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Everything posted by QQfoolsorellina

  1. We have new script command addrid for use addrid(2,0,getcharid(1)); disguise.......
  2. What an awesome guide! dunno why I prefer Tortoisegit, really help a lot. So, After first updated , What should i do is fetching from remote(rAthena) --> Merge local master --> push remote(origin ) , Is it correct?
  3. I m using Tortoisegit How to update my forked rAthena? XD
  4. good for reading or writing item script
  5. another method, but it waste database space.. log_athena.conf log_chat: 2 select count(*) from `chatlog` where ......
  6. try this clif.c + pc_setglobalreg(dstsd,"pmcounter",pc_readglobalreg(dstsd,"pmcounter")+1); // Normal message clif_wis_message(dstsd->fd, sd->status.name, message, messagelen);
  7. Is it? yup, no response .. no update for over six months
  8. maybe relate to strcharinfo scriptcommand
  9. 1. create a new folder named INPUTD ,and put new iteminfo.lub into INPUTD 2 setting input and output stuff...... input directory point to INPUTD 3 after pushing down generate button --->select other option-->type /System
  10. As far as I know ,autoguard does not reflect damage
  11. try this.. function script woePortal { function getpartymapusers; set .@cmu,getpartymapusers(getarg(1), getcharid(1)); if (.@cmu < getarg(0)) warp getarg(1), getarg(2), getarg(3); else dispbottom "There is " +.@cmu+ " member" + (.@cmu > 1 ? "s" : "") + " of this party in the castle."; end; function getpartymapusers { set .@pid,getarg(1); set .@m$,getarg(0); getpartymember .@pid, 1; getpartymember .@pid, 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@i]); if(strcharinfo(3)==.@m$) .@c++; } } return .@c; } }
  12. clif.c search this line WFIFOL(fd,28) = (pc_get_group_level(ssd) == 99) ? 1 : 0; // isAdmin; if nonzero, also displays text above char change to WFIFOL(fd,28) = (pc_get_group_level(ssd) == 99) ? 0 : 0; // isAdmin; if nonzero, also displays text above char don't forget to recompile
  13. Oninit: + setarray .lootidarray[0],501,502,503; + .size = getarraysize(.lootidarray); end; and mes "[Treasurer]"; mes "Alright I will now send you to the Treasure Room, Take Care!."; next; set Zeny,Zeny-1000000; +atcommand "@alootid reset"; +for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; .@i++ ) + atcommand "@alootid +"+.lootidarray[.@i]; warp "ordeal_2-2",156,155; emotion 21;
  14. not sure, please backup your svn and test this patch this patch is a temporary fix , backup official svn and wait for rathena 's update is the right way fix.patch
  15. svn miss this comitting https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/8a66d82c28043f46ddc78652ed8c37d6d439f276
  16. @GmOcean case 5: { int map_index; map_index = map_mapname2mapid(script_getstr(st,4)); if(map_index < 0){ script_pushint(st,0); return 0; } for( sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter)){ if(!script_getnum(st,3)||!sd->st) if( sd->bl.m == map_index) run_script(st->script,st->pos,sd->status.account_id,st->oid); } } another suggestion for addrid Is it possible to persist temporary variable across the addrid command? ex: prontera,151,186,5 script zxcvasdfqwe 721,{ .@i=501; .@a=10; addrid(0); getitem .@i,.@a; close; }
  17. can you release portable versions ,coz I can't install even I had installed frame work 4.0
  18. clif.c just comment out all the content of void clif_monster_hp_bar( struct mob_data* md, int fd ) {....} and recompile
  19. that's impossible ,unless you have relative event like OnPCStatCalcEvent
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