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Olrox last won the day on August 25 2023

Olrox had the most liked content!

About Olrox

  • Birthday June 19

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  • Discord: Olrox#9421
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  1. Man I love to see a map like I did being used for such great stuff like this. Thank you.
  2. Wtf just happened I dont understand anything around XD

  3. Hey nice pic Akkarin. Greetings.

    Hope this message finds you well. The reason of my post is to inform that there is a black skin when I'm under guest while I browse rA. I know you are busy but just wanted to drop you a message so you are aware. Is disturbing and freaks me out (and maybe others) :)

    Thank you.

  4. I think I have seen this map on discord, I love it ?
  5. Hello! nice to see you around, if you read this message ? Just showcasing some stuff I have done, to keep the tradition of showing recent work like always ? This one resulted to be a stadium and for the most part what was tricky this time is the green camp all over it, which followed an uncommon pattern of non-square textures there. Like always, the map is released for the most part, however as it was on its early release minor glitches or fixes could be found.
  6. Appreciated @Cydh ? hope you doing well pal. You should continue. Try to feel the fun part of it; perhaps with a free release? ? Thanks @Mael I'll take a look on your ticket now.
  7. Good Morning ? Another Prontera Edition that was requested some time ago. I thought it was good to show up. Software used: zbrush (for sculpting the organic tree), Photoshop (textures) and browedit (legacy). The map is simple but, sometimes "less is more" ?
  8. @althezier Did this was ever resolved? I just read your message... sorry by the late response.
  9. Hello folks ? Still around making graphics. No much time to make a fancy presentation ... you know me; I know you so ... Here is a Prontera renewal map. Whats new? well I did it in 3 days. Right only 3 days. With a method that combines a bit of coding, a scup of 3D... hexing and a pinch of photography (psst I work as photographer IRL ? ) ... so I can melt all of that and make themed prontera maps very fast. Very fast. I tried my luck updating the very old valentines prontera with a renewal look. Some melted cocoa, bars of chocolate on floor, powdered chocolate on roofs and topping... Who can't love topping? The screenshots below. Happy Valentines; love you all
  10. Greetings, do you sell custom weapons???? ?

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