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Everything posted by _Terra

  1. Me sirvio Zikozis, muchas gracias!.
  2. El Langtype probé en varias versiones pero ninguna resultó, también en el EXE me fije de que estuviera activada los Fonts y no funciono tampoco, es lo más raro :s
  3. Hello community !, I have a problem on my server I'm putting in Spanish , the problem is that words are not recognized such words with accents or words with Ñ. In an NPC or description reads such Mañana (Tomorrow) would MaÄ?na this does not happen on my current server that is Pre-Renewal , tried changing the Langtype but the problem still persists . appreciate your help !. Have a good evening .
  4. Understood , my current server is English , but that if you read the lyrics Ñ or accents , so I felt weird, I 'll have to look in the English Forum. Thank You!
  5. Hola a todos!, tengo un pequeño problema sobre unas traducciones que yo mismo andaba haciendo para mi servidor, como mi servidor actualmente es Pre-Renewal está casi todo al español y ahora como ando armando uno Full Renewal tengo problemas con algunas cosas para pasarlas al español como por ejemplo, cuando pongo en un NPC palabras con ñ o acentuado, aparecen con signos raros digamos Mañana diría Ma?@ana Aquí les adjunto una foto: Como pueden apreciar en la imagen dice Ventana de InformaciÄn por ejemplo y en realidad va acentuada. Espero que me puedan ayudar. Saludos!.
  6. Hello everybody, i need some help of you on my server. the thing is that when i send skills constantly it sends me a message that my skill fails,no matter if i erase the message it keeps stopping the skill,i tried with skills like Bowling bash or Double Strafing, either way it cancels the delay or it makes then slower.i check another servers and they not send the messages also that the skills are faster. the host that i have is pretty faster and the most spencieve that i got that's why it's so strange that the skill delay doesn't work,it cancels and also it makes then more slower.¿Peharps it has to do with the Source?if you give me a hand it would be awesome and thank you very much for your time i apreciate alot if somebody help me with this.Here's the video that i'm gonna share with a proof convincing about what i'm talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKVic-Opx3w
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