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Marin (5/15)

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  1. prontera,176,177,4 script Gacha Machine 563,{ .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); .@rand = rand(.chances); .@i = 0; if( countitem(.itm_p) < .itm_a ){ mes .n$; mes "You don't have any"; mes "^FF0000"+getitemname(.itm_p)+" x "+.itm_a+"^000000"; mes "in your inventory."; mes " "; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes .n$; mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" ^0000FFGacha Machine^000000." : ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" ^0000FFI'm Gacha Machine^000000"; mes "Required Item: ^CC00FF"+getitemname(.itm_p)+" x1 ^000000"; mes " "; next; mes .n$; mes "Prizes are:"; mes "^CC00FF-^000000 Red Potion"; mes "^CC00FF-^000000 Yggdrasil Berry"; mes "^CC00FF-^000000 Yggdrasil Seed"; next; mes "Would you risk to play this game?"; next; if( select("- Play Game","- Cancel") == 2 ) { mes .n$; mes "Alright! "+ strcharinfo(0) +" come back anytime you want."; close; } while (( .@rand -= .item_Rate[.@i] ) >= 0 ) .@i++; progressbar "0x11CC99",.loading; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP; if (.item_Rate[.@i] <= 10) { announce "[ Gacha Machine ]: Player "+ .@name$ +" obtained "+.item_Amt[.@i]+"x "+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +"",0; getitem .item_ID[.@i], .item_Amt[.@i]; delitem .itm_p, .itm_a; mes .n$; mes "You have obtained "+.item_Amt[.@i]+"x ^FF3000"+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +"^000000"; close; }else{ getitem .item_ID[.@i], .item_Amt[.@i]; delitem .itm_p, .itm_a; mes .n$; mes "You have obtained "+.item_Amt[.@i]+"x ^FF3000"+ getitemname(.item_ID[.@i]) +"^000000"; close; } OnInit: .n$ = "[ Gacha Machine ]"; .loading = 1; // 0 = No Delay .itm_p = 33017;608;607; // Required Item .itm_a = 1;1;1; // Required Amount setarray .item_ID, 12074,12075,12089,12090,12084,12085,12079,12080,12094,12095,12099,12100,6286,6293,12214,38802,12429,12430,12431,12432,12433,12434,14601,14601,6292,6291,33017,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501,501; // Item ID List setarray .item_Amt, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1; // Item ID List setarray .item_Rate, 99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,60,60,50,50,40,40,40,40,40,40,35,35,30,30,30; // Item ID Chances .@i = 0; while ( .item_ID[.@i] ) { .chances += .item_Rate[.@i]; .@i++; } end; }
  2. - script MobInvaInit -1,{ function DELAY; OnTimer1000: // Every Second stopnpctimer; set .s,.s + 1; if(.debug) // Showing Debug every minute only. if(.s%60 == 0) debugmes .n$+": Delay Timer: "+.s+" seconds (Minutes: "+(.s/60)+"), Delay Function returns: "+DELAY(.delay_type,.delay_pos,1)+", Invasion Re-/Starts: "+.time[.delay_pos]+" (in seconds), Force End: "+.inva_fend+" (in seconds)"; if(.delay == 1 && .s == DELAY(.delay_type,.delay_pos,1) ) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaInit"; if(.inva_status && .s == .inva_fend) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaForceEnd"; initnpctimer; end; OnClock0100: // 1:00 AM OnClock0700: // 7:00 AM OnClock1300: // 1:00 PM OnClock1900: // 7:00 PM if(.delay == 1) // Delay Usage active end; OnInvaInit: if(.inva_status) end; if(getvariableofnpc(.rew_type,"Invasion Rewarder") > 0) disablenpc "Invasion Rewarder"; switch(.inva_type) { // Single Town Invasion case 1: if(!.s_inva_spec) { // No Map Specification > Random if(rand(1,2) <= 1) { // 50% chance to use either a big city or a small one set .t,rand(getarraysize(.map_b$)); set .map_use,1; // Use big Maps } else { set .t,rand(getarraysize(.map_s$)); set .map_use,2; // Use small Maps } } else { set .map_use,.s_inva_spec; set .t,.s_inva_pos; } if(.map_use == 1) { for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_b$[.t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobSingleKilled"; set .MobSKilled,.MobSKilled + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$); } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_b$[.t]+" is being invaded by "+.MobSKilled+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; } else if(.map_use == 2) { for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_s$[.t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobSingleKilled"; set .MobSKilled,.MobSKilled + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$); } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_s$[.t]+" is being invaded by "+.MobSKilled+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; } break; // Multiply Town Invasion case 2: if( .inva_spawn == 1) { for ( set .