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Everything posted by _Terra

  1. You can modify a name on your SQL Tables
  2. You can add a skill in pc.cpp (src/map/pc.cpp) int pc_skillheal_bonus(map_session_data *sd, uint16 skill_id) { int bonus = sd->bonus.add_heal_rate; nullpo_ret(sd); skill_id = skill_dummy2skill_id(skill_id); if( bonus ) { switch( skill_id ) { case AL_HEAL: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&1) ) bonus = 0; break; case PR_SANCTUARY: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&2) ) bonus = 0; break; case AM_POTIONPITCHER: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&4) ) bonus = 0; break; case CR_SLIMPITCHER: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&8) ) bonus = 0; break; case BA_APPLEIDUN: if( !(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate&16)) bonus = 0; break; case AB_CHEAL: if (!(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate & 32)) bonus = 0; break; case AB_HIGHNESSHEAL: if (!(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate & 64)) bonus = 0; break; case CD_MEDIALE_VOTUM: if (!(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate & 128)) bonus = 0; break; case CD_DILECTIO_HEAL: if (!(battle_config.skill_add_heal_rate & 256)) bonus = 0; break; } } for (auto &it : sd->skillheal) { if (it.id == skill_id) { bonus += it.val; break; } } return bonus; } skill_add_heal_rate: 487 <--- means skill number designed, 1 = Heal Skill, 2 = Sanctuary Skill, etc so 487 means Heal + Sanctuary + Potion Pitcher + Cheal + highness heal + mediale + dialectio
  3. Todo lo que tenga que ver con client side no se toca con el emulador, en este caso es client side y no tienes que compilar nada.
  4. You can download directrly trough this link: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  5. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Translation/Pre-Renewal/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilldescript.lub
  6. Prueba cambiando (BaseLevel/2) por status_get_lv(src)
  7. No se puede aumentar, lo que puedes hacer es que escale menos y ajustar el daño mágico de cada skill o también que no aumentele matk al llegar al máximo.
  8. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/8088
  9. To solve clif_send error just edit this line: specialeffect EF_HEAL, .gid[.@dupid]; to specialeffect EF_HEAL;
  10. Diff your exe again and search 'Change Party Value'
  11. 5 means 5% stun chance and stun chance start at level 6 so when you have bash level 10 you have 25% then if you put 10 stun will increase 10% per level (50% at level 10).
  12. case SM_BASH: if( sd && skill_lv > 5 && pc_checkskill(sd,SM_FATALBLOW)>0 ){ //BaseChance gets multiplied with BaseLevel/50.0; 500/50 simplifies to 10 [Playtester] status_change_start(src,bl,SC_STUN,(skill_lv-5)*sd->status.base_level*10, skill_lv,0,0,0,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv),SCSTART_NONE); } break; Stun % starts at level 6 so in this line: status_change_start(src,bl,SC_STUN,(skill_lv-5)*sd->status.base_level*10, on skill_lv-5 means 5% when you have bash lvl 6, if lvl 7 bash stun chance increases to 10%... and base_level has a aditional chance to stun. So you need change skill_lv-5 to skill_lv-10 that means every level you have 10% aditional chance.
  13. - Id: 40024 AegisName: Stone Blade Name: Stone Blade Type: Weapon SubType: Dagger Weight: 600 Attack: 73 Range: 1 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true BardDancer: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Hunter: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Thief: true Wizard: true Locations: Right_Hand: true WeaponLevel: 1 EquipLevelMin: 1 Trade: NoDrop: true NoTrade: true NoSell: true NoCart: true NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true NoStorage: true Trade had extra spaces. If you're using notepad++ you can activate show symbol It can activate in view window > show symbol > show white space and tab
  14. Try sc_start4 EquipScript: | sc_start4 SC_Summer,-1,0,0,0,1; UnEquipScript: | sc_end SC_Summer;
  15. Lift your sprite a little bit on X like 1 or 2
  16. You can increase in conf/battle/client.conf max_body_style: 1 <<< switch to 2 If you want to use third job sprites on second job class you need rename third job sprite file like you have a Royal Guard sprite in that folder °¡µå_³²_2 you need rename to Æȶóµò_³²
  17. You want use 3rd job japanese sprites on second trans job? First you need put these sprites in sprite/Àΰ£Á·/¸öÅë/³²/costume_2 don't put directly these sprites you need rename it before. For example you need rename MECHANIC_SPRITE_³² to È­ÀÌÆ®½º¹Ì½º_³²_2 so your Whitesmith will able to use that sprite. And in your item script put this: EquipScript: | setlook LOOK_BODY2,2; UnEquipScript: | setlook LOOK_BODY2,0;
  18. Try using langtype 1 and uncheck customize font charset. I'm using langtype 1 and works fine
  19. You can create your own bonus resist based on elemental resist potion for example SC_ARMOR_ELEMENT_EARTH
  20. You can take a look: SC_ARMOR_RESIST Reference item: 12279
  21. No, al momento de poner tu server pre-renewal estarás en el episodio 13.2 y el cliente no tendrá problemas con eso.
  22. Una vez que desactivas el modo renewal deberían desaparecer todos los npcs relacionados a Renewal. En caso que haya alguno renewal solo lo buscas y lo desactivas colocando un // en los archivos .conf que están en la carpeta NPC.
  23. _Terra

    Several Crash

    Es dificil saber el origen en base a cuántas modificaciones le hiciste a tu emulador. Podrías probar esto: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/GDB
  24. doc/script_commands.txt *ignoretimeout <flag>{,<char_id>}; Disables the SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT function on the character invoking the script, or by the given character ID/character name. Valid flag: 0 - Enabled SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT. 1 - Disable SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT. Note: SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT must be enabled for this to work.
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