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Everything posted by mleo1

  1. mleo1


    if checkvending==2
  2. no I just want to use item bonuses without using any items lol (via script)
  3. I want to use bonus bMaxHPrate,100; without use of item. how please?
  4. thanks pats and emistry
  5. what function do you use to get characters stat agi str dex etc.?
  6. change ports point to different database
  7. how do you get char names/info inside a party?
  8. mleo1

    damage prob

    change to pre-re then recompile
  9. Nude is the script command, this is an atcommand, that's the difference. I think she says there was already a function that does that. You can just use bindatcmd and nude. But still, this is a good share xD
  10. the sidebar in the right is gone. It was helpful
  11. The Why not both meme is showing in my mind. xD
  12. the thing is. you make them all imbalance. so there would be balance.
  13. src\config\renewal.h make #define RENEWAL_CAST to //#define RENEWAL_CAST
  14. 12080,Int_Dish10,Dragon Breath Cocktail,0,100000,,1000,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_INTFOOD,1200000,10; percentheal 10,20;SC_END SC_FOOD_INT_CASH;},{},{} 12204,Int_Dish10_,Dragon Breath Cocktail,0,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_FOOD_INT_CASH,1800000,10; percentheal 15,5; SC_END SC_INTFOOD; },{},{) just sc end the other one. makes sense now? xD
  15. it's working for me rA 17026. maybe you did not reselect char when you loaded the script? or you are reselecting chars?- when reselecting the chars the time restarts
  16. [b]OnInit:[/b] [b]OnClock1400:[/b] [b]disablenpc "PVP Warper";[/b] OnInit it will disable. try to remove oninit
  17. Online Points Get Points/Item when being online for 1 hour Disable Points when reach max idle time Option to change max idle time Option to change reenable points when move Vendors will not get counted Credits The codes is from Emistry's Hourly Points, Nibi's Hourly Points and Brian's Check Idle time, I just added and modified, lol. onlinepoints.txt
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