@t,0; .@t < getarraysize(.map_b$); set .@t,.@t + 1) { for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_b$[.@t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed") + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]); } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_b$[.@t]+" is being invaded by "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed")+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; } sleep 500; for ( set .@t,0; .@t < getarraysize(.map_s$); set .@t,.@t + 1) { for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_s$[.@t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed") + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]); } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_s$[.@t]+" is being invaded by "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed")+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; } // * Spawn Option - Specific Maps } else if( .inva_spawn == 2) { set .@map_am,.inva_maps; // Copying Map Quantity if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Map Quantity - .inva_maps: "+.inva_maps+" > .@map_am"; // * Map Size - Big Maps if( .inva_size == 1) { // - Checking if .map_am exceeds the size of the map array, or is 0 if( .@map_am > getarraysize(.map_b$) || .@map_am == 0) set .@map_am,getarraysize(.map_b$); if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Map Quantity - Check: .@map_am: "+.@map_am; // * Map Randomness - Yes if( .inva_rand == 1) { if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Map Randomness: Yes"; while ( .@c < .@map_am ) { if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Counter: "+.@c+", Map Index: "+.@t; set .@t,rand(.@map_am); set .@f,0; for ( set .@e,0; .@e < getarraysize(.@t_c); set .@e,.@e + 1) if((.@t+1) == .@t_c[.@e]) { set .@f,1; break; } if(.@f == 1) continue; if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Map Name: "+.map_b$[.@t]; debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Mob Array Size: "+getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t])); } for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_b$[.@t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed") + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]); if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Mob Index: "+.@m+", Map Name: "+.map_b$[.@t]+", Mob ID + Name: "+getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]")+"; "+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0); debugmes .n$+": Total Mob Amount - Map Index: "+.@t+": "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed")+", Spawn Amount per Mob: "+getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]); } } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_b$[.@t]+" is being invaded by "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed")+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; setarray .@t_c[getarraysize(.@t_c)],(.@t+1); // Copying already use maps. set .@c,.@c + 1; } // * Map Randomness - No } else if( .inva_rand == 0) { if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Map Randomness: No"; for ( set .@t,0; .@t < .@map_am; set .@t,.@t + 1) { if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Map Name: "+.map_b$[.@t]; debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Mob Array Size: "+getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t])); } for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_b$[.@t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed") + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]); if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Big Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Mob Index: "+.@m+", Map Name: "+.map_b$[.@t]+", Mob ID + Name: "+getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]")+"; "+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0); debugmes .n$+": Total Mob Amount - Map Index: "+.