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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf http://rathena.org/wiki http://supportmii.com/ro1/ http://rathena.org/board/forum/24-installation-support/ And try to search as maximum as possible. http://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/ There are not "fast" way.
  2. That mean, the player after 60 seconds select the first menu at npc Seiyablem. src/config/security.h /** * @INFO: This file holds optional security settings **/ /** * Optional NPC Dialog Timer * When enabled all npcs dialog will 'timeout' if user is on idle for longer than the amount of seconds allowed * - On 'timeout' the npc dialog window changes its next/menu to a 'close' button * Comment to disable the timer. **/ #define SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT /** + * Number of seconds after an 'input' field is displayed before invoking an idle timeout. + * Default: 180 **/ #define NPC_SECURE_TIMEOUT_INPUT 180 /** + * Number of seconds after a 'menu' is displayed before invoking an idle timeout. + * Default: 60 **/ #define NPC_SECURE_TIMEOUT_MENU 60 /** + * Number of seconds after a 'next' button is displayed before invoking an idle timeout. + * Default: 60 **/ #define NPC_SECURE_TIMEOUT_NEXT 60 /** * (Secure) Optional NPC Dialog Timer * @requirement : SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT must be enabled * Minimum Interval Between timeout checks in seconds * Default: 1s **/ #define SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT_INTERVAL 1
  3. before jobchange getarg(0); add resetlvl 0; *resetlvl <action type>; This is a character reset command, meant mostly for rebirth script supporting Advanced jobs, which will reset the invoking character's stats and level depending on the action type given. Valid action types are: 1 - Base level 1, Job level 1, 0 skill points, 0 base exp, 0 job exp, wipes the status effects (only the ones settable by 'setoption'), sets all stats to 1. If the new job is 'Novice High', give 100 status points, give First Aid and Play Dead skills. 2 - Base level 1, Job level 1, 0 skill points, 0 base exp, 0 job exp. Skills and attribute values are not altered. 3 - Base level 1, base exp 0. Nothing else is changed. 4 - Job level 1, job exp 0. Nothing else is changed. In all cases everything the character has on will be unequipped. Even though it doesn't return a value, it is used as a function in the official rebirth scripts. Ask AppleGirl why.
  4. http://rathena.org/board/topic/64394-%E2%9C%B0-euphys-scripts-%E2%9C%B0/ Euphy Quest Shop will be good for your idea.
  5. NOPE! Disagree! Current widget position is awesome. I can check fastly without scrolling bugtracker, and the latest updates!
  6. can you open your rss link? Rsslib without any modification works perfect.
  7. Latest FluxCP (akkarin) Totally ruins the menu at different themes (at default anything is ok) FIXED, but need update at github. /themes/%yourtheme%/main/sidebar.php Change this: <?php echo htmlspecialchars($menuCategory) ?> To This <?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message($menuCategory)) ?> And Change This <?php echo htmlspecialchars($menuItem['name']) ?> To This <?php echo htmlspecialchars(Flux::message($menuItem['name'])) ?>
  8. Yes. src/map/mob.c Find and remove this: if( md->db->mexp || md->master_id ) return false; // MVP, Slaves mobs ignores KS
  9. Depends on your needs. If you want renewal features on your server best for you is 2013-2014 game clients If you want pre-re you can select from 2010 up to 2013 game client. You must decide.
  10. not need source edit, just edit this file: db/pre-re or re/skill_cast_db.txt // Structure of Database: // SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down // // CastingTime: time to cast this skill, in milliseconds // AfterCastActDelay: "normal" delay, character cannot use skills, in milliseconds // AfterCastWalkDleay: amount of time before character can move again, in milliseconds // Duration1/Duration2: usually the durations used by the skill, at special cases it is used to hold special data // Cool Down: amount of time until character can re-use this skill, in milliseconds // // On all fields you can use ':' as a delimiter for level-specific values. // For example: // - Original: 6,0,0,0,30000,0,1000 // - Modified: 6,0,0,0,30000,0,1000:2500:3000:... // Gives Level 1 1000ms cool down, Level 2 2500ms, Level 3 3000ms, and so on. //-- CG_ARROWVULCAN 394,2000:2200:2400:2600:2800:3000:3200:3400:3600:3800,2800:2800:2800:2800:2800:3000:3000:3000:3000:3000,2000,0,0,0
  11. Yea, totally agree with you.
  12. Can't confirm any of that you did say. Try to update your emulator to latest.
  13. @unloadnpcpath @loadnpc /doc/atcommands.txt As i remember something like that already implement.
  14. Thank you very much for rAthena development team for fixing bugs, errors, different mistakes! You rock guys!

  15. groups.conf atcommands.conf /doc/atcommands.txt
  16. But that a little bit hard...
  17. Add more shadows, and it will be awesome. Without shadows it's looks not good...
  18. That is problem not with script, that is problem with "input" command. By default as i remember this command limited to 10kk. But you can increase the value to any number as you want. conf/script_athena.conf input_max_value: 10000000
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