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Everything posted by _Terra

  1. I've tested and works fine :)! skill_cast_db.txt Search: //-- SN_SIGHT 380,0,0,0,30000,0,0 Change to: //-- SN_SIGHT 380,0,0,0,30000,1000,0 skill.cpp case SN_SIGHT: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,sc_start(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); status_change_start(src,bl,SC_INTRAVISION,10000,skill_lv,0,0,0,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv),SCSTART_NORATEDEF); break;
  2. When you create your client (.exe), there is an option you can increase attack display.
  3. You mean zeny from mobs? conf/battle/monster.conf zeny_from_mobs: yes > zeny_from_mobs: no
  4. Greetings, I need help with linear jobs for example: Novice -> Swordman -> Knight -> Rebirth -> High Swordman -> Lord Knight -> Rune Knight (Regular, not Trans). Here's script //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Job Master //===== Description: ========================================= //= A fully functional job changer. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. [Euphy] //= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change. //= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support. //= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added. //= 1.4 Rebellion added. //= 1.5 Added option to disable RebirthClass. [mazvi] //= 1.6 Added option to get job related equipment on change. [Braniff] //= 1.7 Readability changes. Also added BabyExpanded and BabySummoner classes. [Jey] //= 1.8 Added option to disable Baby Novice Only but Baby Class can be Enabled [mazvi] //= 1.9 Migrate/Integrate to Global Functions Platinum Skills. [mazvi] //============================================================ prontera,152,193,4 script Job Master 679,{ function Get_Job_Equip; // Checks if the Player has the required level. // closes if not, returns if yes function Require_Level { if (BaseLevel < getarg(0) || JobLevel < getarg(1)) { .@blvl = getarg(0) - BaseLevel; .@jlvl = getarg(1) - JobLevel; mes "Nivel Requerido:"; mes ((getarg(0)>1)? "^bb0000"+getarg(0)+"^000000 (^bb0000Base^000000) / ":"")+"^00bb00"+ getarg(1)+"^000000 (^00bb00Job^000000)"; mes "Necesitas " + ((.@blvl > 0) ? "^bb0000"+.@blvl+"^000000 niveles base " + ((.@jlvl > 0) ? "y " : "") : "") + ((.@jlvl > 0) ? "^00bb00"+.@jlvl+"^000000 niveles job " : "") + "para continuar."; close; } return; } // Checks if the given eac is a baby class function Is_Baby { return ((getarg(0, eaclass())&EAJL_BABY)>0); } // Checks if the player can change to third class. // Note: This does not include the level checks. function Can_Change_Third { // To change to third class you either need to be: // * Second Class // * Transcendent Second Class // * Baby Second Class if( !.ThirdClass ) return false; // Third job change disabled if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) ) return false; // Not second Class if( eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD ) return false; // Already Third Class if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD) < 0 ) return false; // Job has no third Class if( (eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE ) return false; // Exp. Super Novice equals 3rd Cls, but has it's own case if( Is_Baby() && (!.BabyClass || !.BabyThird) ) return false; // No Baby (Third) change allowed return true; } function Can_Rebirth { // To rebirth, you need to be: // * Second Class if( !.RebirthClass ) return false; // Rebirth disabled if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) ) return false; // Not second Class if( eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER ) return false; // Already Rebirthed if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_UPPER) < 0 ) return false; // Job has no transcended class if( Is_Baby() && !.BabyClass ) return false; // No Baby changes allowed return true; } // Checks if the given eac is a first class function Is_First_Cls { return (getarg(0) <= EAJ_TAEKWON); } function Check_Riding { // Note: Why we should always check for Riding: // Mounts are considered as another class, which // would make this NPC bigger just to handle with // those special cases. if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding() || ismounting()) { mes "Por favor, retire su " + ((checkfalcon()) ? "Halcon" : "") + ((checkcart()) ? "Carro" : "") + ((checkriding()) ? "Peco" : "") + ((ismounting()) ? "Montura" : "") + " antes de continuar."; close; } return; } function Check_SkillPoints { if (.SkillPointCheck && SkillPoint) { mes "Por favor, use todos sus puntos de habilidad antes de continuar."; close; } return; } // addJobOptions is essentially the same like // setarray .