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Everything posted by michaelsoftman

  1. That looks like code leftover from a tortoiseSVN patch. Did you patch it manually or something?
  2. But then I'd need a regular version of a hat and then a costume version of it as well, right? Like for example, the Wanderer's Sakkat, item 5579. What if people wanted to choose between using it as a regular headgear (to get the AGI + 2) or a costume? I'd have to make a 2nd item for it in the DB.
  3. I know that in order to have a headgear as a costume item, you need to have it as a specific type in your itemDB. Is is possible to allow it to accept regular headgear as well? I want to use the costume system but I don't want to have to make a new costume type item for every headgear already available in addition to customs.
  4. Learn to use TortoiseSVN and then you can download and update the emulator with a simple click! rA does have support for Eclage I think, it also depends on how up to date your data files are.
  5. You can't without editing the client. What are you trying to do? You can use custom Garments for body type disguises now.
  6. Have you also updated your SQL files? Did you accidentally reset your client date in the source?
  7. Don't get a liberal arts degree, and don't pick any degree that ends with 'studies'.
  8. There's a backwards way around this. Have the item call a function when equipped. if(Class == Job_Assassin || Class == Job_Assassin_Cross) { callfunc "awesomefunc"; } In that function, have an 'OnNPCKillEvent' label with code like this in it: OnNPCKillEvent: set .@number,rand(0,1); if (.@number == 0) { set .@drop,rand(0,9); if (.@drop < 2) getitem 908,1; } else if (.@number == 1) { set .@drop,rand(0,9); if (.@drop < 2) getitem 909,1; } break;
  9. That window height depends on the names of the tabs. Change Equipment and Individual to something like Equip and Indiv and it'll shorten it.
  10. You have to run it with admin permissions.
  11. sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1800000,50; That would boost exp by 50%, try a negative number instead of the 50? I'm not sure if it'll work though.
  12. How to save it? Or how to use it? Just click the link to save it. To use it, apply it with TortoiseSVN, or you'll have to open the patch with notepad and add in all the code manually.
  13. You change the MAX_MOB_DB setting in your source code. Just make it 1k higher and recompile.
  14. Set your server to pre-renewal instead of renewal. Change the setting in renewal.h
  15. You can't really do this unless you create a 2nd item that's the exact same as the first headgear, but then without bonuses, and you make the NPC swap em.
  16. Do you have your max mob DB set to 1000 higher than the highest mob number you have?
  17. Your syntax is wrong, should be [jobtbl.JT_COWRING] = "cowring", and ["JT_COWRING"] = 2999, You had the ] in the wrong spot Also the LUA files shouldn't be gibberish. Redownload them from the link Emistry gave (no idea why it was down for you) and then add your Cowring back in. Try this. http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lua%20files/datainfo/npcidentity.lua
  18. Add me on skype if you want - Michaelsoftman
  19. Q: + What files should I have? Client, GRF, related data files etc. For the server, that trunkOLD download has everything you'd need. + Where should they be located? Anywhere you want. + Which client should be used, that doesn't contain sprite\shadow errors? - The client doesn't matter for this, it depends on how updated your data.grf and rdata.grf are. + What folder should the client be in? (Should it be in the same folder with the batch files/runserver?) It can go wherever, you don't keep it in the same folder as the server. + Should the data folder be inside the same folder with the batch files? (to avoid client errors?) No? It has nothing to do with the server files. + Does it require a full kRO update? Sorta, read my answer to the next question. + Does it work with kRO Renewal? eAthena (especially an old version) will not have any renewal features. No 3rd jobs, no mounts, no Kagerou / Oboro, etc. No renewal mechanics either. Basically nothing after episode 13.3 I believe.
  20. You have to edit mmo.h in the source code, to set it to the date that your client is. It'll stop all those errors.
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