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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. If you Google the "call to undefined function" error message you'd find a load of guides showing you how to update cURL. It's possible the software on your webserver has been updated but curl was left out after a rebuild of php. If you're using shared webhosting this could be a problem.
  2. You're using an old theme that likely has old code. Ask the theme creator to update it so it works with the latest version of FluxCP. You can have a go yourself by looking at the code in the default theme files for registration, and the same again for the modules folder.
  3. From what I recall there is only partial support for robes. I remember having to write a line or two of code to get them to display correctly - the changes might be on my private fork. I'll have a look.
  4. That too. Until we are sure that this app can do what we need it to do, it'll remain open for only staff to post projects. We can iron out any kinks when we open it up for members to post projects (which will all be hidden until a member of staff approves it).
  5. Well.. as i stated in the first post, the devs create the projects and goals and that members don't have this ability until we can decide on a method of screening so members aren't scammed.
  6. This is exactly what the crowdfunding app does.
  7. Afternoon all! Back in March this year, the staff had a few conversations regarding the Donation Goals we periodically created in order to keep the forums afloat. While the Goals did what they needed to do for the most part, there was still the other reason that the Goals were created that wasn't being fulfilled. This was for the Devs to earn some monetary recompense for their hard work. As the Donation Goal platform wasn't fulfilling that need, I went ahead and purchased an App for our forums that can do everything we need it to. Crowdfunding. We were going to leave the App offline until one of the Devs could create a code related goal, but since the discussion in https://rathena.org/board/topic/115859-multi-mod-auto-replies/ I thought we may as well go ahead and open up the platform now. You can find the link under "Supporting rA" in the navigation bar. Projects can only be created by staff for forum related apps/plugins/fees or for code projects/enhancements/features for the code itself on github. The project owner receives the donation values to their account credit, which they can then disperse to other staff if they want to share their funds. This platform gives the Devs all they need to get a little bit back. While some of the staff have voiced their thoughts on opening this platform up to regular members, i'm holding off on that until we can find a way of ensuring that project owners will complete their project once the goal has been met. We'll try a few small project goals and see how we go. If the platform does indeed do what we need it to, then we'll begin to think about releasing larger projects to it. Akky out~
  8. The same way it's always been. Login to your account, click on the tab at the top that says "My Account" and click "Account Credit". Submit your Withdrawal Request and then the system will do the rest.
  9. Just click the "Install or Update Everything" under the number 2 in your second image. You obviously can't update something if it isn't installed yet.
  10. Contact an approved 3rd Party Services provider instead. https://rathena.org/thirdpartyservices/
  11. To be quite honest, if you're not capable of searching these forums, you likely aren't capable of making the necessary changes for the project you're trying to create.
  12. It looks reasonably simple from a quick glance. https://medium.com/@richb_/easy-two-factor-authentication-2fa-with-google-authenticator-php-108388a1ea23
  13. Afternoon all! As part of the on-going GDPR changes on our forums, a new set of pages have been created to display a concise Privacy Policy which outlines everything with both a full version and a simple-to-understand version. You can view this page here or by clicking on the link at the bottom of any page. Under section 6 you will also find a link to our new Cookie Policy which explains what cookies are, how they are used, who uses them and how to get rid of them. Please familiarise yourselves with these pages in order to keep yourselves informed. Thanks, Akky~
  14. rAthena is a fork from the original eAthena project. Since eAs demise, rA has come on in leaps and bounds in an effort to emulate the kRO servers as much as possible using the data we're able to obtain. As for being a kids project, the average age of the dev team is ~27. The average age of our user base is much lower.
  15. 111 is designed to be hidden. If you want to see the NPC or give it a shadow, you can change it to another NPC sprite or use the shadow (black warp portal) sprite with ID 723 (1_SHADOW_NPC) or select one from the NPC list at http://nn.ai4rei.net
  16. Take a look at how FluxCP uses the CeresCP code: https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/blob/master/lib/functions/imagecreatefrombmpstring.php and https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/blob/master/modules/guild/emblem.php
  17. Akkarin

    FluxCP PayPal

    FluxCP already has Paypal integration and while i'm pretty sure you don't need a business account for it to work, for proper accounting and legality sake you should. If the integration isn't working correctly you should have a look in the transaction logs to see what's up as there are many things that may cause this. It could even be as simple as the user not being verified and sending an echeck, so you won't get the funds immediately, or the transaction could be on hold pending Paypal review. Your logs will give you more information.
  18. That could be down to how your .bmp was saved and it's specific format. I remember it taking me a few tries with different settings before i got it to work.
  19. I believe the splitter tool is in our download area, which requires you to select a 24bit .bmp image for it to chop up into smaller images.
  20. It's a file in the download section. You could literally search '@aura' and you'd find the file.
  21. Your screenshot shows that the servers did indeed build. There are a number of topics already on the forum regarding the error message, searching "bad interpreter" either directly on the forums or even on Google will show you what you need to do.
  22. Assuming you've used git: cd /path/to/my/ra/files git commit -a -m "My files" git pull make clean && make server
  23. There's nothing wrong with FluxCP as it is - if you wanted to add new features to it then you can simply submit Pull Requests. There's no point in reinventing the wheel.
  24. This is clearly not a forum software issue.
  25. This is clearly not a forum software issue.
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