@array[getarraysize(.@array)],opt1,opt2,...; // It's just easier to read, since we're using it very often function Job_Options { .@argcount = getargcount(); .@arr_size = getarraysize(getarg(0)); for( .@i = 1; .@i < .@argcount; .@i++) { setarray getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@arr_size++),getarg(.@i); } } // Begin of the NPC mes .NPCName$; Check_Riding(); Check_SkillPoints(); // initialisation deletearray .@job_opt[0],getarraysize(.@job_opt); .@eac = eaclass(); .@third_possible = Can_Change_Third(); .@rebirth_possible = Can_Rebirth(); .@first_eac = .@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK; .@second_eac = .@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK; // Note: These are already set in pc.c // BaseClass = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) which is the players First Class // BaseJob = roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) which is the players Second Class //dispbottom "Debug: eac ("+.@eac+"), third ("+.@third_possible+"), rebirth("+.@rebirth_possible+"), BaseClass ("+BaseClass+"), BaseJob ("+BaseJob+")"; // From here on the jobmaster checks the current class // and fills the the array `.@job_opt` with possible // job options for the player. if( .@rebirth_possible ) { // Rebirth option (displayed on the top of the menu) Require_Level(.Req_Rebirth[0], .Req_Rebirth[1]); Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Novice_High); } if( .@third_possible ) { // Third Job change (displayed below rebirth) Require_Level(.Req_Third[0], .Req_Third[1]); Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); } if (.SecondExpanded && (.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE && // is Super Novice !(eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD) ) { // not already Expanded SN // (Baby) Super Novice to Expanded (Baby) Super Novice if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) { // .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby Require_Level(.Req_Exp_SNOVI[0], .Req_Exp_SNOVI[1]); Job_Options(.@job_opt,roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); // Expanded SN is "third" cls } } if (.SecondExpanded && ((.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_NINJA || // is (Baby) Ninja (.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY)) == EAJ_GUNSLINGER)) { // is (Baby) Gunslinger // (Baby) Ninja to (Baby) Kagerou / Oboro // (Baby) Gunslinger to (Baby) Rebellion if( !Is_Baby(.@eac) || (.BabyClass && .BabyExpanded) ) { // .BabyClass & .BabyExpanded must be enabled if the is a baby Require_Level(.Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0], .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[1]); // Kagerou, Oboro, Rebellion are considered as a 2-1 class Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1)); } } // Player is Job_Novice, Job_Novice_High or Job_Baby if (.@first_eac == EAJ_NOVICE && .@second_eac != EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) { // MAPID_NOVICE, MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE, MAPID_NOVICE_HIGH, MAPID_BABY Require_Level(.Req_First[0], .Req_First[1]); switch(Class) { case Job_Novice: // First job change Job_Options(.@job_opt,Job_Swordman, Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief, Job_Super_Novice, Job_Taekwon, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja); if( .BabyNovice ) Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby); break; case Job_Novice_High: // Job change after rebirth if( .LastJob && lastJob ) Job_Options(.@job_opt, roclass((eaclass(lastJob)&EAJ_BASEMASK)|EAJL_UPPER)); else Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High, Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High); break; case Job_Baby: if( !.BabyClass ) break; // First job change as a baby Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage, Job_Baby_Archer,Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant, Job_Baby_Thief); if( .BabyExpanded ) Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Super_Baby, Job_Baby_Taekwon, Job_Baby_Gunslinger, Job_Baby_Ninja); if( .BabySummoner ) Job_Options(.@job_opt, Job_Baby_Summoner); break; default: mes "Se ha producido un error."; close; } } else if( Is_First_Cls(.@eac) || // First Class Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_UPPER)) || // Trans. First Cls (.BabyClass && Is_First_Cls(.@eac&(~EAJL_BABY))) ) { // Baby First Cls // Player is First Class (not Novice) // most jobs should have two options here (2-1 and 2-2) .@class1 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1); // 2-1 .