@t+": "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed")+", Spawn Amount per Mob: "+getd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]); } } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_b$[.@t]+" is being invaded by "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@t]+"_Killed")+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; } } // * Map Size - Small Maps } else if( .inva_size == 2) { // - Checking if .map_am exceeds the size of the map array, or is 0 if( .@map_am > getarraysize(.map_s$) || .@map_am == 0) set .@map_am,getarraysize(.map_s$); if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Map Quantity - Check: .@map_am: "+.@map_am; // * Map Randomness - Yes if( .inva_rand == 1) { while ( .@c < .@map_am ) { set .@t,rand(.@map_am); set .@f,0; for ( set .@e,0; .@e < getarraysize(.@t_c); set .@e,.@e + 1) if(.@t == .@t_c[.@e]) { set .@f,1; break; } if(.@f == 1) continue; if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Small Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Map Name: "+.map_s$[.@t]; debugmes .n$+": Small Maps - Mob Array Size: "+getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t])); } for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_s$[.@t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed") + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]); if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Small Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Mob Index: "+.@m+", Map Name: "+.map_s$[.@t]+", Mob ID + Name: "+getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]")+"; "+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0); debugmes .n$+": Total Mob Amount - Map Index: "+.@t+": "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed")+", Spawn Amount per Mob: "+getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]); } } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_s$[.@t]+" is being invaded by "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed")+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; setarray .@t_c[getarraysize(.@t_c)],.@t; // Copying already use maps. } // * Map Randomness - No } else if( .inva_rand == 0) { if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Map Randomness: No"; for( set .@t,0; .@t < .map_am; set .@t,.@t + 1) { if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Small Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Map Name: "+.map_s$[.@t]; debugmes .n$+": Small Maps - Mob Array Size: "+getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t])); } for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t])); set .@m,.@m + 1) { monster .map_s$[.@t],0,0,""+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0),getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed") + getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]); if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": Small Maps - Map Index: "+.@t+", Mob Index: "+.@m+", Map Name: "+.map_s$[.@t]+", Mob ID + Name: "+getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]")+"; "+getmonsterinfo(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"["+.@m+"]"),0); debugmes .n$+": Total Mob Amount - Map Index: "+.@t+": "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed")+", Spawn Amount per Mob: "+getd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]); } } announce .n$+": The town "+.map_s$[.@t]+" is being invaded by "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@t]+"_Killed")+" monsters, please help use to defend it.",0; } } } } break; } set .inva_status,1; end; OnMobSingleKilled: if(!.inva_status) end; // Shouldn't be possible if(getvariableofnpc(.rew_type,"Invasion Rewarder") > 0) set InvaKill,InvaKill + 1; // Kill Counter for Reward set .MobSKilled,.MobSKilled - 1; if(.MobSKilled == 0) { announce .n$+": Congratulation to ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] who delivered the final blow!",0; if(.inva_final) { announce .n$+": You also get an \"Final Kill Reward\", just take a look in the Chat Box.",bc_self; dispbottom .n$+": Warp on Prontera 112 158."; dispbottom .n$+": You have been rewarded with:"; if(.inva_f_id == 1) { set Zeny,Zeny + .inva_f_am; dispbottom .n$+": "+.inva_f_am+" Zeny."; } else if(.inva_f_id == 2) { set #INVASIONPOINTS,#INVASIONPOINTS + .inva_f_am; dispbottom .n$+": "+.inva_f_am+" Invasion Points. New Balance is "+#INVASIONPOINTS+"."; } else if(.inva_f_id >= 512) { getitem .inva_f_id,.inva_f_am; dispbottom .n$+": "+.inva_f_am+" x "+getitemname(.inva_f_id)+"."; } } sleep 10000; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaEnd"; } else if(.MobSKilled == 1) mapannounce strcharinfo(3),.n$+": JUST 1 MONSTER is left. FINAL BLOW GO GO!!!",bc_yellow; else if(.MobSKilled == 5) mapannounce strcharinfo(3),.n$+": LAST ["+.MobSKilled+"] Monsters. We can do it!",bc_yellow; else mapannounce strcharinfo(3),.n$+": "+.MobSKilled+" Monsters are left!",bc_yellow; end; OnMobMultiKilled: if(!.inva_status) end; // Shouldn't be possible if(getvariableofnpc(.rew_type,"Invasion Rewarder") > 0) set InvaKill,InvaKill + 1; // Kill Counter for Reward set @loc,0; for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize(.map_b$); set .@l,.@l + 1) if(strcharinfo(3) == .map_b$[.@l]) { set @loc,1; set @map,.@l; break; } for ( set .@l,0; .@l < getarraysize(.map_s$); set .@l,.@l + 1) if(strcharinfo(3) == .map_s$[.@l]) { set @loc,2; set @map,.@l; break; } OnMMobKilled: if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": 2nd Loc Check: @Loc; "+@loc+", @map: "+@map; switch( @loc ) { case 1: setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[@map]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[@map]+"_Killed") - 1; if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Mobs: "+mobcount(.map_b$[@map],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled")+", Variable: "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[@map]+"_Killed"); if(getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[@map]+"_Killed") > 0) mapannounce strcharinfo(3),.n$+": The player ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has killed another monster, "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[@map]+"_Killed")+" monsters are left!!!! Good work !!!",0; else { announce .n$+": Every Monster in "+.map_s$[@map]+" has been defeated, thank you guys!!!",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnOtherTown"; } break; case 2: setd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[@map]+"_Killed"),getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[@map]+"_Killed") - 1; if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": Mobs: "+mobcount(.map_s$[@map],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled")+", Variable: "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[@map]+"_Killed"); if(getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[@map]+"_Killed") > 0) mapannounce strcharinfo(3),.n$+": The player ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has killed another monster, "+getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[@map]+"_Killed")+" monsters are left!!!! Good work !!!",0; else { announce .n$+": Every Monster in "+.map_s$[@map]+" has been defeated, thank you guys!!!",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnOtherTown"; } break; } end; OnOtherTown: for ( set .@t,0; .@t < getarraysize(.map_b$); set .@t,.@t + 1) if(getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@m]+"_Killed") > 0) set .@mapb_left$,.@mapb_left$ + .map_b$[.@m]+ ( (.map_b$[.@m+1] != "")?", ":""); for ( set .@t,0; .@t < getarraysize(.map_s$); set .@t,.@t + 1) if(getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@m]+"_Killed") > 0) set .@maps_left$,.@maps_left$ + .map_s$[.@m]+ ( (.map_s$[.@m+1] != "")?", ":""); if(.@maps_left$ == "" && .@mapb_left$ == "") donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaEnd"; announce .n$+": In the "+ ( (.@mapb_left$ != "")?"big towns "+.@mapb_left$+ ( (.@maps_left$ != "")?" and small towns "+.@maps_left$:""):"small towns "+.@maps_left$)+" are still Monsters, please help use to defeat them!!!",0; end; OnInvaEnd: announce .n$+": Thank you guys for your help in defeating the invaders, we will counting on you for the next time as well.