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Chemical Crush

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Everything posted by Chemical Crush

  1. EVERYONE Does sky designs. I much prefer something different such as a forest. And I agree if you give a low rating at least give some suggestions, I get so tired of people saying 1/10 with no comment or in this case 4/10. Anyways, cute and simple. Keep up the good work. 8/10
  2. Just pester them and see why they added you.
  3. Chemical Crush: Obtained it during my adventures on iRO, the officals. I thought it was nifty because I was going to be a Pure Potting Alchemist. You could look at it as I had a crush on chemicals or I ended up crushing herbs to make chemicals. Although i've been thinking of switching to Brewing Bubbles, but psht, i've had this one for a few years now Gaypuff wins the explanation imo
  4. World of Warcraft <3 Horde <3 Class:Blood Elf Priest Although the image is not a BE Priest, I still like it.
  5. Its cute, I like the little star. I dont that it looks so pixelated, if that makes sense.
  6. "1/10 no more to say / 1/10 font sucks.." Yeah, not offering much feedback there. Come on guys, give this guy some suggestions for improvement instead of being completely rude and just saying 1/10. I've seen WAY worse than this and I'm sure you guys have too. Some suggestions: Seems plain, you only have two RO images, you may be going for a clean simple site and if you are, well you achieved it. But even then its ridiculously plain, maybe you should take a peek at some other designs to get a good feel of what you want to do. You can make a simple clean website but not make it look so 'dull' so to speak. As for your first try this is actually decent, i've seen way worse which looked like someone threw up in MS Paint. Just keep fiddling with photoshop or whatever it is your using, try using more colors, images and play with fonts. There are some REALLY nice fonts on dafont.com. Can't wait to see what else you come up with.
  7. ;0; You're releasing this?! This was the cutest custom town / starting area I ever played in. So nice of you to share it <3
  8. The thing about pay to play is, officials used to be pay to play, they have switched now. you pay for a premium account, I honestly, as a player, wouldn't even pay for that. I'd much rather go to another server that suits my needs and isn't obviously run by money. I mean if you wanna put it as an option whatever, but imo its still a bad idea as a server admin to force players to pay or even offer a 'vip package'. People on the officials don't even really like the vip package. You might as well just offer Battle Manuals and other things ( since on the officials its just boosted exp. ) I agree with Kam, Gravity already sends out those letters for people owning servers even without p2p, I would dread to see how it would be if there was a p2p private server out there.
  9. Actually iRO ( international ragnarok online ) does not make you pay to play anymore. If you pay the monthly fee you get a vip status account for a month and you have boosted exp and something else, I can't remember. But anyone can play. I have no idea about other 'official' servers, I assume they're doing the same thing but then again, dunno. As a player I wouldn't even consider joining a server that is pay to play requirement, especially if its a private server. I know there are other private servers out there that I would be able to join for free and enjoy. So i'm not sure why anyone would want to even do this. I am on the same page, right? >> I assume I am. If not, disregard what I say. Haha.
  10. Oh well I wouldn't know about GIMP, don't have it. So I wouldn't know that it was the same as ps. s;
  11. oh I know nothing about GIMP T_T I would just look up some tutorials on it or something, I had to do that with photoshop. But the glow thing behind TaintedRO that I did is just an animation effect playing with the outter glow on each animation frame.
  12. Oooh, I did that in photoshop. Do you have it? Maybe I can help you with some simple stuff.
  13. All you do is download the font, extract it somewhere ( I usually do it on my desk top so I don't have readme's in the font folder ) Copy the font files and place them in your Windows > Fonts folder.
  14. I always use dafont.com as well, that's where i've gotten all my fonts. :s
  15. Even though it isn't 'ro lookin' I really like how clean and nice it is. Very good!
  16. Hey thanks, its really cute! 8.5/10 :3
  17. Hmm I suppose I'll request something as well. I like all the little cute banners you've done. Color : I don't have a personal preference on color, but I prefer something to do with RO Alchemist / Biochemist. Name : Chemical Crush ( This isn't for a server, obviously. ) Size : 420x60, or somewhere around that if you can. Anime : I like sprite based Signatures, like the RO sprites, but you don't have to do that, just make sure its Alchemist / Biochemist. Animation: Doesn't matter to me, as long as the signature is cute / bubbly lookin
  18. I agree, these are all nice. When I started learning how to map I watched the first few, I would have gotten NO WHERE without these tuts. Thanks so much for this contribution, it means a lot and hopefully it will inspire new people to start mapping.
  19. While it may bug you some peoples english is not that great and they end up saying plz and thx, that's just how they type instead of typing out please and thank you. I know a lot of people who's main language is not English and they abbreviate words a lot. Not saying they all do this, cause that's not true. But some do, please keep that in mind, not everyone is trying to be 'childish' by saying these words.
  20. Wow how childish of the person who edited your sent message. Whoever edited it needs to grow up, seriously. Although I dislike the downfall of eathena.ws, this seriously looks awful on you guy's part. Hopefully we'll get some answers as to why this even happened. :|
  21. Holy crap I didn't realize that your first map was 300x300 did you use a pre-existing RO map? If so which one is 300x300? :| I didn't think maps were that big in RO lol. s; Lovely work as always, since I've already seen these maps, just thought i'd drop a comment.
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