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Everything posted by DevilEvil

  1. It doesn't make any sense to me, tbh. Did he show you that letter? And Gravity won't ask you for money, instead I guess they would send you a C&D letter if you would be actually selling their copyright'ed content (which you aren't). Anyway, mapping paid services are a bit illegal usually. I'm currently testing 3ds > rsm, if I find it useful, I'll release some 3d max modeling/texturing guides and how to convert them to RO properly.
  2. You are using the drop spr&act files as equip spr&act. There are equip sprs/acts and drop sprs/acts, and these go in different folders.
  3. 4 yeard indeed xD! Nice to see u again .
  4. DevilEvil


    We recently explained in another thread that acts aren't made from scratch, but copied and edited from official RO acts. Topic moved to Graphics support.
  5. Only ActOR 2. However, you don't always notice the glitchs, so testing it ingame is the best way to find bugs.
  6. 24 bits bmp != 256 colors bmp. 8 bits images = 256 colors (color table). In RO, we don't create acts, we edit them. We use official RO acts to make our own acts (by editing them, in case it's needed). Use an official act that suits your sprite. Change it's name so it will have the same name your sprite has. You can edit the position by modyfing it in the same frame, instead of changing Xoffs and Yoffs values in the act (since it would take much more time). If you have to make other edits such as number of frames, opacity, rotation, etc. modify the act with ActOr 1 and/or 2.
  7. Lol, nobody will make it if u don't pay (well, who knows xP)
  8. http://www.divinero.net/devilevil/archivos/tools/PixelingColors.bmp http://www.divinero.net/devilevil/archivos/tools/CommonGravityPal.pal
  9. I made many spriting guides (over 20 specific spriting and pixel art guides, and still developing new ones), but I'm usually busy to translate them to English. If someone really wants to translate them, it would be awesome. Otherwise my contributions to the English community are few, and most of my translated guides are from 2007-08 :/. I plan to start a project in the English community to help people improve their pixel art skills (as soon as I get free time and learn more about this type of art and study some of the best pixel artist around).
  10. Lol'ed hard, not the first one who says this xD
  11. /me bites Epoque . You look like ur NPC xD! DE here :> (I'm usually in suit+tie :<)
  12. I didn't understand your problem very well, but I guess the inventory image is a bmp which is different from the frame inside the drop.spr file.
  13. /me <3 jman coz he's cute Srsly, thanks Jman, Brian, Ind and Maki .
  14. He already said "group_id" was the answer lol.
  15. I remember redistribution wasn't allowed, but I believe nobody has that sprite anyway.
  16. Was made by Borf, SPR previewer.
  17. Indeed, it doesn't work for animation. Instead, it will convert only the first frame in the 3D animation. I would recommend you to use 3DS MAX. It's a difficult program, but you will probably don't need to make heavy models (at least I don't recommend you to do so, since you won't get much money from it and users won't appreciate it that much). As for textures, atm I'm creating them for 3DS MAX models (in order to let browedit know that there ARE textures when it converts 3ds files) and then applying them correctly in RSM editor.
  18. Many days, and development for indoor maps is still unfinished
  19. New indoors lol. Well, actually the map itself has improved lighting, but I'm busy to make new screenshots :S. Once the project is 100% finished (it's expected to be completed in summer), I will make a better presentation.
  20. Thanks for comments . Hopefully second indoors map will be finished soon. I'm really willing to work more on this, maybe after I'm done with finals .
  21. Since I'm still developing the map (honestly, I think I won't stop developing it until summer time lol) I would like to show the last updates I add to it. Though you can read "Sleepless Beauty" in the screenshots, map name was changed to isle of Nott lol. You can use the name you like most though. You can access this map through a ship (minimap done by Daegaladh) This is the last updates screenshot (as you can see, it has a brighter look and a new plaza in the middle of the city) (old plaza here, it was changed for a Nott statue xD) NEW INDOORS In development Map is available for purchase to those who have protected GRF (75$ only the main city map, 125$ for the pack with all the maps/sprites and future updates). Regards, DE
  22. This. I got really busy these days @_@. I wonder if I will be free of projects someday.
  23. /me is busy I guess most artists are lately .
  24. THEN IT'S A HE /me takes the Shovel of Eternal Doom from Maki
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