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mR L

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Everything posted by mR L

  1. try with this mes "<ITEML>"+getitemname(602)+"<INFO>602</INFO></ITEML>"; OR mes "<ITEMLINK>"+getitemname(602)+"<INFO>602</INFO></ITEMLINK>";
  2. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Quest items -- do NOT use a reward item more than once! // Add(<shop ID>,<reward ID>,<reward amount>,<Zeny cost>,<point cost>,<required item ID>,<required item amount>{,...}); // -----------------------------------------------------------
  3. you can setting at this if you want add misc or consumable item just add this // ETC func_AddItem(7444, 969, 3);
  4. I'm try to make new item_combos for me work fine, try to put this at db -> import -> item_combos.yml
  5. if I'm not mistake rponsramp_08.bmp
  6. mR L

    Cash Point

    - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (##GetCashFree) end; dispbottom "You gained 100,000 cashpoint!!! Enjoy!"; set #CASHPOINTS,CASHPOINTS+100000; set ##GetCashFree,1; end; }
  7. ** Note ** if the hat effect didn't appear, just @refresh or @go 0
  8. prontera,152,179,4 script teste 810,{ input .@number; if (.@number < 1) end; for(.@i = 0; .@i < 160; ++.@i) hateffect .@i,false; hateffect .@number,true; end; } #Source
  9. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/groups.conf
  10. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L9994-L10035
  11. mR L

    R> Devil Square.

