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Everything posted by _Terra

  1. You can try quest sample in emulator/doc/sample/npc_test_quest
  2. ID Item no es lo mismo que view ID, te recomiendo subir el view id del exe hasta 32000 para que no lo cambies nunca más. Como te comentaron arriba cambia el ID de tu item de 4000 a 40000.
  3. You need implement the bonus in status.cpp go to src/map/status.cpp and find static unsigned short status_calc_matk(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int matk) now put impositio bonus below: if (sc->data[SC_VOLCANO]) matk += sc->data[SC_VOLCANO]->val2; and add then: if (sc->data[SC_VOLCANO]) matk += sc->data[SC_VOLCANO]->val2; if (sc->data[SC_IMPOSITIO]) matk += sc->data[SC_IMPOSITIO]->val2;
  4. Go to db/pre-re/status.yml and search Impositio - Status: Impositio Icon: EFST_IMPOSITIO DurationLookup: PR_IMPOSITIO CalcFlags: Watk: true Flags: SuperNoviceAngel: true End: Impositio: true to - Status: Impositio Icon: EFST_IMPOSITIO DurationLookup: PR_IMPOSITIO CalcFlags: Watk: true Matk: true Flags: SuperNoviceAngel: true End: Impositio: true
  5. - Id: 4040 AegisName: Creamy_Card Name: Creamy Card Type: Card Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Locations: Both_Accessory: true Flags: BuyingStore: true Script: | .@eac = eaclass(); if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_ACOLYTE) { skill "AL_TELEPORT",1; } else { skill "AL_TELEPORT",1; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,"AL_TELEPORT",-50; }
  6. Hello i wanna request a basic warp script that allows warp to any dungeon/field when you type "@warp pay_dun00" coordinates shouldn't work. Is not necessary put all maps, i can put the rest of the maps myself. Help is appreciated.
  7. Is working fine for me, you made other modifications to skill? return 2 is kaite behaviour and return 1 is like maya effect. What skills are you testing? i tested with storm gust.
  8. It's possible with source modification. My only idea right now is creating a new Weapon Level so you can modify any weapon as you want. So.... you need edit next: Search in src/common/mmo.hpp #define MAX_WEAPON_LEVEL 4 and replace with #define MAX_WEAPON_LEVEL 6 src/map/clif.cpp refine_item[3] = refine_item[4] = pc_search_inventory( sd, ITEMID_ORIDECON ); and add below refine_item[6] = pc_search_inventory( sd, ITEMID_ORIDECON ); src/map/pc.cpp if (sd->status.base_level > 96 && item->equip & EQP_ARMS && item->type == IT_WEAPON && item->weapon_level == 4) replace number 4 to 6 if (sd->status.base_level > 96 && item->equip & EQP_ARMS && item->type == IT_WEAPON && item->weapon_level == 6) db/pre-re/refine.yml put below Weapon Level 4 - Level: 6 RefineLevels: - Level: 1 Bonus: 1500 Chances: - Type: Normal Rate: 10000 Price: 20000 Material: Phracon - Type: Enriched Rate: 10000 Price: 2000 Material: Enriched_Oridecon It should look like this: So you can edit any item for example Knife (ID: 1201) which is Weapon Level 6. - Id: 1201 AegisName: Knife Name: Knife Type: Weapon SubType: Dagger Buy: 50 Weight: 400 Attack: 17 Range: 1 Slots: 3 Jobs: Alchemist: true Archer: true Assassin: true BardDancer: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Hunter: true Knight: true Mage: true Merchant: true Ninja: true Novice: true Rogue: true Sage: true SoulLinker: true SuperNovice: true Swordman: true Thief: true Wizard: true Locations: Right_Hand: true WeaponLevel: 6 EquipLevelMin: 1 Refineable: true You can put refine limit in refine.yml make sure you have your desired weapon is Weapon Level 6. 2022-04-10 20-48-54.mp4 Additional comments: - Refine Skill is not working for level 6 weapons. - If your refine item limit is 7 you can refine more if you use command.
  9. job_stats.yml There you go. Make sure put this file in db/import/
  10. I'm not sure but make sure you mark on this feature:
  11. Glad you can solve ;)! What hairstyle is not showing? you mean after 30 hairstyle doesn't show right? If you have max hairstyle to 100 you probably get that error because hairstyle n°100 is for pets so the max hairstyle supported is 99.
  12. Can you upload mount/head sprite? i tested and works fine.
  13. https://rathena.org/board/topic/118391-plagiarism-npc/?do=findComment&comment=358285
  14. Revert that change you made and go to SG_HATE and add before DamageFlags: Flags: TargetEmperium: true
  15. Go to skill_db.yml and find SC_MANHOLE or Id: 2299 - Id: 2299 Name: SC_MANHOLE Description: Man Hole MaxLevel: 3 Type: Magic TargetType: Ground DamageFlags: NoDamage: true Range: 7 Hit: Single HitCount: 1 ActiveInstance: 3 CastCancel: true CastTime: 1000 AfterCastActDelay: 2000 Duration1: - Level: 1 Time: 5000 - Level: 2 Time: 10000 - Level: 3 Time: 15000 Duration2: - Level: 1 Time: 5000 - Level: 2 Time: 10000 - Level: 3 Time: 15000 Requires: SpCost: - Level: 1 Amount: 20 - Level: 2 Amount: 25 - Level: 3 Amount: 30 ItemCost: - Item: Paint_Brush Amount: 0 - Item: Surface_Paint Amount: 1 Unit: Id: Manhole Range: 1 Interval: 1000 Flag: NoReiteration: true NoFootSet: true RemovedByFireRain: true and add bellow DamageFlags: put this: Flags: TargetEmperium: false save and reload.