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaRestart"; end; OnInvaForceEnd: if(.delay == 1) set .s,0; // Reseting Delay Counter announce .n$+": NOOOOO!!! The monsters successfully invaded the towns, RETREAT GUARDS!!!",0; // Removing Mobs if(.inva_type == 1) // Single Town if(.map_use == 1) killmonster .map_b$[.t],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobSingleKilled"; else killmonster .map_s$[.t],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobSingleKilled"; else if(.inva_type == 2) { // Multi Town for ( set .@t,0; .@t < getarraysize(.map_b$); set .@t,.@t + 1) killmonster .map_b$[.@t],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; for ( set .@t,0; .@t < getarraysize(.map_s$); set .@t,.@t + 1) killmonster .map_s$[.@t],strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobMultiKilled"; } set .inva_status,0; sleep 10000; announce .n$+": Brave Fighters, I thank you for your support, but we failed!",0; sleep 10000; announce .n$+": Let's regroup and let's try again. I will inform you when we are ready!",0; OnInvaRestart: DELAY(.delay_type,.delay_pos,2); if(getvariableofnpc(.rew_type,"Invasion Rewarder") > 0) { enablenpc "Invasion Rewarder"; announce .n$+": Visit the \"Invasion Rewarder\" to recieve rewards for your kills. But hurry! He will disappear in "+getvariableofnpc(.rew_dis,"Invasion Rewarder")+" minutes.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRewardDisable"; } end; // Auto Disable Reward NPC OnRewardDisable: set .m,getvariableofnpc(.rew_dis,"Invasion Rewarder"); while(.m != 0) { switch(.m) { case 4: case 3: case 2: announce .n$+": Invasion Reward Prontera 112 158",bc_all; break; announce .n$+": The \"Invasion Rewarder\" will disappear in "+.m+" minutes.",bc_all; break; case 1: announce .n$+": HURRY! the \"Invasion Rewarder\" will disappear in 1 minute.",bc_all; break; } set .m,.m - 1; sleep 60000; } set .m,0; disablenpc "Invasion Rewarder"; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(.inva_status == 0) end; announce .n$+": The Monster Invasion Event is currently running. Please hurry and help us!",bc_self; sleep2 2000; if(.inva_type == 1) set .@map_left$,( (.map_use == 1) ? .map_b$[.t]:.map_s$[.t]); else if(.inva_type == 2) { for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(.map_b$); set .@m,.@m + 1) if(getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_b$[.@m]+"_Killed") > 0) set .@map_left$,.@map_left$ + .map_b$[.@m]+ ( (.map_b$[.@m+1] != "")?", ":""); for ( set .@m,0; .@m < getarraysize(.map_s$); set .@m,.@m + 1) if(getd(".Mob_"+.map_post_s$[.@m]+"_Killed") > 0) set .@map_left$,.@map_left$ +" and "+ .map_s$[.@m]+ ( (.map_s$[.@m+1] != "")?", ":""); } announce .n$+": We are defending at "+ .@map_left$+".",bc_self; end; OnInit: set .n$,"[ Invasion Monster ] "; // Debug Mode - See Map Server Console for Debug messages set .debug,0; // ======= Invasion Type ======= // - 1: Single // - 2: Multiply set .inva_type,1; // ====== Single Invasion Settings ========= if(.inva_type == 1) { // * Specific Map Usage // - 0 = Random // - 1 = Big Maps // - 2 = Small Maps set .s_inva_spec,0; if(.s_inva_spec > 0) { // * Map Index // X = Array Index of the Map Array set .s_inva_pos,0; } // ======= Multiply Invasion Settings ======== } else if(.inva_type == 2) { // * Spawn Option // - 1: All Maps // - 2: Specific Maps set .inva_spawn,2; if(.inva_spawn == 2) { // * Map Usage: // - 1: Big Maps // - 2: Small Maps set .inva_size,1; // * Map Amount: // - 0: All Maps from .inva_size above // - 1+: ... // Note: If this value exceeds the size of the map array, // then it will use all maps of .inva_size. set .inva_maps,0; if(.inva_maps > 0 && .inva_maps < ( (.inva_size == 1)?getarraysize(.map_b$):getarraysize(.map_s$) ) ) // * Map Randoming: // - 0: No // - 1: Yes // Note: Map Randoming is only possible when not all maps are wanted // It would be ineffective to make map randoming when there are all maps active :I set .inva_rand,1; } } // * Invasion on Server Start // - 0: No // - 1: Yes set .inva_statusinit,0; // * Invasion Force End // - Default: 3600 seconds // 1 Hour // - 0: Not used // - 1+: ... // Note: The Event will automatically end after this value has passed (in seconds) set .inva_fend,3600; // =======*======= DELAY SETTINGS =======*======= // * Delay Usage // - 0: Off - OnClockXXXX will be used // - 1: On set .delay,0; // * Delay Type // - 1: Random (Default) // - 2: Fixed Delay // - 3: Ranged Delay