  12. After this : add this : setlook LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR, 1;
  13. //===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Lotti Girl //===== By: ================================================== //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules 2019-02-22 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Roll a lottery ticket and get some cool items //= even if you get all the trash items, you still collecting points to buy in lotti shop //===== Topic ================================================ //= http://herc.ws/board/topic/16579-lotti-girl/ //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= //============================================================ function script F_MesItemInfo { .@item = getarg(0); .@itemname$ = getitemname(.@item); if (.@itemname$ != "null") { .@itemslot = getitemslots(.@item); if (.@itemslot) .@itemname$ = sprintf("%s [%d]", .@itemname$, .@itemslot); } else .@itemname$ = "Unknown Item"; if (PACKETVER >= 20150729) return sprintf("<ITEM>%s<INFO>%d</INFO></ITEM>", .@itemname$, .@item); else if (PACKETVER >= 20130130) return sprintf("<ITEMLINK>%s<INFO>%d</INFO></ITEMLINK>", .@itemname$, .@item); else return .@itemname$; } /* create table lotti_rank ( char_id int(11), name varchar(24), lotti_point int(11), primary key (char_id), key (lotti_point) ) engine = innodb; */ prontera,160,179,5 script Lotti Girl 1_F_MARIA,{ goto L_talk; OnInit: // Announce to the server when player roll on a rare item .rare_announcement = 1; // Default 1 : means any item with 0.00%~0.99% // Amount of points gain for each roll .lotti_points = 1; // If the player choose to Roll Repeatedly, what is the maximum amount of Roll in the input .max_roll = 100; setarray .item, 7400, // Item ID requirement 1, // amount of the Item needed 100, // chance of not getting any items // chance of getting the items // <Item ID>, <amount>, <chance> 501, 10, 500, 502, 5, 100, 503, 5, 100, 504, 5, 100, 505, 5, 100; setarray .itemshop, // Item sold in the shop // <Item ID>, <Lotti Points needed> 601, 2, 602, 2, 603, 2, 604, 2, 605, 2; // ========================================================================================================= .size = getarraysize(.item); for ( .@i = 2; .@i < .size; .@i += 3 ) .totalchance += .item[.@i]; for ( .@i = 2; .@i < .size; .@i += 3 ) { .@chance = .item[.@i] *10000 / .totalchance; .@division = .@chance / 100; .@remainder$ = .@chance % 100; while ( getstrlen(.@remainder$) < 2 ) .@remainder$ = insertchar(.@remainder$, "0", 0); .chance_display$[.@i] = .@division +"."+ .@remainder$ +"%"; if ( .@division < .rare_announcement ) .announce[.@i] = true; } .shop_size = getarraysize(.itemshop); npcshopdelitem "Lotti#hidden", 512; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .shop_size; .@i += 2 ) npcshopadditem "Lotti#hidden", .itemshop[.@i], .itemshop[.@i +1]; npcshopattach "Lotti#hidden"; .npcname$ = "[ "+strnpcinfo(3)+" ]"; end; L_talk: mes .npcname$; mes "Hello, do you want to play lottery ?"; next; switch( select( "Deal me in!", "More Information", "Lotti Shop", "Lotti Ranking" ) ) { mes .npcname$; case 1: mes "It costs "+.item[1]+"x "+F_MesItemInfo( .item[0] )+" to play."; if ( countitem( .item[0] ) < .item[1] ) close; next; if ( select( "Play", "Roll Repeatedly" ) == 1 ) { mes .npcname$; while ( true ) { mes "Here we go..."; mes " "; .@r = rand(.totalchance); for ( .@i = 2; ( .@r -= .item[.@i] ) >= 0; .@i += 3 ); if ( checkweight( .item[.@i -2], .item[.@i -1] ) == false ) { mes "It appears you have overweight"; break; } delitem .item[0], .item[1]; if ( .@i == 2 ) mes "You get nothing..."; else { mes "You get "+.item[.@i -1]+"x "+F_MesItemInfo(.item[.@i -2]); getitem .item[.@i -2], .item[.@i -1]; if ( .announce[.@i] ) announce sprintf (( "Lotti Girl: Player [%s] has roll on [%s](%s)" ), strcharinfo(0), getitemname(.item[.@i -2]), .chance_display$[.@i] ), bc_all, C_PINK; } lotti_points += .lotti_points; query_sql "insert into lotti_rank values ( "+ getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(PC_NAME) ) +"', "+ .lotti_points +" ) on duplicate key update lotti_point = lotti_point + "+ .lotti_points; mes " "; mes "wanna try again ?"; next; if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) break; mes .npcname$; if ( countitem( .item[0] ) < .item[1] ) { mes " "; mes "It appears you have ran out of "+F_MesItemInfo( .item[0] ); break; } } } else { mes .npcname$; mes "Input how many rounds to roll"; mes "Currently you have "+countitem( .item[0] )+" "+F_MesItemInfo( .item[0] ); next; input .@roll_input, 1, min( countitem( .item[0] ) / .item[1], .max_roll ); mes .npcname$; mes "Are you sure you want to roll "+.@roll_input+" times ?"; next; if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; mes .npcname$; mes "Here we go..."; mes " "; // freeloop true; for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@roll_input; ++.@j ) { .@r = rand(.totalchance); for ( .@i = 2; ( .@r -= .item[.@i] ) >= 0; .@i += 3 ); if ( checkweight( .item[.@i -2], .item[.@i -1] ) == false ) { mes "It appears you have overweight"; break; } delitem .item[0], .item[1]; if ( .@i == 2 ) mes "You get nothing..."; else { mes "You get "+.item[.@i -1]+"x "+F_MesItemInfo(.item[.@i -2]); getitem .item[.@i -2], .item[.@i -1]; if ( .announce[.@i] ) announce sprintf(( "Lotti Girl: Player [%s] has roll on [%s](%s)" ), strcharinfo(0), getitemname(.item[.@i -2]), .chance_display$[.@i] ), bc_all, C_PINK; } ++.@roll; sleep2 1; // prevent lag the server } lotti_points += .lotti_points * .@roll; query_sql "insert into lotti_rank values ( "+ getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR) +", '"+ escape_sql( strcharinfo(PC_NAME) ) +"', "+ .lotti_points +" ) on duplicate key update lotti_point = lotti_point + "+( .lotti_points * .@roll ); mes "Total roll : "+.@roll+" times."; } mes " "; mes "Thank you for using Lotti service~"; close; case 2: freeloop true; mes "Item required: "+.item[1]+"x "+F_MesItemInfo(.item[0]); if ( .item[2] ) mes "Chance to gain ^FF0000nothing^000000 : " + .chance_display$[2]; mes "Possible gains:"; for ( .@i = 3; .@i < .size; .@i += 3 ) mes " > "+F_MesItemInfo(.item[.@i])+" : "+ .chance_display$[.