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Everything posted by sader1992

  1. maybe your ports, as i see you changed the default ports , if it's not from the ip than it's the port
  2. conf/import/char_conf.txt login_ip: char_ip: your_ip conf/import/map_conf.txt char_ip: map_ip: your_ip
  3. sorry , this is not from the script , it's server setting not sure where , check out your setting , maybe the vip system ? you can search in the forum for the messages you are getting.
  4. please check the database , is your character id there with stage 0 ?
  5. i fixed the map error , however the sql error i cannot reproduce , if you can tell me the info what stage you were , and what stage you was in the previous run? did you change the count for the first stage to be 0 in some case ? like if the stage was 1 it will be registered as 0 ? Edit: I added a check for that now the script will register the last stage you complete instead of the last stage you reached. so dying at stage 1 will register nothing , as 0 is valid stage for the script.
  6. you need the client ,you can't do it without the client files so as always what people does is record the window while playing the record in the client, with any screen recorder.
  7. View File Sader's Other Dimension Tree Of Savior What Included : a small map for the system the script what you should put in the instance db (you are free to change the id!) Description: if you play Tree Of Savior , you might know The Other Dimension. The main idea is the player can join The Other Dimension it's a solo instance he can join as much as he want , the Goal is to reach the Highest Stage impossible in 20 min or until he die! in Tree Of Savior The Other Dimension is one stage monsters and the 2nd stage boss endless (i didn't finish it before but the idea is to not finish it!) The rewards are sent to the mail at the end of the week see the config to edit it (search for OnInit) in Tree Of Savior the rewards are coins that you get each week you can do that and activate the shop option there is 1 array for the items id and 2 array for the counts the first count array is for any Participant the other count array is if the player was the first in his class and the Participants from his class is more than .MiniParticipants you can block classes , or even make the monsters per class (Check Add for more info) there is a rank option to check the players's max stage per classes there is no drop nor exp in the system! i Added 40 stage for testing and as example for you , just remove it all and build your own! the stages i added has no balance! add it to what best for your server. i suggest making +100 stage , make sure that no player can reach the final stage but make it really hard not impossible!! if you have problem with the script , you can use the forum post to report it to me, and me or someone else will help you fix it. Submitter sader1992 Submitted 05/22/2020 Category Games, Events, Quests Video Content Author sader1992  
  8. Version 1.0.3


    What Included : a small map for the system the script what you should put in the instance db (you are free to change the id!) Description: if you play Tree Of Savior , you might know The Other Dimension. The main idea is the player can join The Other Dimension it's a solo instance he can join as much as he want , the Goal is to reach the Highest Stage impossible in 20 min or until he die! in Tree Of Savior The Other Dimension is one stage monsters and the 2nd stage boss endless (i didn't finish it before but the idea is to not finish it!) The rewards are sent to the mail at the end of the week see the config to edit it (search for OnInit) in Tree Of Savior the rewards are coins that you get each week you can do that and activate the shop option there is 1 array for the items id and 2 array for the counts the first count array is for any Participant the other count array is if the player was the first in his class and the Participants from his class is more than .MiniParticipants you can block classes , or even make the monsters per class (Check Add for more info) there is a rank option to check the players's max stage per classes there is no drop nor exp in the system! i Added 40 stage for testing and as example for you , just remove it all and build your own! the stages i added has no balance! add it to what best for your server. i suggest making +100 stage , make sure that no player can reach the final stage but make it really hard not impossible!! if you have problem with the script , you can use the forum post to report it to me, and me or someone else will help you fix it.
  9. ~ --------------------------------------- *escape_sql(<value>) Converts the value to a string and escapes special characters so that it is safe to use in query_sql(). Returns the escaped form of the given value. Example: .@name$ = "John's Laptop"; .@esc_str$ = escape_sql(.@name$); // Escaped string: John\'s Laptop --------------------------------------- also it's better to create a script in the website , change the stat of all the accounts to prevent them from login and update the stat once they create a new password.
  10. try this - script war_pay -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "warp",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnWarpCommand"; end; OnWarpCommand: if(.@atcmd_numparameters != 1 && .@atcmd_numparameters != 3){ dispbottom "@warp Failed."; dispbottom "@warp <map_name> <x> <y>"; dispbottom "@warp <map_name>,<x>,<y>"; end; } .@command$ = strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); .@x = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); .@y = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[2]); if(.@atcmd_numparameters == 1){ if(compare(.@command$,",")){ explode(.@info$, .@command$, ","); .@command$ = .@info$[0]; .@x = atoi(.@info$[1]); .@y = atoi(.@info$[2]); } } dispbottom "It cost you 1,000 zeny to warp."; if ( Zeny > 1000 ){ set Zeny, Zeny - 1000; warp .@command$,.@x,.@y; end; } dispbottom "Can't warp you. You don't have zeny."; end; }
  11. conf/import/char_conf.txt login_ip: char_ip: your_ip conf/import/map_conf.txt char_ip: map_ip: your_ip
  12. make sure that your lua/lub files are first for the client to read
  13. this is better systemctl Allow DDOS
  14. create the item in the db , add it in your item info and you are done ? nothing special example new card id = 56476 item db : 56476,Super_Poring_Card,Super Poring Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bFlee2,1; },{},{} iteminfo: [56476] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Super Poring Card", unidentifiedResourceName = "이름없는카드", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Super Poring Card", identifiedResourceName = "이름없는카드", identifiedDescriptionName = { "LUK +2", "Perfect Dodge +1", "________________________", "^0000CCType:^000000 Card", "^0000CCCompound on:^000000 Armor", "^0000CCWeight:^000000 1" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, and @item 56476 after reloading the item db and restarting the client also changed the topic title for you , you are welcome.
  15. without src edit and creating a custom event for each time like on attack event (I don't recommend that ) You can't do Exactly what you are thinking of however you can create a while loop that check all the GIDs of the mobs that you want to check (ofc don't forget the sleep in the while loop) I would say once every 250~500 is good , just make sure that your scripts in the while loop cover all the exceptions like (unitexists <GID>;)
  16. /showname nope , you mostly can't control graphic options from the server /w , you can easily create something like this - script jstrrjstsrjt -1,{ OnCommand: message strcharinfo(0),"There are " + getusers(0) + " Players Currently Connected."; end; OnInit: bindatcmd("players",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCommand",0,99); end; }
  17. *getunitdata <GID>,<arrayname>; UMOB_TARGETID
  18. I messed up some things this should work happy_hour_npc (1).txt
  19. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/4885/files
  20. you can back it to a grf than unpack it to the encoding you want or you can change this https://github.com/sader1992/Garment_Files_Generator/blob/master/Garment Files Generator/KroNames.cs and recompile the program using vs
  21. - script LevelUpQuotes -1,{ OnInit: setarray .q$,"I have advanced forward!","There's no stopping me now!","Look at me go!","There's more where that came from.","This isn't even my final form!"; .num1 = getarraysize(.q$); end; OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if(!(BaseLevel%10)){ getitem 501,10; .@r = rand(.num1); showscript strcharinfo(0)+" : "+.q$[.@r]; } end; }
  22. please put your information about the issue you get here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/4856
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