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Everything posted by michaelsoftman

  1. I was a huge fan of 3ceam back in the day, and even ran my server with it for it's entire life. Happy to see you working on this!
  2. So I'm attempting to patch the 2018-06-20eRagexeRE client with the latest version of Nemo. After patching, the client won't open on startup. I've read other topics around the forums, and it seems like it's required to have the patch SelectKoreaClientInfo(). However, this patch doesn't work in Nemo at all. Selecting it will always return a Failed in step 2c - found wrong offset for iteration no.0 error. Is there a way to get this working? I see other forum topics where members have applied this patch somehow. Or is it not actually needed, and my issue is actually something else?
  3. So with a fresh installation of rAthena, and following the guide here - https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Install-MySQL I get this error. Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`clan_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(24) NOT NUL' at line 1 I'm using mySQL version 5.5.59, along with mySQL Workbench version 5.2.47. I'm attempting to run the main.sql file and I get this error. No changes have been made to the source code and it's a brand new install of mySQL. Any ideas? Should I try a different mySQL version?
  4. There's some type of manual client hex you have to apply to fix this, it's here on the forums somewhere (Don't have the page saved)
  5. SVN is no longer updated or supported, you have to use GIT.
  6. So, with the current packet_db, I should set it to version 30 instead of default? That's what the db says for the client date I'm using. I'll try it and see if it works, thank you!
  7. That is what I'm using, but there is no 'allow space in guild name' or any such diff.
  8. I'm having an odd problem. Sometimes, the #main channel just decides to 'go away' and no one can use it. But I can recreate it with the @main create #main and it works just fine again. None of the other channels do this. I enabled logs on my server to see why, but so far there seems to be no cause which is odd. Anyone have any ideas?
  9. I'm using a 2012-4-10a client. I can't make a guild name with a space in it, using /guild "Test guild" for example. I found a topic in which to change a hex string from 6A 20 53 FF D6 83 C4 08 to 6A 21 53 FF D6 83 C4 08 but the problem is still there. Also, when trying to name a guild something even if it's one word, I get a "guild already exists" message even if it doesn't. Using latest Revision.
  10. Hey guys, I solved this. Here's what you have to do. In Flux, open /data/paypal/button.php You will see this line. <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="<?php echo $this->url('donate', 'notify', array('_host' => true)) ?>" /> Replace it with the actual URL of your site like so <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="http://www.YOURSITE.com/?module=donate&action=notify" />
  11. I am using the most up to date revision of rAthena. When I use @ii in game, it states that every single item is not dropped by mobs, even ones that are. Example - Use @mi chonchon, you can see it drops a fly wing. Use @ii fly wing, and the server states nothing drops it. But @whodrops also works.
  12. I think eathena is no longer updated? Or updated very rarely. rAthena is much, much more up to date and has both pre-re and renewal settings. For an unmodded install, get a copy from https://github.com/rathena/rathena using GIT.
  13. Did you make the server? Then yes, you can. Did someone else make it and you're just a player? You can't play their server offline. You would need to re-create it yourself (all custom items / mobs / source changes etc) and that is basically impossible without the server owner giving you that info.
  14. If you're using tortoiseSVN for eathena, first create a patch file that contains all of your custom changes. Then, download rathena. Open the patch and you have to manually reapply all of the changes. There is no eathena -> rathena conversion that I know of. It has to be done manually.
  15. Would you happen to have a copy of the eathena one saved? All of the download links are broken or inaccessible, even the one attached to the board.
  16. I found this code for a simple server status window online, but I can't get it to work. I'm not very familiar with PHP, could someone take a look at it? It doesn't display correctly, even after putting in my server IP. It starts displaying all the code after "Group->Server->attributes()->loginServer ? "ONLINE" :" as text. <?php $status= simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents("http://SERVERIPHERE/?module=server&action=status-xml")); echo "Login Server: " . ($status->Group->Server->attributes()->loginServer ? "ONLINE" : "Offline"); echo "<br>"; echo "Char Server: " . ($status->Group->Server->attributes()->charServer ? "ONLINE" : "Offline"); echo "<br>"; echo "Map Server: " . ($status->Group->Server->attributes()->mapServer ? "ONLINE" : "Offline"); echo "<br>"; echo "Players Online: " . $status->Group->Server->attributes()->playersOnline; ?>
  17. It seems those files are a few years old, I wouldn't recommend using them.
  18. So, quick question. Say I have an instance map, with 5 mobs, all with the same OnMobDead: label. I want to have a variable that keeps count of the dead mobs, something like this: OnMobDead: set mobdead,mobdead+1; if (mobdead > 4) { etc etc... But I was just wondering what the proper type of variable is to use for this, since it's an instance? Would it just be an NPC variable, like .@mobdead?
  19. Did you edit your LUA files? Did you diff your client to show over 1000 viewIDs?
  20. All 4 of these work to check out with. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/ http://svn.rathena.org/svn/rathena/ http://rathena.googlecode.com/svn/ http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/
  21. Is he giving the client admin permissions when he runs it?
  22. Why not make the item just have a 'callfunc' in the script, and in the actual function, do it this way. Have a player variable like @endow. Have a Case for it in the script, and then do like this. switch(@endow) { Case 1: specialeffect2 583; sc_start SC_FIREWEAPON,300000,1; set @endow, @endow+1; end; Case 2: specialeffect2 257; sc_start SC_WINDWEAPON,300000,1; set @endow, @endow+1; end;
  23. Did you recompile after making that change? And did you edit your LUA files for mobs?
  24. Speaking of which, is the Sprite Repository ever coming back? The guy stopped posting on the FB page for it as well.
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