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Everything posted by Playtester

  1. It's not a bug, you don't see meteors falling if they would fall on an LP cell. That's how it works on iRO as well.
  2. "ifndef" stands for "if NOT defined", so that actually means this code part is for pre-renewal only. Otherwise I wouldn't have quoted it. :-) 200 = 20% val1 is the skil level Theoretically you could check for weapon type equipped and set val2 to a different value depending on that, but it will probably cause the issue that someone could equip a two-handed spear, then cast the skill and then equip a one-handed spear to still get a larger boost. Anything beyond that might be a bit more work to code so I can't do it for you with my limited time.
  3. Then I'm not sure, you'd need to run a debugger to see at what part of the code it's increased.
  4. It might just not display in the status window if you are using renewal.
  5. You can define the boost of SPEARQUICKEN in status.c for pre-renewal: #ifndef RENEWAL_ASPD case SC_SPEARQUICKEN: val2 = 200+10*val1; break; #endif There's no easy way to make it work differently depending on weapon type, though.
  6. Expanded jobs can't rebirth, so 7185 is correct.
  7. It's definitely not a server problem then. It's either related to a client mod (like mouse freedom) or maybe it's your mouse software itself.
  8. I don't know about that NPC setup, but my Wizard definitely doesn't move when casting Storm Gust. Just tested on unchanged rAthena. Is it really a fresh installation because in that gif Storm Gust is instant cast. I tried to emulate that by equipping Angra Manyu, but still no walking.
  9. Caused by a client mod maybe? It seems to send move request.
  10. If you want to limit the total bonus you could do that in pc.c: case SP_SUBRACE: // bonus2 bSubRace,r,x; PC_BONUS_CHK_RACE(type2,SP_SUBRACE); if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) sd->subrace[type2]+=val; break; For example: case SP_SUBRACE: // bonus2 bSubRace,r,x; PC_BONUS_CHK_RACE(type2,SP_SUBRACE); if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->subrace[type2]+=val; if(sd->subrace[type2] > 90) sd->subrace[type2] = 90; } break;
  11. Hmm, not sure, but you only need one | between the flags. Try: bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_PNEUMA",1,150,BF_SHORT|BF_LONG|BF_WEAPON|BF_MISC|BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,0;
  12. Hmm, I think easiest would be to go to status.c, find function status_calc_matk and change: cap_value(matk,0,USHRT_MAX); To: cap_value(matk,0,10000); (It appears twice in the function and both parts need to be modified.)
  13. Err, yes. That means it can deal 5000xATK at max.
  14. Hmm, I'm not sure what trigger the small effect, it's either the icon or the option. The option however is the same as for overthrust, so I wonder how it can diffentiate the two. The only thing I found in status.c was this: if( type == SC_SWOO ) opt_flag = 8; else opt_flag = 0; Maybe try to change it so that it always sets opt_flag to 0.
  15. Yes, 7185 is correct. But if you rebirth you start at 100 stat point so you have a bonus 52.
  16. You already quoted the relevant parts, so why not just change the formula to your liking? How would you like the damage to be like?
  17. That database is heavily messed up. 1,2,3,4,5,6 Someone replaced the official values with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. // ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script } The cost of the weapon is 1z, but they sell for 2z. They only weight 0.3. They give only 4 ATK. They give 5 DEF. And they have a range of 6. Get the official database here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/db/pre-re/item_db.txt
  18. exp.conf // Use the contents of db/statpoint.txt when doing a stats reset and leveling up? (Note 1) // If no, an equation will be used which preserves statpoints earned/lost // through external means (ie: stat point buyers/sellers) use_statpoint_table: yes https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/re/statpoint.txt Should actually be 6058 at level 255 by default? And 52 more stat points when rebirthed. In pre-renewal it would be 7237 stat point at level 255 when rebirthed. 7316 must be a server customization.
  19. Or the monster mode in the database is messed up and doesn't include "can attack".
  20. Copy the item database entry here and tell us if you use renewal or pre-renewal.
  21. As said, weapons having Matk is a renewal thing. In pre-renewal this doesn't exist. All wands just gave Matk+15%.
  22. Fixed MATK bonus only works in renewal I think. Use bMatkRate for those items instead.
  23. C'mon it's a normal math formula you don't need me to write that down. if(sd) //Player hitrate += sstatus->hit - flee; else //Monster hitrate += sstatus->hit - flee/2;
  24. Probably easiest to just change the hit calculation or just increase the dex of monsters. In battle.c::is_attack_hitting you have this: hitrate += sstatus->hit - flee; You could change it into something like... if(sd) //Player hitrate += sstatus->hit - flee; else //Monster hitrate += sstatus->hit*2 - flee; That would for example double their hit in the calculation. Maybe a better idea would be to half the flee of the target instead, though.
  25. Maybe the server is running out of RAM.
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