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mR L

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Everything posted by mR L

  1. your item_db already old, try to update with yml version 1652,Dragon_Staff,Dragon Staff,5,20,,0,100,,1,4,0x000810200,7,2,2,4,80,1,10,{ bonus bAspd,14; },{},{}
  2. core,141,124,5 script PvP Warper::PvP Warper 4_M_FAIRYSOLDIER,{ mes ""+.n$; mes "Welcome To PvP Warper"; next; switch (select("^6ED1E1Trans Martial Arts^000000 - ^FF0000["+getmapusers("dbz_tour")+"]^000000 Players.", "^FF33CC3rd Job Arena^000000 - ^FF0000["+getmapusers("cell_game")+"]^000000 Players.", "^BAB9B9Coliseum Guild Arena^000000 - ^FF0000["+getmapusers("coliseum")+"]^000000 Players.", "^FF7F00PvP Champion^000000 - ^FF0000["+getmapusers("1@ge_st")+"]^000000 Players.", "Cancel")) { case 1: if (Class >= 4008 && Class <= 4022) { // Allows any Trans Class, Lord Knight - Paladin announce "[ "+ strcharinfo(0) +" ] has joined Trans Martial Arts",0,0x6ED1E1; //announce and end switch( rand(1,6) ){ case 1: warp "dbz_tour", 85, 118; end; case 2: warp "dbz_tour", 109, 118; end; case 3: warp "dbz_tour", 108, 93; end; case 4: warp "dbz_tour", 86, 92; end; case 5: warp "dbz_tour", 96, 106; end; case 6: warp "dbz_tour", 98, 129; end; } } mes ""+.n$; mes "I'm sorry, but only ^FF0000 Transcendent Job^000000 are allowed to join this PvP Room."; close; case 2: if (Class >= 4054 && Class <= 4079) { // Allows any 3rd Class, Rune Knight, etc announce "[ "+ strcharinfo(0) +" ] has joined 3rd Job Arena",0,0xFF33CC; //announce and end warp "cell_game",0,0; end; } mes ""+.n$; mes "I'm sorry, but only ^FF0000 3rd Job^000000 are allowed to join this PvP Room."; close; case 3: announce "[ "+ strcharinfo(0) +" ] has joined Coliseum Guild Arena",0,0xBAB9B9; //announce and end switch( rand(1,6) ){ case 1: warp "coliseum", 70, 103; end; case 2: warp "coliseum", 86, 86; end; case 3: warp "coliseum", 117, 96; end; case 4: warp "coliseum", 105, 72; end; case 5: warp "coliseum", 128, 77; end; case 6: warp "coliseum", 69, 75; end; } case 4: for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@item_list); .@i = .@i + 1 ) if (Class == .class[.@i]) { announce "[ "+ strcharinfo(0) +" ] has entered Champion 1 On 1 Arena!!",0,0x00BFFF; //announce and end warp "1@ge_st",0,0; end; } mes ""+.n$; mes "I'm sorry, but only "+jobname(.class[0])+" & "+jobname(.class[1])+" are allowed to join this PvP Room."; close; case 5: mes ""+.n$; mes "See you ~"; close; } OnInit: set .n$,"[ ^0065DF"+strnpcinfo(1)+"^000000 ]"; // NPC Name setarray .class[0],15,4016,4077; // Allowed Class end; }
  3. if you put this, that can't check the limit status try this for the fix - script gm_is_online -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (getgmlevel()>=99) goto L_admin; if (getgmlevel()>=90) goto L_co_admin; if( getgmlevel()>=10) goto L_head; if (getgmlevel()>=4) goto L_event; if (getgmlevel()>=3) goto L_support; if (getgmlevel()>=2) goto L_helper; readparam(bStr); readparam(bAgi); readparam(bVit); readparam(bInt); readparam(bDex); readparam(bLuk); if ((class >= 4054 && class <= 4079) || (class >= 4023 && class <= 4045) || (class >= 4096 && class <= 4108)) { //3rd Job Class if (readparam(bStr) > 99 || readparam(bAgi) > 99 || readparam(bVit) > 99 || readparam(bInt) > 99 || readparam(Dex) > 99 || readparam(bLuk) > 99){ mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; atcommand "@option 2 0 0"; atcommand "@battleignore"; setoption 0x2,1; sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1; sleep2 5000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; } } else { //Other than 3rd Job Class if (readparam(bStr) > 99 || readparam(bAgi) > 99 || readparam(bVit) > 99 || readparam(bInt) > 99 || readparam(Dex) > 99 || readparam(bLuk) > 99) { mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; atcommand "@option 2 0 0"; atcommand "@battleignore"; setoption 0x2,1; sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1; sleep2 5000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; } } L_admin: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Admin ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" is online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_co_admin: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Co Admin ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" is online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_head: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Head GM ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" is online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_event: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Event GM ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" is online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_support: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Support GM ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" is online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_helper: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Helper ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" is online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; end; }
  4. mR L