@i +2]; next; mes .npcname$; mes "Each time you roll, will gain "+.lotti_points+" Lotti Point(s)."; mes "Which can be use to buy rare items in Lotti Shop."; close; case 3: mes "You currently have ^0000FF"+lotti_points+"^000000 Lotti Point(s)."; dispbottom "You currently have "+lotti_points+" Lotti Point(s)."; close2; callshop "Lotti#hidden", 1; end; case 4: .@query$ = "SELECT `name`, IF(@d=t.`lotti_point`, @r, @r:=@i), @d:=t.`lotti_point`, @i:=@i+1 "; .@query$ += "FROM `lotti_rank` t, (SELECT @d:=0, @r:=0, @i:=1)q "; .@query$ += "ORDER BY `lotti_point` DESC LIMIT 5"; .@nb = query_sql(.@query$, .@name$, .@rank, .@points, .@dummy); if ( !.@nb ) { mes "There's no ranking yet ~"; close; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; ++.@i ) mes ""+.@rank[.@i]+". "+.@name$[.@i]+" : "+.@points[.@i]+" Point(s)"; mes " "; if ( !query_sql( "SELECT `lotti_point`, 1+(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `lotti_rank` t1 WHERE t1.lotti_point > t2.lotti_point) FROM `lotti_rank` t2 WHERE `char_id` = "+ getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR), .@points, .@rank ) ) { mes "You are not in the rank."; close; } mes "Your current :"; mes " > Rank : "+.@rank; mes " > Point : "+.@points+" Point(s)."; close; } end; // shouldn't reach OnBuyItem: mes .npcname$; if ( !@bought_quantity ) end; if ( checkweight2( @bought_nameid, @bought_quantity ) == false ) { mes "It appears you can't carry them all"; close; } .@size = getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ ) { for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .shop_size; .@j += 2 ) if ( @bought_nameid[.@i] == .itemshop[.@j] ) break; .@itemcost += .itemshop[.@j +1] * @bought_quantity[.@i]; } if ( .@itemcost > lotti_points ) { mes "You don't have enough Lotti Points"; close; } lotti_points -= .@itemcost; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; ++.@i ) getitem @bought_nameid[.@i], @bought_quantity[.@i]; deletearray @bought_nameid; deletearray @bought_quantity; mes "Thanks for buying ~"; close; } - shop Lotti#hidden -1,512:1000
  14. exchange: if (gold == 0) goto nogold; mes "[ Gold Room Warperer ]"; mes "Hmm...let me see"; mes "You have " +gold+ "."; mes " "; mes "How many you want exchange ?"; next; switch(select("Make as many as I can.:I want to choose an amount.:Cancel")) { case 1: if (checkweight(969,gold) == 0) goto L_OverWeight; getitem 969, gold; set gold, 0; emotion e_gg; break; case 2: mes "[ Gold Room Warperer ]"; mes "You have " +gold+ "."; mes "If you don't want any, just enter '0'."; mes "With Points you have, you can make at least "+gold+" golds."; next; input .@amount; if (.@amount <= 0) { mes "[ Gold Room Warperer ]"; mes "Make up your mind, will you?!"; close; } if (.@amount > gold) { mes "[ Gold Room Warperer ]"; mes "Are you deaf? I said less than "+gold+"!"; close; } next; if (checkweight(969,gold) == 0) goto L_OverWeight; set gold,gold - (.@amount); getitem 969,.@amount; emotion e_gg; break; case 3: mes "[ Gold Room Warperer ]"; mes "Byee !!"; close; } end; # Not tested
  15. menu "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Amatsu.",F1, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Ayothaya",F2, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Bifrost", F3, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Brasilis",F4, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Comodo",F5, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Dewata",F6, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Eclage",F7, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Einbroch",F8, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de El Dicastes",F9, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Geffen",F10, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Kunlun",F11, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Hugel",F12, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Lasagna",F13, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Lighthalzen",F14, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Luoyang",F15, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Lutie",F16, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Malaya",F17, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Manuk",F18, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Mjolnir",F19, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Moscovia",F20, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Niflheim",F21, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Floresta de Payon",F22, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Prontera",F23, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Rachel",F24, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Deserto de Sograt",F25, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Splendide",F26, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Umbala",F27, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Veins",F28, "^3CB371[»]^000000 Campos de Juno",F29," Return",L_Menu; and add this // -------------------------------------------------- // Main Menu: // -------------------------------------------------- L_Menu: menu "Last Warp [ ^777777"+lastwarp$+"^000000 ]",-, " ~ Towns",Towns, " ~ Fields",Fields, " ~ Dungeons",Dungeons, " ~ Guild Castles",Castles, " ~ Guild Dungeons",Guild_Dungeons, " ~ Instances",Instances;
  16. prontera,165,195,5 script Gold Room 848,{ mes "[ Gold Room ]"; mes "Welcome, ^ff0000" +strcharinfo(0)+ "!^000000"; next; menu "Enter ^ff0000Gold Room^000000 ^3333cc(" + getmapusers("ordeal_1-2") + ")^000000",L_Enter, "Cancel",L_Cancel; end; L_Enter: specialeffect 253; showscript "'" + strcharinfo(0) + "' entered!",getnpcid(0),AREA; warp "ordeal_1-2",0,0; end; L_Cancel: mes "[ Gold Room ]"; mes "Bye !! close; OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1369) { if(!$gold_hour) { .@i = 1; } else if($gold_hour) { .@i = rand(1,3); } getitem 969,.@i; end; } end; } ordeal_1-2 mapflag pvp ordeal_1-2 mapflag nowarpto ordeal_1-2 mapflag nodrop ordeal_1-2 mapflag nobranch ordeal_1-2 mapflag nosave ordeal_1-2 mapflag nomemo ordeal_1-2 mapflag noloot ordeal_1-2 monster Golden Peco 1369,500 ordeal_1-2 monster Golden Peco 1369,500 ordeal_1-2 monster Golden Peco 1369,300
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