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Everything posted by F0xxy

  1. You can get the latest lua files here: http://www.assembla....des/Lua_Project You will need to merge your customs with the latest release of the txt files otherwise if you just add the customs in the file, everything else will be missing. *Sorry for the late answer, been busy.
  2. It's not a problem with sprites, you need updated lua files as well. I once had that problem as well but all it took me was to update my lua's.
  3. src/map/atcommand.c like this: /*========================================== * @rura, @warp, @mapmove *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD_FUNC(mapmove) { char map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT]; unsigned short mapindex; short x = 0, y = 0; int m = -1; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); memset(map_name, '\0', sizeof(map_name)); if (!message || !*message || (sscanf(message, "%15s %hd %hd", map_name, &x, &y) < 3 && sscanf(message, "%15[^,],%hd,%hd", map_name, &x, &y) < 1)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Please, enter a map (usage: @warp/@rura/@mapmove <mapname> <x> <y>)."); return -1; } mapindex = mapindex_name2id(map_name); if (mapindex) m = map_mapindex2mapid(mapindex); if (status_isdead(&sd->bl)){ clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You can not use @warp while dead."); return 0; } if (!mapindex) { // m < 0 means on different server! [Kevin] clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(1)); // Map not found. return -1; } if ((x || y) && map_getcell(m, x, y, CELL_CHKNOPASS)) { //This is to prevent the pc_setpos call from printing an error. clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(2)); if (!map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, 10, 10, 1)) x = y = 0; //Invalid cell, use random spot. } if (map[m].flag.nowarpto && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(247)); return -1; } if (sd->bl.m >= 0 && map[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(248)); return -1; } if (pc_setpos(sd, mapindex, x, y, CLR_TELEPORT) != 0) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(1)); // Map not found. return -1; } clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(0)); // Warped. return 0; }
  4. Mapflags overlap cell_pvp, it doesn't work that way.
  5. Where its #define RENEWAL_CAST just add /// before it.
  6. The basilica area would be overlayered by the mapflag if I'm not mistaken, that would be like setting both PK and basilica in the same area... You can either use the other 4 squares as cell_pvp or cell_pk, up to you.
  7. It won't work if the map is already set to pvp, in order to get this to work is removing the pvp map flag, setting the cell_basilica in the center and making 4 areas with cell_pvp:
  8. src/map/config/renewal.h /// renewal cast time /// (disable by commenting the line) /// /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats. /// example: /// on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a /// "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills ///#define RENEWAL_CAST
  9. Take this one I made as example: - script Setcell#func -1,{ OnInit: setcell "dellar",96,119,107,102,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",76,103,121,34,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",54,95,132,32,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",145,97,76,34,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",144,150,120,102,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",62,149,84,101,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",88,126,96,118,cell_novending,1; setcell "dellar",112,126,119,117,cell_novending,1; end; } This disables vending across the map except for the red zones:
  10. // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: ragnarok log_db_pw: ragnarok log_db_db: log <--- make sure you change this one to your log schema's name log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog
  11. prt_fild08,100,39,1 script Размороженный маг::koma_man 937,{ OnInit: hideonnpc "koma_man"; end; }
  12. You can change these if you want delay to be removed in general: skill.conf // Does the delay time depend on the caster's DEX and/or AGI? (Note 1) // Note: On Official servers, neither Dex nor Agi affect delay time delay_dependon_dex: no delay_dependon_agi: no As for the cast time, not sure if you're on renewal mode so: src/map/config/renewal.h /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats. /// example: /// on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a /// "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills ///#define RENEWAL_CAST and: /// renewal cast time variable cast requirement /// /// this is the value required for no variable cast-time with stats. /// formula: (DEX * 2) + INT /// default: 530 ///#define RENEWAL_CAST_VMIN 530
  13. 300000 = 3000x -> 0,01 x 3000 = 30% 10000 = 100x -> 0,01 x 100 = 1% That's how you calculate it.
  14. Yeah I remember you lol Whats up?
  15. Diff your client with "Read data folder first" and as for the files you'll place there, their names must be in ASCII instead of unicode, like this: À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º. You can use a software called Unbollox for that.
  16. - script pvp emotions -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: sleep2 1000; emotion e_gg, 1; if (attachrid(killedrid)) sleep2 1000; emotion e_sob, 1; end; }
  17. S is only used as gender by the char server account... Are your GM account id's the same as what you set in your clientinfo?
  18. Ashura, one of the eight buddhist demi-god guardians...that's how it relates to monks in RO
  19. Nope, I mean lub files instead of lua files...same folder, different extension.
  20. If the client is recent use lub files instead.
  21. Hmm why are you trying to patch rdata anw? You shouldnt ._.
  22. The .dat file is used to register the applied patches and keep the client up-to-date. You can delete it and run the patcher to try it out.
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