow color override for private channel change_delay: false // (bool) Change allow to change channel dealy } For public, ally, and map channel default configs. { name: "#channel" // (string) Channel name password: "" // (string) Password alias: "[Channel]" // (string) Message from this channel will be displayed with this name instead the channel name color: "Default" // (string) Color for this channel type: "CHAN_TYPE_PUBLIC" // (string) Channel type: CHAN_TYPE_PUBLIC, CHAN_TYPE_ALLY, CHAN_TYPE_MAP autojoin: false // (bool) Player will auto join channel delay: 1000 // (int) Chat delay for each player leave: true // (bool) Player is allowed to leave the channel chat: true // (bool) Player is allowed to chat on this channel color_override: false // (bool) Override channel color with personal color self_notif: true // (bool) Show message when you enter or leave the channel join_notif: false // (bool) Show message when player joined the channel leave_notif: false // (bool) Show message when player left the channel groupid: (0,..,99) // (list,int) Only player with there group ids allowed to join. Group with 'channel_admin' always can enter the channel. /// All values above are default settings }, // Use comma if followed by other channel New Script Commands! Just read it here Try it now for FREE! Main branch Changes (against my fork master) Diff file Patch file Want try mine? If you're asking how I test this change, I'll leave you link of my config file and the test NPCs here. Screenies... Just one here, better you experience it yourself
  18. Everything is easy if you know how 1. git clone to server 2. upload RO data files/GRFs to client/ and put them where the files tell you to 3. install wsproxy and leave running in a 'screen' session 4. open up /examples/api-online-frame.html and edit ROConfig() to suit your needs, then open the file in your browser If you're struggling, enable debug in /client/configs.php Everything else that you need to look at if you're stuck is in the js console. I've found that Firefox seems to be more helpful than Chrome with this part, but roBrowser seems to run better in Chrome. As far as using it in dev/test mode goes, that's pretty much it. For use in "production" environment, compile scripts using /tools/build and set 'development: true', to false. If you're still stuck, pm me on discord. At least u cleared some sentences that were unclear from roBrowser doc. maybe in my case, I need a little edit how the rob read GRF list from DATA.INI, it keeps read from 'client/resource/', my DATA.INI contains some absolute path
  19. Working on some channel commands, just here's the doc https://gist.github.com/cydh/32efb81ee3b83764c8c2dd998e2d66ef
  20. Am I the only one who never understand how to set up this roBrowser?
  21. war between 'artist' player against server owner will never end
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