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Everything posted by Cydh

  1. just in case some still follow this topic and project, I just pushed new changes and make a new PR https://github.com/Sehrentos/rAthena-syntax-highlight/pull/6 just a random sample from rAthena script about the NppSnippets plugin, I don't know what state on my last changes back then (3 years ago) so that's why I never make it public. xD
  2. this thread almost a year and still there's someone who can't understand the doc/script_commands.txt? humanity will be vanished very soon. Thanks Capuche
  3. Updated for rAthena Git Hash: ec1d6d28 (20180713)
  4. *getobjects(<type>,<data>{,"<map name>"{,<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>}}) Get object GIDs on specified location based on specified 'type'. The returned value is number of all objects found. The GIDs is stored in temporary NPC variables. <type> can be combined value as bitwise of BL_PC - Character object BL_MOB - Monster object BL_PET - Pet object BL_HOM - Homunculus object BL_NPC - NPC object BL_MER - Mercenary object BL_ELEM - Elemental object 'data' values are bitmask of 0x1 - GID (default) 0x2 - Name 0x4 - Char ID (only for BL_PC) 0x8 - Class (Job ID for BL_PC, Sprite ID for BL_NPC, and Class for other types) Default 'map name' for look up is invoker location or NPC if no invoker found. Object GID found will be saved in these arrays, while 'type' is value of UNITTYPE_*. Use getd for good practice. .@obj_type_id[] .@obj_type_name$[] .@obj_type_cid[] .@obj_type_class[] Example 1: getobjects(BL_PC,0x1); .@n = getarraysize(getd(".@obj_"+BL_PC+"_id")); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@n; .@i++) { getitem 607,1,getd(".@obj_"+BL_PC+"_id["+.@i+"]"); } Example 2: getobjects(BL_PC|BL_NPC,0x1|0x2); // For players .@pc = getarraysize(getd(".@obj_"+BL_PC+"_id")); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@pc; .@i++) { getitem 501,1,getd(".@obj_"+BL_PC+"_id["+.@i+"]"); } // For NPCs .@npc = getarraysize(getd(".@obj_"+BL_NPC+"_id")); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@npc; .@i++) { npctalk "My number is "+(.@i+1)+"",getd(".@obj_"+BL_NPC+"_name$["+.@i+"]"); } Keywords how to get players (account id) on a map, how to get player/char name on a map, how to get char id on a map, how to get char's job on a map, how to get npc id on a map, how to get npc name on a map (exname with hidden part), how to get monster gid on a map, how to get monster name on a map, how to get monster id (class) on a map, .... so does with homunculus, elementals, pets, mercenaries Downloads Latest: getobjects-rA-20180806-65df844d.diff getobjects-rA-20180708-b2c026d4.diff testgetobjects.txt
  5. Updated for rAthena Git Hash: f2437f4a (20180708) I updated this last April, but somehow forgot to update here
  6. yes, fixed here https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/commit/e0fa6a8347db17de99b3fe0926dc87c0769262fc
  7. Version 1.0.0