@class2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); // 2-2 // dispbottom "Debug: Classes: class1 ("+.@class1+"), class2 ("+.@class2+")"; if(.LastJob && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) { // Player is rebirth Cls and linear class changes are enforced Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]); Job_Options(.@job_opt, lastJob + Job_Novice_High); } else { // Class is not enforced, player can decide. if( .@class1 > 0 ) { // 2-1 Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]); Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class1); } if( .@class2 > 0 ) { // 2-2 Require_Level(.Req_Second[0], .Req_Second[1]); Job_Options(.@job_opt, .@class2); } } } // Displaying the Job Menu defined by .@job_opt. // .@job_opt should not be changed below this line. function Job_Menu; Job_Menu(.@job_opt); close; // Displays the job menu function Job_Menu { // getarg(0) is the .@job_opt array holding all available job changes. function Confirm_Change; while(true) { .@opt_cnt = getarraysize(getarg(0)); if( .@opt_cnt <= 0 ) { mes "No hay mas clases disponibles."; close; } .@selected = 0; // Just a single job class given, no select needed if (.@opt_cnt > 1) { // Multiple job classes given. Select one and save it to .@class // After that confirm .@class mes "Selecciona una Clase."; .@menu$ = ""; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@opt_cnt; .@i++) { if( getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i) == Job_Novice_High) .@jobname$ = "^0055FFRenacer^000000"; else .@jobname$ = jobname(getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@i)); .@menu$ = .@menu$ + " ~ " + .@jobname$ + ":"; } .@menu$ = .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancelar^000000"; .@selected = select(.@menu$) - 1; if( .@selected < 0 || .@selected >= .@opt_cnt ) close; next; mes .NPCName$; } .@class = getelementofarray(getarg(0), .@selected); if ((.@class == Job_Super_Novice || .@class == Job_Super_Baby) && BaseLevel < .SNovice) { // Special Level Requirement because Super Novice and // Super Baby can both be selected in one of the first class // changes. That's why the Level Requirement is after and not before // the selection. mes "Nivel Base de " + .SNovice + " es necesario para poder convertirse en " + jobname(.@class) + "."; return; } // Confirm the Class Confirm_Change(.@class, .@opt_cnt > 1); next; mes .NPCName$; } return; } // Executes the actual jobchange and closes. function Job_Change { .@to_cls = getarg(0); next; mes .NPCName$; mes "Has cambiado " + callfunc("F_InsertArticle", jobname(.@to_cls)) + "!"; if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High && .LastJob) lastJob = Class; // Saves the lastJob for rebirth jobchange .@to_cls; if (.@to_cls == Job_Novice_High) resetlvl(1); else if (.@to_cls == Job_Baby) { resetstatus; resetskill; set SkillPoint,0; } specialeffect2 EF_ANGEL2; specialeffect2 EF_ELECTRIC; if (.Platinum) callfunc "F_GetPlatinumSkills"; if (.GetJobEquip) Get_Job_Equip(); close; // Always closes after the change } function Confirm_Change { // Player confirms he want to change into .@class .@class = getarg(0, -1); .@back = getarg(1, false); if( .@class < 0 ) { mes "Unknown Class Error."; close; } mes "Estas seguro de querer cambiar a la clase ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000?"; .@job_option$ = " ~ Cambiar a la clase ^0055FF"+jobname(.@class)+"^000000"; if( .@class == Job_Novice_High) .@job_option$ = " ~ ^0055FFRenacer^000000"; if (select(.@job_option$+": ~ ^777777" + ((.@back) ?"Atras" : "Cancelar") + "^000000") == 1) { Job_Change(.@class); } if (!.@back) close; // "Cancel" pressed return; } // Function which gives a job related item to the player // the items are the rewards from the original job change quests function Get_Job_Equip { // Note: The item is dropping, when the player can't hold it. // But that's better than not giving the item at all. .@eac = eaclass(); if( .@eac&EAJL_THIRD ) { // Third Class Items getitem 2795,1; // Green Apple Ring for every 3rd Class switch(BaseJob) { // BaseJob of Third Cls // For Normal Third, Baby Third and Transcended Third Cls case Job_Knight: getitem 5746,1; break; // Rune Circlet [1] case Job_Wizard: getitem 5753,1; break; // Magic Stone Hat [1] case Job_Hunter: getitem 5748,1; break; // Sniper Goggle [1] case Job_Priest: getitem 5747,1; break; // Mitra [1] case Job_Blacksmith: getitem 5749,1; break; // Driver Band [1] case Job_Assassin: getitem 5755,1; break; // Silent Executor [1] case Job_Crusader: getitem 5757,1; break; // Dip Schmidt Helm [1] case Job_Sage: getitem 5756,1; break; // Wind Whisper [1] case Job_Bard: getitem 5751,1; break; // Maestro Song's Hat [1] case Job_Dancer: getitem 5758,1; break; // Dying Swan [1] case Job_Monk: getitem 5754,1; break; // Blazing Soul [1] case Job_Alchemist: getitem 5752,1; break; // Midas Whisper[1] case Job_Rogue: getitem 5750,1; // Shadow Handicraft [1] getitem 6121,1; // Makeover Brush getitem 6122,1; break; // Paint Brush } } else if (.