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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. setarray .@p, EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR, EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON; for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.@p);.@i++){ if(getequipisequiped(.@p[.@i])) .@menu$ += F_getpositionname(.@p[.@i]) + "[ " + getequipname(.@p[.@i]) + " ]"; .@menu$ += ":"; } .@part = .@p[select(.@menu$) -1];
  2. @bankayro you should add more info , not just push the topic up with no more info check your server setting and your server console
  3. An easy way to do with replace for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 15; set .@i,.@i+1 ){ if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "[ " + getequipname(.@i) + " ]"; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } WITH if( getequipisequiped(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR) ){ set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR] + "[ " + getequipname(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR) + " ]"; } set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; if( getequipisequiped(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON) ){ set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON] + "[ " + getequipname(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON) + " ]"; } set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; you can optimize it ofc
  4. if your pickup_log is too big (+1gig) I recommend that you rename it and make a new one , you will still have the old logs , however it's much easier for your server to deal with anew clean one.
  5. sometimes this happen when you add random options in random positions , foe example , if you add an option at 0 and at 2 (and you skipped 1) your item might glitch make sure you don't skip a positions in the random options slots.
  6. thanks for the report , the problems should be fixed in 5.1 thanks for the report , the problems should be fixed in 5.2 <exploit explanation removed from this reply, I encourage updating the script so no one exploit it> I would suggest to change the main variable (I moved it to the config in 5.2)[also change the shop variable] , if you changed the variable , the whole system will be reseted , and all the points would be reseted for all the players(or just delete the points from the player who exploited the system)
  7. the only other warning is advertising , which is +3 points , the warning you got is a lighter version of advertising even if you didn't mean to , your reply does give a sign to (talk to me in PM if you are willing to pay) I am not saying you meant to do that ? for deleting the post , most of the things that against the rule are hidden so it does not set an example for others to do the same notice that the user didn't ask for "your script" he asked for a script with the discerption he provided , your reply would be valid and might not be against the rule if the user was asking for "Poring King's script"
  8. you can try src edit the command it self , would be easier then searching for every place it used in
  9. the answer is above ^ just replace >= with == for only +7
  10. ask in here BrowEdit Discord also you would need it if you are planning to work on maping
  11. look like you enchantment npc give bound items , if you still have this issue , you can post the script you are using here. if anyone have this problem, here is the solution ^
  12. Please explain what you need more , I didn't understand what is the issue and what intended to be
  13. something like this Imports: - Path: db/re/item_db.yml - Path: db/pre-re/item_db.yml Mode: Prerenewal - Path: db/re/item_db.yml Mode: Renewal - Path: db/import/item_db.yml
  14. sader1992


    conf/import/char_conf.txt login_ip: char_ip: public_ip conf/import/map_conf.txt char_ip: map_ip: public_ip and don't forget to check your ports
  15. you are using the custom job changer , I am asking about the official quest , all the quest are enabled by default , so just remove the job changer and people would be forced to go do their job quest.
  16. how this is different from the official rathena's scripts ?
  17. you should talk to the server owner , and ask him to contact @Functor and ask him about the issue.
  18. - script ANY_MAP_SPAWNER -1,{ function F_SpawnMob { monster getarg(0),0,0,"--ja--",.mobId,1,"ANY_MAP_SPAWNER::OnMyMobDead"; announce "A new mob has spawned!",0; return; } OnInit: .mobId = 1002; setarray .maps$,"prontera","izlude"; for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.maps$);.@i++){ F_SpawnMob(.maps$[.@i]); } end; OnMyMobDead: .@m$ = strcharinfo(3); announce "The mob has been killed by "+strcharinfo(0)+", wait a hour for the respawn.",0; sleep 3600000; F_SpawnMob(.@m$); end; } You need to use for loop also after that your timer wont work the way you expect it to, so you replace it with something else the script above work the way you want.
  19. prontera,0,0,0 script Clear-Monsters 444,{ if(!getmapunits(BL_MOB,strnpcinfo(4))){ mes "no monsters in this map!"; end; } .@zeny = 10000000; mes "do you like to clear all the monsters in this map ?"; mes "It will cost you " + F_InsertComma(.@zeny) + "z"; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) end; clear; if(Zeny < .@zeny){ mes "you don't have " + F_InsertComma(.@zeny) + "z"; end; } Zeny -= .@zeny; killmonsterall(strnpcinfo(4)); mes "Done!"; end; }
  20. prontera,0,0,0 script Clear-Monsters 444,{ .@zeny = 10000000; mes "do you like to clear all the monsters in this map ?"; mes "It will cost you " + F_InsertComma(.@zeny) + "z"; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) end; clear; if(Zeny < .@zeny){ mes "you don't have " + F_InsertComma(.@zeny) + "z"; end; } Zeny -= .@zeny; killmonsterall(strnpcinfo(4)); mes "Done!"; end; }
  21. conf/import/char_conf.txt login_ip: char_ip: your_ip conf/import/map_conf.txt char_ip: map_ip: your_ip
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