  16. go to src/map/status.cpp and search case SC_CONCENTRATE: then if you find this line case SC_CONCENTRATE: val2 = 2 + val1; if (sd) { // Store the card-bonus data that should not count in the % val3 = sd->indexed_bonus.param_bonus[1]; // Agi val4 = sd->indexed_bonus.param_bonus[4]; // Dex } else val3 = val4 = 0; break; change value 2 to your desired number. Need remember this skill upgrades your agi/dex by one per level, if you put 8, at max level you'll have +18 AGI/DEX
  17. Change min_group_id_to_connect: -1 to 4
  18. Go to src/map/skill.cpp and find // Check for cost reductions due to skills & SCs switch(skill_id) { case MC_MAMMONITE: if(pc_checkskill(sd,BS_UNFAIRLYTRICK)>0) req.zeny -= req.zeny*10/100; break; then replace with // Check for cost reductions due to skills & SCs switch(skill_id) { case MC_MAMMONITE: { int discount_level = pc_checkskill(sd,MC_DISCOUNT); if( discount_level ) req.zeny -= req.zeny* (10 * discount_level) / 100; } if(pc_checkskill(sd,BS_UNFAIRLYTRICK)>0) req.zeny -= req.zeny*10/100; break; 2022-02-06 16-53-04.mp4
  19. I don't know why id 1001 is considered a card lol. go to data/cardprefixnametable.txt and data/carditemnametable.txt find 1001# and erase (should be first on the list).
  20. You need put a callfunc instead of a bonus. Make an txt on your npc folder and add this: function script F_NoWoEBonus { if(agitcheck() || agitcheck2() || agitcheck3()){ end; } bonus bStr,500; } and add callfunc on you desired item (you need to put in script line). callfunc "F_NoWoEBonus"; <<< this would go on the script item line. 2021-12-25 20-38-42.mp4
  21. Como te dijeron mas arriba, utiliza Audacity y abres tu tema, luego selecciona toda la pista con CTRL + A y vas a archivo > exportar > exportar como mp3 > sale una casilla de "Calidad" y le das a Brutal (320 kbps) tengo entendido que los clientes puedes darle una opción para mejorar el sonido del juego. Y luego para agregar tu tema al juego tienes que arrastrar tu tema a la carpeta BGM en donde está tu RO y lo enumeras para que sea mas facil ubicarlo no sé colocale 500.mp3 Finalmente como te mencionaron tienes que editar el archivo mp3nametable.txt que está en tu carpeta DATA o GRF, agregas la linea para el tema que sería: tu_mapa_custom.rsw#bgm\\numero_de_tu_tema.mp3#
  22. You need erase close; lines and replace for end; i've made some fixes, tested and working fine. - script gm_is_online -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (getgmlevel()>=99) goto L_admin; if (getgmlevel()>=90) goto L_co_admin; if (getgmlevel()>=10) goto L_head; if (getgmlevel()>=4) goto L_event; if (getgmlevel()>=3) goto L_support; if (getgmlevel()>=2) goto L_helper; if (getgmlevel()>=0) goto L_player; readparam(bStr); readparam(bAgi); readparam(bVit); readparam(bInt); readparam(bDex); readparam(bLuk); if ((class >= 4054 && class <= 4079) || (class >= 4023 && class <= 4045) || (class >= 4096 && class <= 4108)){ //3rd Job Class if (readparam(bStr) > 99 || readparam(bAgi) > 99 || readparam(bVit) > 99 || readparam(bInt) > 99 || readparam(Dex) > 99 || readparam(bLuk) > 99){ mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; atcommand "@option 2 0 0"; atcommand "@battleignore"; setoption 0x2,1; sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1; sleep2 5000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; } } else { //Other than 3rd Job Class if (readparam(bStr) > 99 || readparam(bAgi) > 99 || readparam(bVit) > 99 || readparam(bInt) > 99 || readparam(Dex) > 99 || readparam(bLuk) > 99){ mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; atcommand "@option 2 0 0"; atcommand "@battleignore"; setoption 0x2,1; sc_start sc_berserk, 1000000000, 1; sleep2 5000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; L_admin: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Admin ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" ist online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_co_admin: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Co Admin ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" ist online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_head: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Head GM ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" ist online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_event: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Event GM ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_support: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Support GM ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_helper: atcommand "@speed 1"; announce "[ Helper ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" online",bc_all,0x00ff66; specialeffect2 377; specialeffect2 381; end; L_player: end; } } }
  23. For older reps you need modify import/item_trade.txt YOUR ITEM ID,9,100 // Your custom item 9 is the value allows players can't trade or sold item to an npc, and 100 is the group level overrides this rule.
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