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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. Good to hear that, can you show any screenshots? Or demo example?)
  2. try to use NEMO patcher:) it will help you a lot:) + latest data for 2013 clients. Data: http://bit.ly/QLRJPM EXE: http://rathena.org/board/topic/82726-2013-ragexe-and-diff-up-to-date-2013-08-07/ NEMO: http://rathena.org/board/topic/90204-nemo/
  3. i wait so long for this website. Can i make a mirror for that?
  4. What is your rAthena revision? Your rathena revision is clean? (without source edits, or with?) Try another game exe, check your mmo.h for client date, check packet_db.txt for your current packet protocol, check your clientinfo.xml. I can't confirm that on any revision with 2010-07-30, 2014-04-10, and 2013-08-07;
  5. thanks. And what do you think about the second question?! Why he should think for you? Try it, and think by yourself.
  6. + all functions need to rewrite in source code. + all have become accustomed to what works for many years I'm personally against this suggestion:) It's really hard to do.
  7. I have experience with IPB more then few years. Invision Power Board have best SEO optimization what i ever seen before (XenForo good too) from the "box". btw, all of your ideas is very good, and i totally support them. keywords must be: ragnarok, emulator, *athena (need to talk with SEO professionals about that) I was start to write a suggestion about webserver optimization, but my curl show me a header from rathena, and with their web-server software anything ok:)
  8. about any contributions on community: The biggest part of the people is very lazy. rAthena must be always opensource rAthena must have some killer features aviable only for contributors. I'm sure nobody from just hosting companyes wont do anything here. They just leave our community and these guys find another MMORPG communities with large development circle. Suggestion: 1.) Make some killer features in emulator or some thread on the forum with awesome stuffs. 2.) The only one way to get them -> add something "own" & unique to community with hard moderation of this stuffs. 3.) The access to this stuffs aviable by donations (sure, for development, server maintenance purposes only)
  9. About new login system (SSO) is already cracked. You can apply a diff from NEMO patcher to any 2013/2012/2014 game client And you will can: - Restore login window after charselect - Run game application by double click without new login system from extra software. Detail aviable in NEMO thread.
  10. Default drops.conf Help please. Im not good at numbers. It's a trolling? How can you make registration on this forum then? (do not be angry at me, it's a kidding) About your problem: Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2) Scroll up to the file start, and read text marked Note 2. To check rates in game, type @rates command.
  11. Sure, thank you very much for the guide, but there was already one writed some time ago: http://rathena.org/board/topic/72715-unofficial-extra-status-icons/
  12. Nope, sorry, he is shit! He was no answer and say "f**k every RO GM" for more then 1 year! And now, when he need again money he saying: "hey guys i am back, bla bla buy more licences by 200$ without no support, without anything new, what do not protect against modern stuff". Harmony is big piece of Crap by this price for this time. Sorry for so untolerant message from me. The freelancers can write by 50$ server-client encryption in AES to protect against Openkore with custom protection's of injected dlls to the game exe. Other security things can be easy maded by yourself at /db/skill_cast_db.txt by setting fixed delays. Protection against memory-readers - imposible to make. Protection about well knowed software = 10$ dll & sources, for check dynamicly opened process + hiden process to detect cheats by title/name/crc Sorry, it's incorrect to say like that, cause each guy have their own opinion, but my opinion is: I'm strongly NOT recommend to buy harmony! Check better for internalguard protection, it's a little bit weak, but their updates more progressive then harmony. It's the same, and cost just 20$ like it must.
  13. Dear friend. Rathena community is very big. And most of the scripts already aviable at this forum. All what you need to do, it's start to use search on the forum. Here is examples for you & for people like you. It's very ashamed to ask questions like "how to make payment", or "give me please final ready solution". Try to enable brain, try to read first, and understand how to write it. (it's not hard). http://rathena.org/wiki http://bit.ly/1sg7dtW http://bit.ly/1sg7k8T http://bit.ly/1sg7lte
  14. NEVER DO LIKE HE SAY Max 0755 for files! About folders it's depends on situation. And change the owner of the files to another one.
  15. Client (grf) data\texture\effects data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon Emulator src\map\status.c src\map\status.h
  16. Again bump for this topic. And again lets start to talk about security. I was read Lighta post, and he a little bit wrong about encryption. The most dangerous cheater, it's a couple of cheaters. When player download at internet wpe/rpe and after 1 minute start a spam at packet level, it's a most dangerous part. I do not talk about memory protection or other side protection of client side, i'm just talking about features what already released on official kRO, like WPE\RPE (packet encryption) protection between server\client. You guys talks about version of client, i can't to say with 100% sure about this, but i think, there only 3 different game exe what in use right now at the big part of community: 2010-07-30 2012-04-10 2013-08-07 And if some developers will concentrate on latest one, it will a great way to make feature life of protection progress more true. Sorry, for my bad english. P.S. still bumping for WPE FREE feature from (emulatotr on domainname.ws)
  17. imposible to find best host without lags. This kind of hosts depends on many things, so usually when you make no lags for some players, another ones get this troubles. It's depends on where your big part of players from (what country). It's depends on your CPU (higher Ghz - better) It's depends on geolocation (check first string). What i do not recommend for you for your budget: 1.) Do not buy any emulated instances. Buy only dedicated server (that mean, any VPS'es are bad by default, cause you sharing your resources with someone else on the same hardware) 2.) Not need more 4GB ram for RO. 3.) do not buy hosts with slow disk's Best solutions depends on geolocation, you can ask here: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?s=6c6a7cfca960bbcebcafe37145934495&f=2 Do not recommend any server from OVH, most of them have tons of lags (it's thir history feature sinse 2008 year) Do not recommend any server from hosts what aviable on this community: all of them are oversellers. Do not recommend host provider what aviable at Dallas TX, (i forgot their name): they have tons of problems. If you looking for Europe: there are many good choises, but the best connection in Europe in Germany, after Germany -> Netherlands. Any good datacenter or ISP have good offers in Europe. In USA good servers aviable at New York (for USA & Europe players) & Newjersey In USA good servers aviable at (Washington) for North, South America & ASIA. In asia all dedi servers very hurts (x5-x10 price for server), but only one good location it's: Singapore.
  18. one offtop question: how you made this scr_logo.bmp with transparent around wings (i can't complete this effect by 255 0 255)
  19. Hi, first of all sorry for my bad english, i need a information about bard/dancer songs: Poem of Bragi, Apple of Idun, Assasin's Song. The effect after death still on the character, that is correct? effect of this skill should work even after death? Just asking, pre-renewal, need more information. Thank you. Cause on latest rAthena, (26.03.2014) effect from songs still on character after death & respawn at save point.
  20. That is Lilith Commit from 9 January: 40f70143d44d0209e91a98009751551e0a63e0fe Commit before that: it's commit from Lighta "Cpp Chech": b92230e33e7496adea3c1e7b341ab5ce98f955f2 So if you need rAthena before RC_PLAYER, you need to use commit: b92230e33e7496adea3c1e7b341ab5ce98f955f2 git checkout b92230e33e7496adea3c1e7b341ab5ce98f955f2
  21. Mozilla Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/imacros-for-firefox/ Edit Macro -> paste this code. Repeat - > how many times. 99999 Btw, 20k votes. I guess cheaters vs cheaters.
  22. Sorry, but Mabinogi using cheats (i was watch them, and always every 1 second they have stable vote). This is a time to shoot from big weapons for support RO.
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