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Everything posted by DevilEvil

  1. /me turns the metal table on ScriptingPhailure And now I have the Hill.
  2. *jews scriptingphailure* And now I have the hill.
  3. I start a power trip to ban you. And now I have the hill.
  4. I -might- be willing to host it as its virtually maintenance free, but everyone would have to re-register their nicknames. It would actually be a proper IRC server, too! With an actual network! XD It also wouldn't be under the rAthena name, but would still be pretty much private. That way you wouldn't have to deal with lost nickname registrations and such. Just an offer. I liked hosting IRC and I could actually maintain it a bit better. Dafuq so many registrations xD! But yeah, it'd be nice if u hosted IRC .
  5. Nice changes Arc, it's good to see rA going forward ^o^
  6. /me scratches calv's belly xD. Good work on these sprites !
  7. Lol Antonio xD! Abercrombie :< (not sure why it's the only thing that crossed my mind, besides amaranthine xD)
  8. Sep, la verdad es que ambos son bastante activos por el foro y no hay de qué preocuparse . Si os animáis, ya sabéis, mandad una staff application y no tardará en ser admitida .
  9. Debe presentar aplicación, pero con gusto sería promocionado .
  10. Requires new 3D xD. I made a Fridge model for RO, in case some1 wants it.
  11. No se contempla tampoco en la nueva organización, pero ya he avisado de ello, a ver si se puede aplicar a esta sección.
  12. Ahora que lo mencionas, acabamos de empezar con estos cambios, tras la promoción de Arc como manager del foro tendremos los cambios planeados (estos y otros) mucho antes. Se informó de la inactividad de los moderadores hispanos actuales y se han tomado ya medidas. Confiaba en que Celsius estuviera activa, pero después de su accidente no sé nada de ella. Shinju lleva ya tiempo inactivo y lo dijo, por lo que bueno.... Temporalmente, me encargaré con el tiempo que tenga de organizar la sección, pero necesitaremos un moderador hispano cuanto antes, aunque sea semi-activo. Informaré de que hacen falta moderadores hispanos, por lo que los interesados no dudéis en enviar una staff application y la evauaremos cuanto antes !
  13. Shifts Rayhan's wig. And now I have the hill.
  14. He can't just use Actor :S. You will have to edit the bmp files (though it doesn't require much effort to copy paste lol). Once you finished, pack the bmps in a spr file and save. Act will be the same though, if you haven't changed any bmp image size.
  15. *copies your member title* I'm now a Cute Cute Spriter xD!

    1. AnnieRuru


      ewww ... better use the word 'handsome' than the word 'cute' xD

    2. DevilEvil
    3. DevilEvil
  16. DevilEvil

    sprite help

    A program that edits act files.
  17. DevilEvil

    sprite help

    Could you share the sprite with the act file or you aren't authorized to do that? Just saying in order to check act file.
  18. You receive your money when someone purchases your file. This money is directly sent to you, rA staff have no relation with it.
  19. Hmm not sure, I'll ask luigiman. I have to reorganize and update everything anyway, so meh :S. When I have free time I'll work on that. My sprites are redistributed in many places so there should be no problem .
  20. /me slashes your tires

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