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Everything posted by DevilEvil

  1. 3D max (for modelling), uv layout, crazy bump and marmoset toolbag .
  2. Anything that is nor organic is somewhat easy. Organic bodies are the real pain.
  3. Yeah, I'd love to learn how he makes them .
  4. These are school works, so I'm not sure if they are suitable for a game project, but who knows xD. In the future I'd like to work on a game with similar graphics to those low-poly works of the guy I posted before, though .
  5. TY! There is a guy who usually pixel in low poly 3D models, website here. I'd like to be able to emulate his style, it's so retro and cool . Would love to see your works as well! :3
  6. Second 3D topic! I wanted to share some of the 3D works I've been working on. They are non RO-related, but except for the tank, they could be used in RO (since they are low-poly) 3D max render Marmoset Toolbag render 3d max render And that's it . I'm currently working in a tower:
  7. Nice job, I like em! Too many polys for RO though xD.
  8. Has dado una interesante crítica. Creo que pueden aprender inglés a la vez que traducen, lo único que cambia es que se debería de poner mucho más tiempo. Mi nivel de inglés escrito de hace unos años no difiere mucho del que tengo ahora si lo lees, la diferencia reside en que antes para escribir una frase dedicaba mucho tiempo para entenderla y traducirla correctamente al inglés, con el tiempo es automático.
  9. Un subdominio es algo que no se contempla. Lo del subforo si se puede ir moviendo.
  10. some1 go create dat red dragon nao! xD Very good job, I really appreciate the effort that has been put in there .
  11. Bueno, este es un foro español para rAthena en realidad . Por mi parte, si quieres poner esfuerzo y horas en un proyecto de traducción, trataremos de ofrecer todo lo que sea necesario desde aquí, pero la idea es un poco como comentan los demás. Crear otro foro es desvincularse y perder más sostenibilidad, basta con que el proyecto pierda fuerza unos meses para que se cierre. Sin embargo, lo planteas como un proyecto de larga duración, abierto, y en una comunidad que parece que le quedan años todavía, entonces tiene más viabilidad y no desaparece a la primera de turno.
  12. *destroys the sign violently* And now I have the Hill.
  13. *jews everybody replying to this thread and buys tons of gifts for himself*
  14. *Throws a mayan prophecy at scriptingphailure* And now I have the Hill.
  15. You are fired. Black bold solid underlined point period. XD! Well, it's nice to have you around .
  16. *posts a new thread in scripting requests* XD! And now I have the Hill.
  17. Invokes the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant. And now I have the Hill.
  18. You have to use #FF00FF for it to be transparent. Any color that isn't equal to #FF00FF will appear. Notice that not only the pink lines in the right and top will appear, but the dark purple border around the black rectable as well. Maybe you re-scaled it or something, not sure, but you should fix it by replacing these pixels with #FF00FF. If you want true pixels without any blur effect when scaling, modify the scaling mode in Image size window in PS (it will appear in the bottom, the first option)
  19. I also remember the time when I made mission board scriptI sprint my endurance for 2 whole weeks just onto this single script, ( when go to sleep, thinking about what should I add which features to this script tomorrow, next day when wake up, 1st thing to do is switch on the computer and review back my incomplete script before goes to work and when its finally finished, that kind of feeling ... xD .... I understand that XD ) I took a full rest for 2 whole weeks after finished it XD put everything that you have learned into 1 single project, and it becomes your masterpiece same here xDI also lost count how many scripts I have written ... probably over 1,500 now xD and seriously ... your map designing has already surpass official maps ... damn ... I want to learn map-designing, and somehow feel its getting further and further if I want to do the same thing as you... You can't be good at everything XD! Olrox, I'm absolutely speechless. I was mainly impressed on the reflective-mirror effect, a very creative way to do it considering Ragnarok's limitations. A well deserved 10/10.
  20. *puts ScriptingPhailure in a small box protected by 20000 pandas* And now I have the hill.
  21. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! I want dat neon pack!?!?1?1' can i haz 1?!?!'1one?!?!1ee1!'11''e1one1?!?! xD!!
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