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  1. Adjust the following in rAthena\src\map\mob.cpp DB is PRERE DB2 is RE
  2. If you are using the it could be that your char_athena and map_athena is not connected properly// Character Server IP char_conf // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip: // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 map_conf // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. map_ip: // Map Server Port map_port: 5121
  3. Update: I got it working now, Index starts at 0, I've been counting starting at 1. Another Question though, - How do we remove a Drop from the mob? using the "import" instead of modifying the actual mob_db.yml?
  4. Hi Start_, thank you for responding. You mean like this? On: \db\pre-re\mob_db.yml - Id: 1929 AegisName: BAPHOMET_I Name: Great Demon Baphomet Level: 98 Hp: 4520000 BaseExp: 4520000 JobExp: 2520000 Attack: 16000 Attack2: 16001 Defense: 35 MagicDefense: 45 Agi: 152 Vit: 5 Int: 85 Dex: 200 Luk: 95 AttackRange: 2 SkillRange: 10 ChaseRange: 12 Size: Large Race: Demon Element: Dark ElementLevel: 3 WalkSpeed: 100 AttackDelay: 768 AttackMotion: 768 DamageMotion: 576 Ai: 21 Class: Boss Drops: - Item: Bapho_Doll Rate: 500 - Item: Pauldron Rate: 7000 - Item: Tae_Goo_Lyeon Rate: 5000 - Item: Bloody_Iron_Ball Rate: 100 - Item: Celestial_Robe Rate: 7000 - Item: Holy_Robe Rate: 7000 - Item: Crescent_Scythe Rate: 9000 - Item: Baphomet_Card Rate: 1 StealProtected: true Index: 8 and then On: \db\import\mob_db.yml - Id: 1929 Drops: - Item: Replace_Item Rate: 1 StealProtected: true - Index: 8 I tried that and it is not working. I also tried below and it is still not working. - Id: 1929 Drops: - Item: Baphomet_Card Rate: 1 StealProtected: true Index: 8 - Item: Replace_Item Rate: 1 StealProtected: true Index: 8
  5. Hi Everyone, I just want to understand how Index work? I am unable to find any documentation on how this works. I am utilizing "\db\import\mob_db.yml" and I want to replace a certain drop item on the mob in "\db\pre-re\mob_db.yml" like replacing a card drop item on MVP's Example: I wan't to replace Baphomet, Card drop to something else "db\pre-re\mob_db.yml" - Id: 1929 AegisName: BAPHOMET_I Name: Great Demon Baphomet Level: 98 Hp: 4520000 BaseExp: 4520000 JobExp: 2520000 Attack: 16000 Attack2: 16001 Defense: 35 MagicDefense: 45 Agi: 152 Vit: 5 Int: 85 Dex: 200 Luk: 95 AttackRange: 2 SkillRange: 10 ChaseRange: 12 Size: Large Race: Demon Element: Dark ElementLevel: 3 WalkSpeed: 100 AttackDelay: 768 AttackMotion: 768 DamageMotion: 576 Ai: 21 Class: Boss Drops: - Item: Bapho_Doll Rate: 500 - Item: Pauldron Rate: 7000 - Item: Tae_Goo_Lyeon Rate: 5000 - Item: Bloody_Iron_Ball Rate: 100 - Item: Celestial_Robe Rate: 7000 - Item: Holy_Robe Rate: 7000 - Item: Crescent_Scythe Rate: 9000 - Item: Baphomet_Card Rate: 1 StealProtected: true On my "\db\import\mob_db.yml" - Id: 1929 Drops: - Item: Replace With Something Else Rate: 1 StealProtected: true - Index: 8 Is this possible? Problem: checking using @mi the list of drops doesn't change. It just added. Is there any way to overwrite the drop without modifying the actual "\db\pre-re\mob_db.yml"? Thank you in advance.
  6. The answer is in "ExternalSettings_kr.lub" under '\data \luafiles514\lua files\service_korea' If you are using Chris Translation, there is an instruction on what to do inside the file.
  7. As discussed here in the Forum, The ACT file corresponds to class positioning, It might be that the .ACT and .SPR your getting is from a different class. Try searching here the correct class sprite.
  8. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieved though, however if you are planning to create a custom ItemInfo Lua for your server, I believe the answer is hexing your client using WARP or NEMO. The "AddItem" function is obviously not in the ItemInfo lua it is being called from somewhere (I think the Client)
  9. Hi Guys, I just want to ask if is there a way to disable the highlighted part when opening Stat window Additional Information: I am utilizing the PRE-RE I am using WARP to hexed my client (Client version: 2020)
  10. Hi does anyone has an npc script that will only display specific items from my inventory? Is there a way for a "callshop" function to display a specific items on my inventory whenever I sell my items? I came across this topic but can't seems to figure out how. Here is a sample screenshot provided by the OP in the link: So basically in his inventory he has 3 items as listed <Red Potion>, <Orange Potion> and <Yellow Potion>, however he wanted for the NPC to only display the <Orange Potion> and <Yellow Potion> in the window list.
  11. If it didn't change after changing the clientinfo.xml try checking the sclientinfo.xml
  12. I see, you mean it doesn't affect the announce message provided by the drops.conf ? // Make broadcast ** Player1 won Pupa's Pupa Card (chance 0.01%) *** // This can be set to any value between 0~10000. // Note: It also announces STEAL skill usage with rare items // 0 = don't show announces at all // 1 = show announces for 0.01% drop chance items // 333 = show announces for 3.33% or lower drop chance items // 10000 = show announces for all items rare_drop_announce: 333 Also, I further test with 2 additional items the same add bonus drop set to 1000% a total of 3000% (Upper, Middle and Lower) This is the calculation: 0.03% (Card) + 3000% (bDropAddRace script) = 0.93% Result: Drop announce with 0.90%, which removes the 0.03% decimal point, I guess it doesn't show some decimal point position or simply rounds it off (not sure though).
  13. Hi, I have clarifications regarding on bExpAddRace and bDropAddRace bonus, how does it work? does this adds on top of the current rate or does it overwrites the rate? I have an item that adds 10% drop when killing monster (RC_ALL), Just to test this out, I set it to "bonus2 bDropAddRace,RC_ALL,1000;" which is 1000%. now assuming I have mob that drops an item(ex. Card) with 0.05 chance. Doing the Math from what I understand: 0.05% (Card) + 1000% (bDropAddRace script) = 0.55% (expected result) Result: When I test it out, it only displays 0.50% (I enabled announce on drop to check the changes) Proof: checking mobinfo - when it drops - ----- So this kind of make me wonder if does it overwrite, If I am wrong with my calculations can you enlighten me on how it really works? Thank you.
  14. This much is true, I am using Windows and it does takes 1-2minutes before it finishes its load. So I guess my only solution to switch it with Linux base distros.
  15. I am using "reloadmobdb" so it should reload, I am not using "reloadscript" this is entirely triggered by the script on npc, and no error.
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