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Everything posted by DevilEvil

  1. change the mode to RGB. should be one of the menu options at the top left of the program. Wait... shouldn't he change it to Index Color instead of RGM? Image > Mode > Index color?
  2. As Gaypuff said, copyright infringement is not to be encouraged here :/.
  3. I would keep everything in Index color, especially if you don't know pretty well what you are doing. Edit the color palette through the color table.
  4. We usually modify colors through Image > Mode > Color Table (if index color).
  5. DevilEvil


    LOL SO MANY LIES! I'm way more tyranitar than you XD
  6. DevilEvil


    ^liez, /me is second-in-command xD I feel so tyranitar.
  7. I'd only draw a tyranitar sprite xD. Well, currently I'm just spriting NPCs for the Isle of Nott, which are based on real people from the RO/rA world .
  8. *dances with Flaid*

  9. Brow_debug isn't available to everybody for download.
  10. RECOGNIZING that this is your special day CONFUSED as to why you are dat christian NOTING that you are a Tyranitar squad member VEXED on the fact you're the owner of the legendary Shovel of da Doom CLARIFYING that I'm not going to jew you anymoar (valid till 07/23/2012) APPEALING to you when you haz moneyz for me ATTACHING a bunch of heartrings and a baphoring hidden between them HEREBY states that this thread deserves a 'hohohoho'
  11. /me hugs ind <3 xD

    1. Eurydice


      *kicks DE*

      /me tackles Ind :3

    2. DevilEvil


      /me cries a river

  12. Esta curioso . ¡¡Para eso estamos!!... ya podrían ascenderme de user a community contributors pero bueno..... Creo que no sería el único en recomendarte si publicases una aplicación .
  13. He used to be a very active scripter in eA: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showuser=291813
  14. /me eats emistry's cake <3 Happy bday .
  15. Oh well, currently I have to organize a lot of my stuff tbh. As well as uploading some files to the rA download system. I'll keep everybody informed anyway about releases anyway. Regarding Agent Smith outfit, it's still not finished, but once I finish my current Nott project, I'll work on it again (it will be included in the project, as well as many other sprites).
  16. Awesome good job, a very useful tool for palette makers .
  17. Send him a PM through dA. I've been seeing many big tits stuff from this one.
  18. Yeah, that was the golden set. Credits to http://yaoxi.21sun.net/
  19. DevilEvil


    RCharles' paid services aren't approved in rAthena.
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