set .delay_type,1; // ---- Fixed Delay ---- // Array Position in ".time" if(.delay_type == 2) set .delay_pos,0; // ---- Ranged Delay ---- // Array Position for start index if(.delay_type == 3) set .delay_pos,3; // * Delay Times setarray .time[0], // In Seconds - is equal to - Array Position 10800, // 3 Hours - 0 14400, // 4 Hours - 1 21600, // 6 Hours - 2 86400, // 1 Day - 3 172800, // 2 Days - 4 259200; // 3 Days - 5 // =======*======= MONSTER SETTINGS =======*======= // * Mob Quantity Limit depending on the map size // - Big Maps set .m_limit_b,100; // - Small Maps set .m_limit_s,30; // * Maps List // - Big Maps setarray .map_b$[0],"prontera","geffen","payon","morocc","aldebaran","alberta"; // For every map you have to add an postfix in the same order, // which has been put in the array for the Maps // After this, just set an array with the Mob IDs where the // array name contains the postfix you set-up, see the examples setarray .map_post_b$[0],"pron","gef","pay","mor","alde","alb"; // - Small Maps setarray .map_s$[0],"amatsu"; setarray .map_post_s$[0],"amat"; // ======= Monster ID's ======= // ------ Big Maps ------ // * Prontera - Mantis, Thief Bug Male, Argos, Side Winder setarray .mob_pron[0],1139,1054,1100,1037; // * Geffen - Poison Spore, Ghoul, Jakk, High Orc setarray .mob_gef[0],1855,1036,1130,1213; // * Payon - Zombie, Elder Willow, Munak, Nine Tail, Drainliar setarray .mob_pay[0],1015,1033,1026,1180,1111; // * Morocc - Requiem, Isis, Mummy, Minorous setarray .mob_mor[0],1164,1029,1041,1149; // * Aldebaran - Cramp, Penomena, Punk, Orc Archer, Bathory setarray .mob_alde[0],1209,1029,1199,1189,1102; // * Alberta - Pirate Skeleton, Penomena, Poison Spore, Whisper, Mimic setarray .mob_alb[0],1071,1029,1077,1179,1191; // ------ Small Maps ------ // * amatsu - Obeaune, Merman, Swordfish, Strouf, Mimic setarray .mob_amat[0],1044,1264,1069,1065,1191; // ------ Mob Amount Calculation for Big Maps ------ for ( set .@c,0; .@c < getarraysize(.map_post_b$); set .@c,.@c + 1) setd(".mam_"+.map_post_b$[.@c]),( .m_limit_b/getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_b$)) ); // ------ Mob Amount Calculation for Small Maps ------ for ( set .@c,0; .@c < getarraysize(.map_post_s$); set .@c,.@c + 1) setd(".mam_"+.map_post_s$[.@c]),( .m_limit_s/getarraysize(getd(".mob_"+.map_post_s$)) ); // ======= Final Kill Settings ======= // * Will the player who gets the final kill be rewarded? // Only working during a Single Invasion // - 1: Yes // - 0: No set .inva_final,1; if(.inva_final == 1) { // * Reward Type: // - 1: Zeny // - 2: Invasion Points // - 512+: Item ID (the Value is already the Item ID) set .inva_f_id,1; // * Reward Amount: set .inva_f_am,10000; } // =======*======= END of SETTINGS =======*======= // Even if .delay is 0, its required to start the timer for force ending the event :I initnpctimer; if(.debug) { debugmes .n$+": .inva_delay: "+.inva_delay; debugmes .n$+": gettimetick(2): "+gettimetick(2); } if(.delay == 1 && DELAY(.delay_type,.delay_pos,1) < 1) // If the delay value is empty, set it!! DELAY(.delay_type,.delay_pos,2); if(.debug) debugmes .n$+": .inva_delay: "+.inva_delay; if(.inva_statusinit == 1) // Starting Invasion on Server Start donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaInit"; // Custom Commands for GM's bindatcmd "invasionstart",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaInit",1,99; bindatcmd "invasionend",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnInvaForceEnd",1,99; end; function DELAY { // Format: DELAY(.delay_type,.delay_pos,1/2); // getarg(0) = Delay Type // * 1: Random // * 2: Fixed Delay // * 3: Ranged Delay // getarg(1) = Array Position if getarg(0) == 2 || 3 // getarg(2): Read/Write // * 1: Read // * 2: Write if(getarg(2) == 1) return (.inva_delay - gettimetick(2)); switch(getarg(0)) { case 1: set .@new_inva,.time[rand(getarraysize(.time))]; break; case 2: set .@new_inva,.time[getarg(1)]; break; case 3: set .@new_inva,.time[rand(getarg(1),getarraysize(.time) - 1)]; break; } set .inva_delay,gettimetick(2) + .@new_inva; return .