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Everything posted by mleo1

  1. Just test, lol. Maybe someone here can fix these xD. I don't even understand why skill_lv*(sstatus->hp/10 + 35) It's not overpowered when wd.damage = (wd.damage/wd.div_)/2;
  2. this is just a test case NJ_ISSEN: wd.div_ = 1; if (sc && sc->data[sC_BUNSINJYUTSU] && sc->data[sC_BUNSINJYUTSU]->val2>0) wd.div_ = (sc->data[sC_BUNSINJYUTSU]->val2)+2; //[(ATK*40) + (HP*80%)] * (1+(0.25*Mirror illusion)) //wd.damage = 40*sstatus->batk +(skill_lv*8/100)*sstatus->hp; wd.damage = 40*sstatus->batk +skill_lv*(sstatus->hp/10 + 35); if(wd.div_!=1) wd.damage = wd.damage *(1+sc->data[sC_BUNSINJYUTSU]->val2*25/100); wd.damage = wd.damage/wd.div_; wd.damage2 = 0; status_set_hp(src, sstatus->max_hp/100, 0); break; 544,-5,8,1,0,0x40,0,10,-1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, NJ_ISSEN,Final Strike //mleo test @admin of myro dunno if this is right, lol
  3. thanks xD. already used if( sd->state.monster_ignore && flag&BCT_ENEMY ) if( (pc_get_group_level(sd)!=99 && s_bl->type==BL_PC) || pc_get_group_level(sd)==99 )
  4. thanks for the reference I just modified battle.c if( sd->state.monster_ignore && flag&BCT_ENEMY ) to if( sd->state.monster_ignore && flag&BCT_ENEMY ) if( (pc_get_group_level(sd)!=99 && (map[m].flag.gvg_castle || map[m].flag.pvp)) || pc_get_group_level(sd)==99 ) this works for now, but still I like the answer to the first one questions xD 1 how do you check if target is player xD? 2 how do you check if map=="prontera" for example?
  5. set #puppetpoint, #puppetpoint + rand(1,10); ?
  6. do you want to make them not stack? try to sc_end the other effect
  7. how do you modify @monsterignore to do this if gm level is 70 you cannot be attacked by players but can be attacked by monsters if gm level is 99 you can't be attacked by players and monsters teach me please, sorry for bad english.
  8. Thanks xD. I always forgot to browse script_commands.txt.
  9. Can you give me a sample script (incomplete script/complete) get people on centain map then warp them to another map
  10. try typing "services.msc" in the run command, see if mysql daemon is running
  11. mleo1

    Max Level 160

    This include SupernoviceEX or Oboro/Kagerou max levels?
  12. Is kagerou and oboro's max base level 160 too? what about supernoviceEX?
  13. @Vanryl Thanks man. LOL I've been playing since 2003 I dont remember the friend window shows that. Its been days and I get the WTF screen lol. Thanks for teaching me xD.
  14. Excuse me, How do you set these chat windows to go to the general area? I dont know lol When theres to many messages it fills up the screen.
  15. I got what I want, I just needed to see all the rows. But thanks for the support again Emistry xD. just sharing mes "Test"; set .@start, 0; while(1){ set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` ORDER BY `char_id` LIMIT " +.@start+ ",128", .@name$); if(.@nb==0) break; mes (.@start+1) +" to "+ (.@start+128); for(set .@i,1; .@i <= .@nb; set .@i,.@i+1) mes (.@i+.@start) +". "+ .@name$[.@i-1]; deletearray .@name$, getarraysize(.@name$); set .@start, .@start+128; next; } close;
  16. http://rathena.org/wiki/Query_sql this only returns 128. How to change array size? I want to have 500rows or more tried set .@nb, query_sql("SELECT name, fame FROM `char` ORDER BY fame DESC", .@name$, .@fame); mes "Hall Of Fame"; for(set .@i,1; .@i <= .@nb; set .@i,.@i+1) mes .@i+". "+.@name$[.@i-1]+" ("+.@fame[.@i-1]+")"; Sorry for the bad english.
  17. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=222757
  18. Could you give me sample script that if I say "lulz" to him then you will @die If I say "die" to him then you will @kill or something like that edit: oops I posted wrong, this must be on the scriptrequest
  19. try this man, it's awesume http://rathena.org/board/topic/57377-toastys-woe-controller/
  20. your insert syntax is wrong and use backticks not apostraphes it may look like this. "UPDATE `inventory` SET `equip_count`=" +.@equip_count+ " WHERE `char_id`='" +getcharid(0)+ "' AND `nameid`='" +getequipid(2)+ "' AND `equip`=16" just change the equip value to their values, 16 for armor how do you get equip column values? what function do you use?
  21. I think my client does not have the button image files or dunno xD How do I fix it?
  22. maybe your root account has no priviledges but it will be weird if your mysql is new installed xD or you have have wrong passwords in the rathena server's config you could do it via command prompt by typing app.path/bin/mysql --user=root -p try this GUI. http://www.mysql.com...ucts/workbench/ select all the administrative roles, add a password
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