@eac&EAJL_2) { // Second Class (And not Third Class) switch(BaseJob) { // Second Class case Job_Knight: getitem 1163,1; break; // Claymore [0] case Job_Priest: getitem 1522,1; break; // Stunner [0] case Job_Wizard: getitem 1617,1; break; // Survivor's Rod [0] case Job_Blacksmith: getitem 1360,1; break; // Two-Handed-Axe [1] case Job_Hunter: getitem 1718,1; break; // Hunter Bow [0] case Job_Assassin: getitem 1254,1; break; // Jamadhar [0] case Job_Crusader: getitem 1410,1; break; // Lance [0] case Job_Monk: getitem 1807,1; break; // Fist [0] case Job_Sage: getitem 1550,1; break; // Book [3] case Job_Rogue: getitem 1222,1; break; // Damascus [1] case Job_Alchemist: getitem 1126,1; break; // Saber [2] case Job_Bard: getitem 1907,1; break; // Guitar [0] case Job_Dancer: getitem 1960,1; break; // Whip [1] case Job_Super_Novice: getitem 1208,1; break; // Main Gauche [4] case Job_Gunslinger: getitem 13101,1; break; // Six Shooter [2] case Job_Ninja: getitem 13010,1; break; // Asura [2] case Job_Star_Gladiator: getitem 1550,1; break; // Book [3] case Job_Soul_Linker: getitem 1617,1; break; // Survivor's Rod [0] } } else { // Neither Second or Third Cls // => First Cls or not covered by the switch switch(BaseClass) { // First Class case Job_Swordman: getitem 1108,1; break; // Blade [4] case Job_Mage: getitem 1602,1; break; // Rod [4] case Job_Archer: getitem 1705,1; break; // Composite Bow [4] case Job_Acolyte: getitem 1505,1; break; // Mace [4] case Job_Merchant: getitem 1302,1; break; // Axe [4] case Job_Thief: getitem 1208,1; break; // Main Gauche [4] } } return; } OnInit: // Initialisation, do not edit these .NPCName$ = "[^6F09B3Job Master^000000]"; // Settings .ThirdClass = true; // Enable third classes? .RebirthClass = true; // Enable rebirth classes? .SecondExpanded = true; // Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion? .BabyNovice = false; // Enable Baby novice classes? Disable it if you like player must have parent to get job baby. .BabyClass = false; // Enable Baby classes? .BabyThird = false; // Enable Baby third classes? .BabyExpanded = false; // Enable Baby Expanded classes: Ex. Baby Ninja, Baby Taekwon, etc. .BabySummoner = false; // Enable Baby Summoner? .LastJob = true; // Enforce linear class changes? .SkillPointCheck = false; // Force player to use up all skill points? .Platinum = true; // Get platinum skills automatically? .GetJobEquip = false; // Get job equipment (mostly weapons) on job change? // Level Requirements setarray .Req_First[0],1,10; // Minimum base level, job level to turn into 1st class setarray .Req_Second[0],1,40; // Minimum base level, job level to turn into 2nd class setarray .Req_Rebirth[0],99,50; // Minimum base level, job level to rebirth setarray .Req_Third[0],99,50; // Minimum base level, job level to change to third class setarray .Req_Exp_NJ_GS[0],99,70; // Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Ninja and Gunslinger setarray .Req_Exp_SNOVI[0],99,99; // Minimum base level, job level to turn into Expanded Super Novice .SNovice = 45; // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice // Setting adjustments by PACKETVER if( PACKETVER < 20161207 ) { if( .BabyExpanded ) debugmes "jobmaster: BabyExpanded is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER."; if( .BabySummoner ) debugmes "jobmaster: BabySummoner is disabled due to outdated PACKETVER."; .BabyExpanded = false; .BabySummoner = false; } end; }
  5. You can enable in db/pre-re or re/skill_db.txt 16 inf3 (skill information 3): 0x000010 - skill that could hit emperium Search 434,9,6,1,0,0x1,0,3,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0,0x0, SG_HATE,Hatred of the Sun Moon and Stars replace: 434,9,6,1,0,0x1,0,3,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0,0x10, SG_HATE,Hatred of the Sun Moon and Stars
  6. You searched by skill, not for SC_SKE. Search in src/map/status.ccp: if(sc->data[SC_SKE]) batk += batk * 3; if(sc->data[SC_SKE]) watk += watk * 3; and change *3 value for *2 or *1 whatever you want to do. Don't forget recompile.
  7. Thank you Gerzzie and Gnome, now works fine i didn't edited 'BaseURI' => 'blank', Slap me please. Problem solved ?
  8. Greetings, I have placed all the files in the CP folder in the public_html and when I wanted to install the Flux CP, it has an error of 404 Not Found. I have the .htaccess created.