@new_inva; } } prontera,113,161,4 script Invasion Rewarder 110,{ mes .n$; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "So you want to be rewarded from the Mob Invasion Event, huh?"; mes "Let me take a look at your battle record."; next; mes .n$; if(!InvaKill) { mes "It seems like you didn't participated at all or you got your reward already."; mes "So I can't give you any kind of reward."; mes "Try your best next time."; close; } mes "You haved killed "+InvaKill+" monsters, good job there."; next; mes .n$; set .@rew_am,InvaKill*.rew_am; set .@rew_bonus, ( (.rew_bonus > 0)?(InvaKill*.rew_bonus):.rew_bonus); set .@total,.@rew_am + .@rew_bonus; if(.rew_type == 1) { mes "You have recieved "+.@total+"x "+( (.rew_bonus == 1)?"(Bonus: +"+.@rew_bonus+") ":"") + getitemname(.rew_id)+"."; getitem .rew_id,.@total; } else if(.rew_type == 2) { mes "You have recieved "+.@total+"x "+( (.rew_bonus == 1)?"(Bonus: +"+.@rew_bonus+") ":"") + "Invasion Points."; set #INVASIONPOINTS,#INVASIONPOINTS + (.rew_am+.rew_bonus); } set InvaKill,0; close; OnInit: set .n$,"[ "+strnpcinfo(0)+" ]"; // =======*======= REWARD SETTINGS =======*======= // * Reward Type: // - 0: None // - 1: Item // - 2: Invasion Points set .rew_type,1; // * Reward Bonus // - 0: Off // - 1 and higher: On // = This bonus will be given to the kill additionally. set .rew_bonus,0; // ----- Item ----- if(.rew_type == 1) set .rew_id,7929; // Item ID // ----- Reward Quantity ----- set .rew_am,10; // Amount per Kill // ----- NPC Auto Disable ----- // After how many minutes will the NPC be disabled again: set .rew_dis,3; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } I want 4 waves because that's my script is a script I just want like dark ro like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8JXo06djpU
  5. how about this @part is error
  6. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script Name : Headgear to Costume converter >> Costume to Headgear converter // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description : // - Allows a user to convert the equipped headgear (on Top, Mid or Low) into a // costume item. It will remove any card and refine of the Item. // - Allows a user to restore the equipped costume headgear (on Top, Mid or Low) // into its original form. It will not return any card or refine of the item. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function script costume { .@npc_name$ = getarg(0); disable_items; mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Here you can convert your headgears into a Costume Headgear or restore to its Original form."; next; mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "I cannot convert Rental or bounded items into costume."; next; mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "I will require 1 Costume Ticket to transform an ordinary headgear into a costume."; mes ""; mes "Restoring a costume back to it's original form will cost ^9900002,000,000^000000 Zeny."; next; switch(select("I want to convert.:I want to restore.:No thanks.")) { case 1: setarray .@indices[1], EQI_HEAD_TOP, EQI_HEAD_MID, EQI_HEAD_LOW; for (.@i = 1; .@i<=3; ++.@i) { if (getequipisequiped(.@indices[.@i])) { .@menu$ = .@menu$ + F_getpositionname(.@indices[.@i]) + "-[" + getequipname(.@indices[.@i]) + "]"; .@equipped = 1; } .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ":"; } if (.@equipped == 0) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You need to wear headgears that I can costume..."; close; } if (countitem(60000) < 1){ mes "You do not have the Costume Ticket from your inventory."; close; } mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Please select what to convert."; mes "^FF0000 Take note: ^0000FF"; mes "^0B27F3 I cannot convert items that has a refine OR a card inserted. ^0000FF"; next; .@part = .@indices[ select(.@menu$) ]; if (!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You're not wearing anything there..."; close; } getinventorylist; for (.@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++) { // mes "test " + getequipid(EQI_HEAD_TOP) + " test"; // if (@inventorylist_bound[.@i]) { // mes "you are wearing "+ @inventorylist_equip[.@i]; // mes "you are wearin1g "+ @inventorylist_id[.@i] ; // mes "wew" + getequipid(.@part); //close; // // } if (@inventorylist_expire[.@i]) { if (@inventorylist_equip[.@i] > 0 && @inventorylist_id[.@i] == getequipid(.