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Everything posted by crazyarashi

  1. That's odd it's working perfectly fine for my server
  2. Hi Anyone has a chess game script I really want it! Bump me for those who have or Bump me if you're selling a copy :))
  3. Try this script for your item :))) 14536,Abrasive,Abrasive,2,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ specialeffect2 EF_MAGICALATTHIT; sc_start SC_INCCRI,300000,30; },{},{} 13090,FaceWormQueen_Leg,Faceworm Queen Leg,5,20,,500,180:120,,1,2,0x028F5EEF,63,2,2,4,100,1,1,{ bonus bInt,3; autobonus "{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,\"NPC_EARTHQUAKE\",1,200; }",8,5000,BF_NORMAL,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; active_transform 2529,5000; }"; },{},{}
  4. You Can Open The Map Files in Hex Editor in my case i used XVI32 HEX EDITOR. 1. You need to open your map files in the GRF Editor to check the map resources ( add the texture files and map in same grf to check) If your custom textures path is correct there will be a check in the box. 2. Now that you know what textures are error in the map files you need to open it in Hex Editor to change it to a readable path. example if you go to the map you will have this error data\texture\yourmap/map.bmp not found you need to hex this part to mapfiles/map.bmp -> mapfiles\map.bmp Just scroll down to find the paths for your map. :)) Hope This helps
  5. Hi I also had this problem also, Solved it by hexing the path :))
  6. Oh God Thanks i didn't see that small thing over there! hahahha Thanks :))
  7. verus04,81,113,0 script Machine#machine 10007,{ if ((checkquest(13184) == 1) || (checkquest(13184) == 0)) { set .@charleston_time,checkquest(13185,PLAYTIME); //20 Hours if (.@charleston_time == 2) { erasequest 13185; end; } else if ((.@charleston_time == 1) || (.@charleston_time == 0)) { mes "^ff0000This dimensional portal cannot be accessed for 20 hours after your last access.^000000""; close; <------- Line Error Shows Here } else if (.@charleston_time == -1) { set .@party_id,getcharid(1); set .@p_name$,getpartyname(.@party_id); set .@md_name$,"Charleston Crisis"; if (!instance_check_party(.@party_id,1)) { mes "^ff0000You first must form/join a party of at least 1 person to enter this dungeon.^000000"; close; } if (getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) set .@menu$, "Prepare a dimensional portal.:Charleson Factory Entry.:Cancel"; else set .@menu$, ":Charleston Factory Entry.:Cancel."; switch(select(.@menu$)) { case 1: if (instance_create(.@md_name$) < 0) { mes "Party Name: "+.@p_name$; mes "Party Leader: "+strcharinfo(0); mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000- Reservation Failed!"; close; } mes "^ff0000The Dimensional portal is ready to go!^000000"; mes "^ff0000Please Wait!^000000"; close; case 2: switch(instance_enter(.@md_name$)) { case 0: if (getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) { if(charlestonins == 0) { mapannounce "verus04",strcharinfo(0)+", member of the party "+.@p_name$+" entered the instance "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; setquest 13185; specialeffect2 EF_WARP; //warp "1@mcd",127,282; end; } else { mapannounce "verus04",strcharinfo(0)+", member of the party "+.@p_name$+" entered the instance "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; setquest 13185; set charlestonins,0; specialeffect2 EF_WARP; //warp "1@mcd",127,282; end; } } else { if(charlestonins == 0) { mes "[Machine]"; mes "Dimensional Portal is Ready!"; next; mes "^ff0000This dimensional portal cannot be accessed for 20 hours after your last access..^000000"; next; mes "^ff0000The Party Leader did not prepare a dimensional portal.^ff0000"; mapannounce "verus04",strcharinfo(0)+", member of the party "+.@p_name$+" entered the instance "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; setquest 13185; specialeffect2 EF_WARP; sleep2 1000; //warp "1@mcd",127,282; close; } else { mes "[Machine]"; mes "Dimensional Portal is Ready!"; set charlestonins,0; next; mes "^ff0000This dimensional portal cannot be accessed for 20 hours after your last access..^000000"; next; mes "^ff0000The Party Leader did not prepare a dimensional portal.^ff0000"; mapannounce "verus04",strcharinfo(0)+", member of the party "+.@p_name$+" entered the instance "+.@md_name$+".",bc_map,"0x00ff99"; setquest 13185; specialeffect2 EF_WARP; sleep2 1000; //warp "1@mcd",127,282; close; } } //custom @ official server kRO simple when click nothing happens. case 1: mes "Only the registered members can enter the instance "+.@md_name$+"."; close; case 2: mes "The memorial dungeon "+.@md_name$+" does not exist."; mes "The party leader did not generate the dungeon yet."; close; case 3: mes "Unknown error"; close; } case 3: close; } } else { mes "^ff0000Dimensional Portal needs to be open from Charleston.^000000"; close; } } Hi Good Day Rathena this is the first time i've encountered this but when I take a look at it there doesn't seem to be a mistake (Correct me if im wrong) it shows Unexpected new line at string i've highlighted the string where the error shows up
  8. Did you mean like the roulette of cards? :))