    Enchant faw

    try change to: delitem 2589, 1;
  5. itu map renewal, kamu harus rubah server kamu dari pre-renewal ke renewal server maka otomatis kebuka
  6. - script MVP_Announce -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP) != 0) { getmapxy .@map$,.@x,.@y; announce "'"+ strcharinfo(0) +"' has killed ("+ getmonsterinfo(killedrid,MOB_NAME)+") "+.@map$+".",bc_yellow|bc_all; } end; }
  7. Change This To This if (Zeny >= 400000 || countitem(7179) >= 1) {
  8. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/pre-re/skill_db.yml # ItemCost: Item required to cast. (Default: 0) # - Item Item name. # Amount Item amount. # Level Skill level. Makes the skill item check become level dependent if supplied. (Default: applies to all levels)
  9. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/pre-re/item_db_usable.yml - Id: 501 AegisName: Red_Potion Name: Red Potion Type: Healing Buy: 50 Weight: 70 Trade: NoSell: true Script: | itemheal rand(45,65),0;
  10. try to reset from sql with script
  11. Check on setting // -- Usable for Only 1 Time set .Based,1; // [ 0 - Account Based / 1 - Character Based ]
  12. - script custom_go2 -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "go2", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnGo2",0,1; end; OnGo2: if (getgmlevel() > 0) dispbottom "For Player only !!"; else warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; } Hi, use optional parameters *bindatcmd "<command>","<NPC object name>::<event label>"{,<atcommand level>,<charcommand level>};
  13. try this, but not tested - script PVPPOINTS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: getmapxy.@map$,.@x,.@y,0; if (getcharid(3) == killedrid) end; if (.@map$ != "pvp_y_1-2") end; set .@player1, getcharid(3); set .@player2, killedrid; attachrid(.@player2); if (Zeny > 100000) { set Zeny, Zeny - 100000; dispbottom "You Lost 100.000 Zeny from "+rid2name(killerrid); emotion e_sob,1; } else { dispbottom "Sorry no Zeny on the "+rid2name(killedrid); emotion e_meh,1; } attachrid(.@player1); if (Zeny > 100000) { set Zeny, Zeny + 100000; getitem 504,1; dispbottom "You Gained 100.000 Zeny from "+rid2name(killedrid); dispbottom "You Gained 1 White Potion from "+rid2name(killedrid); } else { dispbottom "Sorry no Zeny on the "+rid2name(killedrid); emotion e_meh,1; } end; }
  14. prontera,273,204,3 script Sample Shop 556,{ callshop "sample item",2; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Sample Shop",0; end; } - pointshop sample item -,#HourlyRewards,12020:5,608:25
  15. https://rathena.org/board/topic/84778-makeitem-4x4-cell-on-monster-death/
  16. Change this : To This : "Guild vs Guild [" + getmapusers("guild_vs3") + "]",gvg1;
  17. if (isequippedcnt(cardID) > 2) { bonus bStr,3; }
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