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Everything posted by Conflicts

  1. I have used CentOS 6.6 x64 and I don't remember rAthena having issues with it. May I know what specific problem you are experiencing?
  2. On /src/map/skill.c Find: || (tsc && tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ROGUE) //Rogue's spirit defends againt dispel. Change to: || (tsc && tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && (tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ROGUE || tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_HUNTER) ) //Rogue's spirit defends against dispel.
  3. I'm pretty sure most of these sprites can be found at Green-Peach website.
  4. I haven't really upgraded my Thor patcher version, since 2010. It has worked fine for me ever since.
  5. I described my recent changes in my opening post. I added one new map. I did everything you would normally do to add a custom map. Sorry, I'm not sure how I missed that part. Anyway, can you show us the starting index of your custom map(s)? It should be on /db/mapindex.txt, perhaps you need to increase the index to accommodate for official maps, however, if you've added other custom maps before, and it worked fine prior to this one, then I'm out of ideas. I'll try checking out the latest rA version, and add a custom map, to make sure it's not anything related to the recent updates.
  6. Adding a custom weapon can be tricky. You need to make sure your custom weapon; 1) Uses a valid (and free) ID range for it's weapon type. 2) Has it's VIEW ID (database) and ClassNum (client-side) set as the weapon type, this topic may help you if you're using clients newer than 2012-04-10 Let us know if you got it working.
  7. These seem to be standard, non-custom maps. It would help if you could tell us what changes you made before all these started to happen.
  8. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this command? It looks a lot like @afk to me.
  9. Please mark topic as solved, and select the post that helped you solve it. This would help other members facing the same issue / having the same request.
  10. Conflicts

    Item Trade

    The OP's issue has been resolved, so to prevent ^ from derailing this topic into another *H is better than R* fiasco, I'm locking this topic down.
  11. - script TownInvasion -1,{ OnClock0100: OnClock0500: OnClock1033: OnClock1300: OnClock1700: OnClock2100: for(.@i = 0; .@i < 1; .@i++) { //Spawn on 4 towns .Town_Invade$ = .Town$[rand(getarraysize(.Town$))]; announce Guardia de .Town_Invade$+": ¡Ayuda! nos han invadido",bc_blue|bc_all; for(.@ix = 0; .@ix < 1; .@ix++) { //MvP spawner monster .Town_Invade$,0,0,"--ja--",.MvP[rand(getarraysize(.MvP))],1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnInvadeDeath"; } for(.@iy = 0; .@iy < 400; .@iy++) { //Mob spawner monster .Town_Invade$,0,0,"--ja--",-1,1,strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnMobsDeath"; } } end; OnInvadeDeath: .@RandMvP = rand(getarraysize(.Prize)); getitem .Prize[.@RandMvP],.PAmt[.@RandMvP]; end; OnMobsDeath: .@RandMob = rand(getarraysize(.Prize2)); getitem .Prize2[.@RandMob],.PAmt2[.@RandMob]; end; OnInit: //Towns to Invade setarray .Town$[0],"prontera","izlude","geffen","payon","alberta","aldebaran","yuno","lighthalzen","einbroch","einbech","comodo","umbala","amatsu","gonryun","ayothaya","louyang","hugel","rachel","veins"; //MvPs to summon setarray .MvP[0],1630,1885,1389,1583,1418; //Prize to give MVP setarray .Prize[0],604,607,608,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512; setarray .PAmt[0],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1; //Prize to give Mobs setarray .Prize2[0],604,607,608,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512; setarray .PAmt2[0],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1; end; } if(gettime(3) % 2 == 1 && !agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) - This line checked if your script met the conditions before starting it. Breaking it down one by one; if(gettime(3) % 2 == 1 -> If the HOUR is ODD (1,3,5,7,9,etc). && !agitcheck() -> If WoE is currently off. && !agitcheck2() -> If WoE:SE is currently off. If any of the above checks didn't meet the condition, your script wont start.
  12. It's currently not possible without a custom source modification. So this topic belongs to Source Support. Also, if you're aiming to put a damage cap on several skills, you might want to consider this Maximum Damage mod by Cydh.
  13. I marked it as solved, and would definitely be using that mod
  14. Please try checking out version prior to Dec. 19 patches. You can do this; git checkout -b 4d5fc96 --no-track 4d5fc9604cea533f7d927dd41526bbbad3c800b2 Our developers are still trying to figure out what went wrong on Dec. 19 onward patches. So I'd avoid them until further notice. (Courtesy of Cydh)
  15. @Eat Sleep Dota, Please read first before posting. @Lemon, have you tried typing "/mineffect", perhaps you are being shown minimal effects, instead of full effects. You might also want to check your .grf, to make sure Deluge matches the official Deluge effects (.tga).
  16. No one can tell for sure. Also, if you're trying to get Harmony, I believe it was only $200 when I bought mine, and that was when Harmony was active and all.
  17. I believe this is more of a Scripting Support, so I'll move your topic accordingly. As per your problem, there's a good chance our Scripting Moderators would be able to help you with it.
  18. On /conf/char_athena.conf // Maximum users able to connect to the server. // Set to 0 to disable users to log-in. (-1 means unlimited) max_connect_user: -1
  19. You can use the link from here: RO Client Library. Courtesy of Akkarin.
  20. You can use the script rentitem2. So a +7 Knife would be; rentitem2 1201,3600,1,7,0,0,0,0,0;
  21. I'm almost positive this doesn't involve the database at all, so I'll move it to Scripting Support. sader1992, you might want to take a look at this Wiki Article: Adding a Script.
  22. Moved to Scripting Support. And edited post to use a code-box.
  23. Avast is notorious for false positives. However, have you tried rebuilding your client (exact same date and patches), to see if Avast still flags it?
  24. If I understood your request correctly, then I don't think RO supports that function. I'll move this topic to Client-side support, as it fits better there.
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