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Everything posted by F0xxy

  1. <registrationweb>facebook.com</registrationweb>
  2. Here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/73633-solved-help-2012-04-10ragre-client-problem/page__p__153124#entry153124
  3. Lol no wonder why people kept dying then. And still even more recent clients use different packets such as 2012-06-18...I guess time and patience.
  4. Arigatou Shag-san since I was the one who asked for the 2012-04-10a hex... Btw is it licensed by the Cardinal?
  5. F0xxy

    Is Possible?

    What do you mean with MP? Magic points?
  6. Update your data files though. http://svn6.assembla...n_Project/data/ Then use this msgstringtable msgstringtable.txt
  7. As far as I know all the recent clients have those problems. I've been using 2012-04-10a for a while now and theres nothing bothering me since I don't make use of the official auras but that's up to the user I guess...
  8. If you level further than 150 that happens...that was one of the first things I noticed while using that client.
  9. Those giant christmas cookies remind me of that one from Shrek xD Epic map as always :3
  10. Mhm I had also checked to see what sort of variables you used and saw no problem with them at all xD Well, it doesn't happen anymore after I updated to 1.2 though ^^ Edit: It seems to break when .Quests is set to 1
  11. The hunting missions npc seems to get broken when I reload scripts and a mission is active, says I've already started a mission on another character even though its the same character and the options to check mission status and abandon mission are also gone. Cant do anything else unless I manually set #Mission_Count back to 0. ._.
  12. Or...use this msgstringtable. msgstringtable.txt
  13. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?q41d87e0gujndwu
  14. "all of the above contitute" "Please we're kindly request" Just ewwwwww >.>
  15. F0xxy


    Geez I laughed >.>
  16. Lunette,44,113,5 script SG Resetter 644,{ cutin "arang01",2; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "What do you wish to reset?"; menu "Reset Feeling",feeling,"Reset Hatred",hatred; feeling: atcommand "@feelreset"; mes "Done."; close2; cutin "",255; end; hatred: set PC_HATE_MOB_MOON, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_STAR, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_SUN, 0; mes "Done."; next; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "Hatred will be reset upon relogging."; mes "Do you wish to relog now?"; menu "Relog now",relog,"Later",later; relog: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; later: next; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "Ok then, but don't forget changes won't take effect until you relog."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } Take it as example.
  17. Thanks... so, what are the standarts to make my own BGM? So, properties of formation and Etc, the question was how to make them work I have seen much servers with custom BGM and nice sound quality... A .mp3 of 224kbps should play at least it does for me
  18. Well here's a npc I made a few weeks back Lunette,44,113,5 script SG Resetter 644,{ cutin "arang01",2; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "What do you wish to reset?"; menu "Reset Feeling",feeling,"Reset Hatred",hatred; feeling: atcommand "@feelreset"; mes "Done."; close2; cutin "",255; end; hatred: set PC_HATE_MOB_MOON, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_STAR, 0; set PC_HATE_MOB_SUN, 0; mes "Done."; next; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "Hatred will be reset upon relogging."; mes "Do you wish to relog now?"; menu "Relog now",relog,"Later",later; relog: atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); end; later: next; mes "[sG Resetter]"; mes "Ok then, but don't forget changes won't take effect until you relog."; close2; cutin "",255; end; }
  19. It says "Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available." Thanks for the mirror! Lol you just needed to register... I was logged in. I already have an account there. Same here, I can download them just fine there
  20. It says "Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available." Thanks for the mirror! Lol you just needed to register...
  21. For some reason AV's don't like Thor <.< ... Do that!
  22. - script pvp -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "hard_pvp") { mapannounce "hard_pvp",rid2name(killerrid) +" just killed "+ strcharinfo(0)+".",0; end; } }
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