    So the example usage for Sub-query part of Pull: 3272 can be tested by using this FluxCP Addon: Char Deletion Code for #3272. No source mod needed (iirc lol). The plot is to not using birthdate, email, nor pincode as deletion code for deleting character (the confirmation part after the char deletion date's turned blue). The code will be sent into the registered e-mail. This is not OTP (one true pair couple... errrr One-time Password) but has expiration time, so make sure your FluxCP has same timezone with your server timezone (don't ask me). Requirements Have this Pull Request merged into your working rAthena Pull: 3272 For FluxCP from https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP Tested only after https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/commit/e0fa6a8347db17de99b3fe0926dc87c0769262fc Make sure your server enable to send e-mail You can edit the addons/delcode/module/create.php to disable Captcha check or merge this PR to your FluxCP https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/pull/196 Installations Import table from char_delcode.sql into database that has your login table Copy addons/delcode directory to your FluxCP's addons directory Edit the char_deletion_code value to char_deletion_code: (SELECT `delcode` FROM `char_delcode` WHERE `account_id`=`login`.`account_id` AND `expired` > NOW() ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1) Copy data/templates/delcode.php to data/templates directory on your FluxCP's That's all Example Usage PS: The menu labels were edited
  8. View File Char Deletion Code for #3272 So the example usage for Sub-query part of Pull: 3272 can be tested by using this FluxCP Addon: Char Deletion Code for #3272. No source mod needed (iirc lol). The plot is to not using birthdate, email, nor pincode as deletion code for deleting character (the confirmation part after the char deletion date's turned blue). The code will be sent into the registered e-mail. This is not OTP (one true pair couple... errrr One-time Password) but has expiration time, so make sure your FluxCP has same timezone with your server timezone (don't ask me). Requirements Have this Pull Request merged into your working rAthena Pull: 3272 For FluxCP from https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP Tested only after https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/commit/e0fa6a8347db17de99b3fe0926dc87c0769262fc Make sure your server enable to send e-mail You can edit the addons/delcode/module/create.php to disable Captcha check or merge this PR to your FluxCP https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/pull/196 Installations Import table from char_delcode.sql into database that has your login table Copy addons/delcode directory to your FluxCP's addons directory Edit the char_deletion_code value to char_deletion_code: (SELECT `delcode` FROM `char_delcode` WHERE `account_id`=`login`.`account_id` AND `expired` > NOW() ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1) Copy data/templates/delcode.php to data/templates directory on your FluxCP's That's all Example Usage PS: The menu labels were edited Submitter Cydh Submitted 07/05/2018 Category FluxCP Addons Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJdkRYmcSyY Content Author Cydh  
  9. Error 500 is internal, commonly because when people disable debug and the error occurs on script (access unset array, invalid functions, etc) or query (invalid table/fields). The close PHP tag in 'full' PHP file in not the issue So, you can try enable the DebugMode, see the error, after you got that, you can disable it again 'DebugMode' => false, // Set to false to minimize technical details from being output by Flux. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS OPTION ON A PUBLICALLY-ACCESSIBLE CP.
  10. restrict the prize item trading use getitembound instead getitem to force 'normal' item becomes bound
  11. Dullahan is headless, that's why when it opens the helm cover you found nothing -not his head behind it- but just simply darkness
  12. damn that's so cool. and somewhat funny xD
  13. download it, read the file, edit the file by removing unwanted stone group & stones
  14. Ok, here tested. Because I like your idea, I have to try this myself. Look again at my gist https://gist.github.com/cydh/75f5071a0691d393d3cd1c08d57789be. The changes are in The lines after // Init dummy val All inside F_isCustomLevels function Well, I hope you learning from this, because you need to take care other refiner that maybe not using refine.txt NPC file xd
  15. 1. So then just set back the value to default, just set 0 for StatsPerLevel, RandomBonusStartLevel, and RandomBonusValue (and Bonus if any) 2. Try retype the error line (delete the line, retype manually). it must be strange whitespace while you copy it (better don't use Notepad, at least Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.5.6.html
  16. Yes, the red lines are meant be removed, and the green ones are added. Don't worry, at first I never know what is patch/diff, so I did that manually. As long as you follow it, you did it right (until the console tell you if any error xd) setarray and .@commands (well it's not command, it's variable), then first open this file doc/script_commands.txt (you also have one in ur local) the press CTRL+F then type *setarray . OK, learn from it. Then u can learn about getd . You don't need change anything in refine_db.yml for your desired custom level & refine. Weapon's level never be more than 4, armors always be one level, you can't change anything. Even you try to put WeaponLv5 in that refine_db.yml, it gives nothing. If you try to adjust wlv in item_db and gives "funny" values, it will errors you. In that script, I only put the values that aren't supported by refine_db.yml. So, only for WeaponL5, WeaponL6, your custom level armors and shields (ArmorL2, ArmorL3, ArmorLN, ShieldL2, ShieldL3, ShieldLN).
  17. Maybe if you able to do src mod, it'll be easier later. but for scripting, there are steps that crossed in my mind (not tested of course!!) You need to define the items by ID with custom levels, define the rates, define the cost, edit the refine NPC(s) So here's the gist https://gist.github.com/cydh/75f5071a0691d393d3cd1c08d57789be
  18. I had same idea to make vending list as item view, here's the preview
  19. of course it will error because missing the red one if( .EXT < 3 ) close;
  20. it's obvious. that ? after next; -_-
  21. Version 1.0.0


    What is this? A custom NPC to enchant (and reset) Fallen Angel Wings. Since we don't know when, where, who will release the exact same/official/leaked Fallen Angel Wings enchanter The enchant possibilities are follow info from https://irowiki.org/wiki/Fallen_Angel_Wing_Enchants So, Enchant possibilities (stone list) are same as you can see on official servers Dialogs and flow are custom Enchant rates are custom, that's why set this as paid file By downloading/purchasing this script you are allowed to ask me if you want another wings/equip enchanter Video
    10.00 USD
  22. View File Custom Fallen Angel Wings Enchanter What is this? A custom NPC to enchant (and reset) Fallen Angel Wings. Since we don't know when, where, who will release the exact same/official/leaked Fallen Angel Wings enchanter The enchant possibilities are follow info from https://irowiki.org/wiki/Fallen_Angel_Wing_Enchants So, Enchant possibilities (stone list) are same as you can see on official servers Dialogs and flow are custom Enchant rates are custom, that's why set this as paid file By downloading/purchasing this script you are allowed to ask me if you want another wings/equip enchanter Video Submitter Cydh Submitted 06/13/2018 Category Utilities Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GffC5I8Pfzw&list=PL274vHMHfeg28DWcf3P-WDM02p65L5XFt Content Author Cydh  
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