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Everything posted by michaelsoftman

  1. Your customs have to be in several different folders. Texture/collection Texture/item Then in the sprite folder, there's one divided for male and female headgear, then one for the drop sprite. Also make sure you have your client diffed to read viewIDs over 1000. I think 1000 is the max by default if you haven't.
  2. Actually, I notice the folder name is 3 squares. Are you sure you have the right files in the right places?
  3. Go in your mob_db.txt (or the SQL database if you are using SQL files) and edit the Peach Tree's line. You'll see item 522 then the drop rate. Change the rate.
  4. You can use TortoiseSVN to update it and it'll merge your changes without a problem usually.
  5. Is your directory for them data/luafiles514/lua files/ ? Also I think you need certain LUA files outside of your GRF in order to save some client settings.
  6. Solution - just use rAthena Although if you can tell me what parts of the script don't work on eA, I can try to convert it for you. I don't have eA on my comp right now.
  7. Yep! You need to get proper LUA files. Do you have your client diffed to read the data folder first also?
  8. Only position 2 and 3 can use it in that example. Try this. It lets the guild master open it as well. prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ set .@npc$,strnpcinfo(1); mes .@npc$; mes "Only members with high position can access the guild storage from me"; next; if (getcharid(2) == 0) close; mes .@npc$; mes "Do you want me to open the guild stash for you?"; next; if (select("Yes:No") - 1) close; mes .@npc$; mes "Let me check your position"; query_sql("SELECT `position` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'", .@position); if (.@position > 3) close; mes .@npc$; mes "Done!"; guildopenstorage(); close; }
  9. Check the web directory in your VPS and see where you put it?
  10. Your LUA files for your custom items are wrong in some way. It's trying to load a blank sprite instead of the sprite you set. Check accname.lua
  11. Just make a player variable like playerprogress, set it to 0 to begin with. Set it to 1 when they're on step 1, 2 on step 2, etc. Make the NPC only do what it's supposed to when they are on the correct step by checking the variable. You can also use this to make sure they only get a reward once. The code for step 3, for example, would look like If (playerprogress < 3) { mes "You dont have business with me yet."; close; } if (playerprogress == 3) { do whatever step 3 is, give the reward, then set playerprogress to 4 so this part cant be repeated. } if (playerprogress > 3) { mes "I'm done with you! Go see the next guy!"; close; }
  12. They all work fine with custom items. You have to make sure you have the right LUA files for your client date, and your mmo.h is set to the date.
  13. http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Diff_Project/kRO/RagexeRE/2010/2010-11-24/ And use WeeDiff.
  14. You can edit the cooldown yourself in the skill_db files. What do you mean by endless duration though?
  15. You can't use eAthena's SQL files. You need to remake the database with rAthena's SQL files.
  16. You use an LUA compiler to do that. http://www.lua.org/download.html
  17. You just posted the whole list of statuses blocked by GTB Stone is in the list, Frozen isn't.
  18. Why won't it work with rAthena? Did you create a separate Database and whatnot? And yeah you can, just use GRF builder.
  19. What client date are you using? And it is pretty odd for the Shinobi not to appear. Check the mob's LUA entries and check to see if you have his sprites.
  20. Honestly, read the wiki. It answers almost every single one of your questions. For MySQL workbench, they changed the versions a bit. I have MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE and it works perfectly. If you want to transfer your custom items, you just copy the files from your eA databases to rA's. To diff, download a client date, open it in Weediff, and apply whatever diffs you want. Unbollox and the 2 grf tools have nothing to do with diffing.
  21. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items Read the part about custom headgear and view IDs.
  22. Hello! With the new cash shop, I have been looking around and trying to understand how to call it in game. From what I have read, it only works on Ragexe clients, and not RagexeRE clients? Is this true? Or is there a way to also call it on Renewal clients? And a 2nd question, if I switched over to Ragexe clients instead, are they much different than RE ones?
  23. You have to run the client with admin permissions in order to get it to save, because that info is saved in your computer's registry. What OS are you using? It's different on what version of Windows you have. Win7 should automatically ask if you want your client to have admin permissions when opening.
  24. That's not the client version, that's the server's SVN version. I'm not sure if you can tell the client version without opening it in a hex editor.
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