@part)){ mes "Your item ( ^FF0000"+ getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + "^0000FF ) is rental. I cannot convert this item."; mes ""; close; } } if (@inventorylist_bound[.@i] ) { if (@inventorylist_equip[.@i] > 0 && @inventorylist_id[.@i] == getequipid(.@part)){ mes "Your item ( ^FF0000"+ getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + "^0000FF ) is bounded. I cannot convert this item"; mes""; close; } } } if ( getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 1 ) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Your item (" + getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + ") that you want to convert has a refine. I cannot convert this to costume."; close; } set .@cardcount,getequipcardcnt(.@part); if(.@cardcount > 0) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Young one... There are card/s compounded on this item (" + getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + "). I can do nothing with it, I'm afraid."; close; } mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You want to Costume your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + "?"; next; if (select("Yes, proceed:No, sorry.") == 2) { mes "["+ .@npc_name$ + "]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } costume .@part; // Convert the Headgear delitem 60000,1; mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear."; close; case 2: setarray .@indices[1], EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP, EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_MID, EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW; for (.@i = 1; .@i<=3; ++.@i) { if (getequipisequiped(.@indices[.@i])) { .@menu$ = .@menu$ + F_getpositionname(.@indices$[.@i]) + "-[" + getequipname(.@indices[.@i]) + "]"; .@equipped = 1; } .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ":"; } if (.@equipped == 0) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You need to wear costumed headgears that I can restore..."; close; } mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Please select what to restore."; mes "Remember, I will only restore it back without refine and cards."; mes "I also need 2,000,000 Zeny to restore."; next; .@part = .@indices[ select(.@menu$) ]; if (!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You're not wearing anything there..."; close; } if (Zeny < 2000000) { mes " You do not have enough Zeny. I require 2,000,000 Zeny to use my service."; close; } if (isequippedcnt(getequipid(.@part)) > 1) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You're wearing too many of the same headgear!"; mes "How am I supposed to know which one to restore?"; mes "See me when you have one equipped."; close; } if (countitem(getequipid(.@part)) > 1) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "You have another " + getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + " with you."; mes "Put it away before restoring."; close; } mes "[" + .@npc_name$ + "]"; mes "You want to restore your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@part)) + "?"; next; if (select("Yes, proceed:No, sorry.") == 2) { mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } // Restore headgear by recreating a = getequipid(.@part); delitem a,1; getitem a,1; set Zeny, Zeny-2000000; mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Done, enjoy your restored headgear."; close; case 3: mes "[ ^FF7700Costume Clown^000000 ]"; mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services."; close; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add more lines to put your npc on different cities (adjust name if desired) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- prontera,155,177,5 script Costume Clown#1 715,{ callfunc "costume","Costume Clown",0; end; }
  7. I changed all the scripts to 99/70 to 255/120 but in game 181/50? no more exp any mobs YML Version instant job goods 255/120 but if manual leveling only 181/50 stop more lvl Please Help Me ! Thank You
  8. 1652,Dragon_Staff,Dragon Staff,5,20,,0,100,,1,4,0x000810200,7,2,2,4,80,1,10, THIS IS WEPON STAFF IF EQUIPS ASPD REDUCE -16 I WANT CHANGE IF EQUIP THIS WEPON -2 ONLY REDUCE ON ASPD ! PLEASE HELP ME THANK YOU
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