  9. prontera,163,152,3 script PvP Battle Room#01::pvparena 810,{ waitingroom "PVP Room",0; mes "[PvP Battle Room]"; mes "Pilih Ruangan"; menu "All Class [" + getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") + "]",pvp1, "Non Donate [" + getmapusers("pvp_n_8-5") + "]",spvp, "Trans Class [" + getmapusers("guild_vs1") + "]",pvp2, "Guild vs Guild [" + getmapusers("guild_vs3") + "]",gvg1, "Novice [" + getmapusers("guild_vs2") + "]",novc; pvp1: warp "pvp_y_1-2",0,0; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room.",bc_all; close; gvg1: warp "",0,0; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The GVG Room.",bc_all; close; pvp2: if(Class >= 4008 && Class <= 4021){ warp "guild_vs1",0,0; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room Trans Class.",bc_all; close; } mes "Trans Class Only."; close; spvp: if(countitem(20450) > 0 || countitem(32171) > 0 || countitem(32423) > 0 || countitem(32422) > 0 || countitem(32424) > 0 || countitem(32440) > 0 || countitem(32441) > 0 || countitem(32442) > 0 || countitem(32210) > 0 || countitem(32214) > 0 || countitem(32202) > 0) goto donator; warp "pvp_n_8-5",0,0; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room Non Donate.",bc_all; close; novc: if (Class != 0) goto nchamp; warp "guild_vs2",0,0; announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The PVP Room Novice.",bc_all; close; nchamp: next; mes "[PvP Warper]"; mes "You're not a Novice."; close; donator: mes "You are a donator you are not allowed to this room"; close; } //Mapflag guild_vs1 mapflag pvp guild_vs1 mapflag nocommand 90 pvp_y_1-2 mapflag nocommand 90 guild_vs3 mapflag gvg guild_vs3 mapflag nocommand 90 guild_vs2 mapflag pvp guild_vs2 mapflag nocommand 90 //==================================================================================== ///Duplicates morocc,152,94,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#2 810 geffen,127,63,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#3 810 alberta,114,64,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#5 810 izlude,123,147,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#6 810 aldebaran,134,113,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#7 810 xmas,141,127,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#8 810 comodo,194,158,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#9 810 yuno,150,184,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#10 810 amatsu,101,143,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#11 810 gonryun,152,114,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#12 810 umbala,126,137,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#13 810 louyang,214,106,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#14 810 ayothaya,154,116,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#15 810 einbroch,68,203,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#16 810 lighthalzen,150,91,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#17 810 jawaii,206,208,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#18 810 hugel,99,161,4 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#19 810 rachel,123,142,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#20 810 veins,211,119,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#21 810 brasilis,191,185,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#22 810 dewata,191,185,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#23 810 dicastes01,199,194,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#24 810 malangdo,200,149,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#25 810 malaya,271,364,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#26 810 mora,121,113,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#27 810 splendide,191,152,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#28 810 eclage,277,289,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#29 810 moscovia,217,193,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#30 810 louyang,91,245,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#31 810 moscovia,173,77,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#32 810 manuk,292,181,0 duplicate(pvparena) PvP Battle Room#33 810 Hi Try this! havent tested it though :))
  10. It should be like this 18,Nightmarish Jitterbug,3300,300,1@jtb,16,18,1@jtb
  11. 1. You're using a 2015 Client that means you're client is using iteminfo.lub/lua You can find this one in the system folder :)) 2. The input you're gonna add in iteminfo.lua/lub must be correct and match the sprite that you want to add so that it wont display an apple or no sprite item :)) Example. [33001] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Custom Aura", unidentifiedResourceName = "custom_aura", (sprite name) unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Custom Aura Blue", (Display Name in game) identifiedResourceName = "custom_aura", (sprite name) identifiedDescriptionName = { "A custom blue aura.", (Description in game) "Defense:^0000FF 0^000000", "Weight:^006600 10^000000", (Weight Display) "Minimum Level:^006600 1^000000", "Maximum Level:^006600 99^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All classes^000000" }, slotCount = 1, (Slot Display) ClassNum = 3500 (The View ID in AccessorryID.lub) }, and you probably have a wrong input in the accessorryid.lub :)) just find the line where is the error :))
  12. I don't really want to make this kind of script since I can only see that it will be use for a bad thing.
  13. Yes it is correct for a cashshop :)) but i personally think it's better to use a dynamic shop with #CASHPOINT Currency :))
  14. I think you added a wrong syntax in your instance_db.txt do you mind sending what you added there :))
  15. If you activate the pk all dungeons and fields will be on PK :)) if you just want specific maps you should turn it off and apply the pvp mapflags to the specific maps :))
  16. You just need the client side files for this if you have the latest kRO data.grf then it won't have a problem if you want other custom hairstyle sprites you can refer here https://rathena.org/board/topic/59560-hair-style-pack/ :))
  17. Hi as far as i know all 4 elemental resist potion do stack, But when you activated all of it you will just get a 5% resist from all elements since every resist potions have a counterpart of 15% increase damage to their specific weak elements. :))
  18. Are you reloading scripts while there is a player online? :))
  19. ragnahosting doesn't really reply anymore im not sure if their services is still up. :))
  20. it would be easier for the guild leaders great stuff :))
  21. Hi everything you need to know about adding is in here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom_Items
  22. I dont know what event is that but you can use getmapuser to get the number of players inside :)) and if someone die just use OnPCDieEvent to warp them out :))
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