  9. Só procurei o error no notepad++ com alt + g deletando os símbolos como NULL ou ????, a maioria tinha a descrição assim: ?┳?┯업?ㄳ?? ou também tinha os nomes dos itens sem fechar com " "
  10. @Raiden Aproveitei o tempo para corrigi-lo e você não testou. O arquivo corrompe quando vc edita ele, por isso tem que ir item x item corrigindo, btw eu deixei para baixar o iteminfo ja corrigido.
  11. Por algum motivo quando um edita o arquivo do iteminfo novo, alguns itens corrompe. Procura o erro com CTRL + H e procura o num que diz no erro "138717"
  12. Find: // Checks if the player can change to third class. // Note: This does not include the level checks. function Can_Change_Third { // To change to third class you either need to be: // * Second Class // * Transcendent Second Class // * Baby Second Class if( !.ThirdClass ) return false; // Third job change disabled if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) ) return false; // Not second Class if( eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD ) return false; // Already Third Class if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD) < 0 ) return false; // Job has no third Class if( (eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE ) return false; // Exp. Super Novice equals 3rd Cls, but has it's own case if( Is_Baby() && (!.BabyClass || !.BabyThird) ) return false; // No Baby (Third) change allowed return true; } Replace if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_2) ) to if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER) ) // Checks if the player can change to third class. // Note: This does not include the level checks. function Can_Change_Third { // To change to third class you either need to be: // * Second Class // * Transcendent Second Class // * Baby Second Class if( !.ThirdClass ) return false; // Third job change disabled if( !(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER) ) return false; // Not second Class if( eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD ) return false; // Already Third Class if( roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_THIRD) < 0 ) return false; // Job has no third Class if( (eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE ) return false; // Exp. Super Novice equals 3rd Cls, but has it's own case if( Is_Baby() && (!.BabyClass || !.BabyThird) ) return false; // No Baby (Third) change allowed return true; }
  13. - script refresh_pvp -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "refresh",strnpcinfo(0) +"::OnRefresh"; end; OnRefresh: if( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp ) ) { message strcharinfo(0),"@refresh is not allowed in pvp map."; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You must wait 4 seconds for re-use this command."; if (@refdelay) end; set @refdelay, 1; atcommand "@refresh"; sleep2 4000; // 4sec Delay set @refdelay, 0; end; } } Tested and works fine
  14. You need put [true, true] (@command, #command) ex: warp: [true, true]
  15. Te hice un ejemplo para el Accessory custom que quieres hacer: 2627,Belt,Belt,4,20000,,1200,,0,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,136,,25,0,0,{},{ changebase 4218; },{ changebase Class; }
  16. Hi, i have a problem that I have not been able to solve. I want make Hatred Level 1 only for players and all classes, that only receive 50% more damage. Hatred Level 2: only for monsters, that only receive 200% more damage. Hatred Level 3: only for emperium, that only receive 500% more damage. Thank you for your time o/
  17. Hello, you can do in src/map/pc.cpp (Don't forget recompile) Search: if(sd->bl.prev == NULL || pc_isdead(sd)) return; and add below: if(sd->status.base_level >= 99) base_exp = 0; Tested and works fine. Original Topic.
  18. You can do this in src/map/status.cpp and search: // Strip skills, need to divest something or it fails. case SC_STRIPWEAPON: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { // Apply sc anyway if loading saved sc_data short i; opt_flag = 0; // Reuse to check success condition. if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_WEAPON) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_WEAPON) { opt_flag|=1; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); // Left-hand weapon } i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_R]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_WEAPON) { opt_flag|=2; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } if (!opt_flag) return 0; } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; case SC_STRIPSHIELD: if( val2 == 1 ) val2 = 0; // GX effect. Do not take shield off.. else if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { short i; if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_SHIELD) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L]; if ( i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i] || sd->inventory_data[i]->type != IT_ARMOR ) return 0; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; case SC_STRIPARMOR: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { short i; if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_ARMOR) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_ARMOR]; if ( i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i] ) return 0; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; case SC_STRIPHELM: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { short i; if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_HELM) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_TOP]; if ( i < 0 || !sd->inventory_data[i] ) return 0; pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; And replace with this: // Strip skills, need to divest something or it fails. case SC_STRIPWEAPON: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { // Apply sc anyway if loading saved sc_data short i; opt_flag = 0; // Reuse to check success condition. if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_WEAPON) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_WEAPON) { pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); // Left-hand weapon } i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_R]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_WEAPON) { pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; case SC_STRIPSHIELD: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { short i; opt_flag = 0; // Reuse to check success condition. if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_SHIELD) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HAND_L]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_ARMOR) { pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; case SC_STRIPARMOR: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { short i; opt_flag = 0; // Reuse to check success condition. if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_ARMOR) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_ARMOR]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_ARMOR) { pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; case SC_STRIPHELM: if (sd && !(flag&SCSTART_LOADED)) { short i; opt_flag = 0; // Reuse to check success condition. if(sd->bonus.unstripable_equip&EQP_HELM) return 0; i = sd->equip_index[EQI_HEAD_TOP]; if (i>=0 && sd->inventory_data[i] && sd->inventory_data[i]->type == IT_ARMOR) { pc_unequipitem(sd,i,3); } } if (tick == 1) return 1; // Minimal duration: Only strip without causing the SC break; Tested and works fine ?
  19. Olá, você pode retirar essa condição em src/map/skill.cpp e procura a linha: status_change_clear_buffs(target, SCCB_BUFFS | SCCB_CHEM_PROTECT); e remove "SCCB_CHEM_PROTECT" status_change_clear_buffs(target, SCCB_BUFFS); Não se esqueça de recompilar seu server.
  20. Search src/config/renewal.hpp and comment with // (don't forget recompile). //#define RENEWAL //#define RENEWAL_CAST //#define RENEWAL_DROP //#define RENEWAL_EXP //#define RENEWAL_LVDMG //#define RENEWAL_ASPD //#define RENEWAL_STAT
  21. You can do manually looking in: db/(pre-re or re)/mob_db.txt db/(pre-re or re)/item_bluebox.txt db/(pre-re or re)/item_giftbox.txt db/(pre-re or re)/item_violetbox.txt db/(pre-re or re)/item_db.txt npc/anything with shops
  22. Test in another map and write @disguise 1874 if you keep giving an error, it's because you do not have the sprite of Beelzebub in your kRO. Probably, they had already answered you above. Maybe it's that you do not have updated your kRO. I recommend you download this: Or download RSU updater: http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/rsu/
  23. src/char/char.cpp and search: !(start_job == JOB_SUMMONER && (charserv_config.allowed_job_flag&2))) Change (charserv_config.allowed_job_flag&2))) to (charserv_config.allowed_job_flag&1))) !(start_job == JOB_SUMMONER && (charserv_config.allowed_job_flag&1))) Don't forget recompile your server.
  24. db/import/skill_db.txt and paste: 80,9,8,2,3,0x20,1:1:1:1:1:2:2:2:2:2:2,10,3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12,yes,0,0x2000,5,magic,0,0x1, WZ_FIREPILLAR,Fire Pillar src/map/skill.cpp Find this line: case WZ_FIREPILLAR: if( map_getcell(src->m, x, y, CELL_CHKLANDPROTECTOR) ) return NULL; if((flag&1)!=0) limit=1000; val1=skill_lv+2; break; And comment below case WZ_FIREPILLAR: //if( map_getcell(src->m, x, y, CELL_CHKLANDPROTECTOR) ) //return NULL; if((flag&1)!=0) limit=1000; val1=skill_lv+2; break; Search this: //It deletes everything except traps and barriers if ((!(skill_get_inf2(unit->group->skill_id)&(INF2_TRAP)) && !(skill_get_inf3(unit->group->skill_id)&(INF3_NOLP))) || unit->group->skill_id == WZ_FIREPILLAR || unit->group->skill_id == GN_HELLS_PLANT) { if (skill_get_unit_flag(unit->group->skill_id)&UF_RANGEDSINGLEUNIT) { if (unit->val2&UF_RANGEDSINGLEUNIT) skill_delunitgroup(unit->group); } else skill_delunit(unit); return 1; } break; and remove: unit->group->skill_id == WZ_FIREPILLAR || //It deletes everything except traps and barriers if ((!(skill_get_inf2(unit->group->skill_id)&(INF2_TRAP)) && !(skill_get_inf3(unit->group->skill_id)&(INF3_NOLP))) || unit->group->skill_id == GN_HELLS_PLANT) { if (skill_get_unit_flag(unit->group->skill_id)&UF_RANGEDSINGLEUNIT) { if (unit->val2&UF_RANGEDSINGLEUNIT) skill_delunitgroup(unit->group); } else skill_delunit(unit); return 1; } break; Then recompile your server, i've tested by myself. Hope it helps.
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