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Everything posted by Playtester

  1. Racial reductions always worked for magical damage too. Some skills ignore it, though.
  2. // 0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores) And this mode doesn't work?
  3. //Job - Pre-renewal 255 Levels 120,4054:4055:4056:4057:4058 So you changed this line to actually include the correct IDs? Like 4008 for Lord Knight? And Lord Knight max level is still 70? Also if you don't care for exact HP/SP values, you might want to just not use the job_basehpsp file. /// Uncomment to enable the job base HP/SP table (job_basehpsp_db.txt) #define HP_SP_TABLES Comment this for now to have one worry less.
  4. Can't you just define that in skill_db? // 0x08 - Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores) // 0x10 - Skill ignores elemental adjustments // 0x20 - Skill ignores target's defense (misc type always ignores) // 0x40 - Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores) // 0x80 - Skill ignores target's def cards
  5. Desperado doesn't do multi-hits, it does many single hits. You can't add those up. It works on official servers like that too.
  6. First of all, that file specifies base and job exp twice once for renewal and once for pre-renewal... decide for one. Second, several job IDs are missing in the job exp specification. If you want all to use the same exp table make sure you also list all job IDs (I think the third line might the only one that already has all). Then again, it's a bad idea to allow Novice Job Level above 10 because then you will have skill points an nothing to spent them on, so you can never job change. I recommend keeping job exp and max job level for classes as official and only increase it to 120 for end classes. If you really release the import folder rather than changing the normal job_exp.txt in /db/ then you shouldn't have some of these issues, so that you report it not working would indicate to me that you aren't working with the import folder.
  7. Fully official Aegis spawns you can get here: http://forum.asb-sakray.net/index.php?showtopic=37666 You will need to convert them to rAthena format, though.
  8. Does the "monsterinfo" atcommand also show the adjusted job exp? Or does it show job exp at 1x rate? Other than that, you can probably easily figure it out by debugging. The code you are looking for is in mob.c function "mob_dead". else { double exp = apply_rate2(md->db->job_exp, per, 1); exp = apply_rate(exp, bonus); exp = apply_rate(exp, map[m].adjust.jexp); job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(exp, 1, UINT_MAX); } e.g. check what "mb->db->job_exp", "per", "bonus" and "map[m].adjust.jexp" contains here.
  9. If you want to debug, I think the relevant code you are looking for is in skill.c: skill_check_condition_castbegin if( require.weapon && !pc_check_weapontype(sd,require.weapon) ) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_THIS_WEAPON,0); return false; }
  10. Hmm yeah if you look at the function the error points to: if (type2 < SC_COMMON_MIN || type2 > SC_COMMON_MAX) { ShowError("pc_bonus2: SP_RESEFF: %d is invalid effect.\n", type2); break; } It only works for status changes that are considered a common status change. The IDs are defined in status.h. You'll need to rewrite the status change into a common status change.
  11. Everything you are looking for is in battle.c, just search for PR_TURNUNDEAD and you find it all. :-) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/src/map/battle.c
  12. Remove the delay or make it always work? Against Evil Druid card?
  13. Doesn't bResEff works for this? bonus2 bResEff,eff,n; Adds a n/100% tolerance to status eff Probably requires an "Eff_" define here: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/script_constants.h I haven't tried, so not sure if another part needs to be modified.
  14. If you want to use pre-renewal you have to open renewal.h and uncomment the PRERE define. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/config/renewal.h #define PRERE Don't forgot to recompile after that.
  15. It needs two parameters, though... Read the documentation: bonus2 bHPLossRate,n,t; Lose n HP every t milliseconds https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/item_bonus.txt Do you even want a regular HP loss? From what I understand you just want this: bonus bMaxHP,400-50*(JobLevel/10);
  16. Yeah it's confusing, if you have run several servers already, why are you asking for the project architecture or how to start a project locally? You probably must have at least compiled the code already by now and even tweaked it for your server, no? Generally I'd say you need Visual Studio and Git, as well as a client that can connect to your locally compiled test server. If you want to help it's best to start out posting fixes on github issues and once you are more advanced, you can even create pull requests. https://github.com/rathena/rathena 1. Checkout the sources via Git 2. Open the project in Visual Studio 3. Do your settings (e.g. enable PRERE define if you want pre-renewal, set packet version, maybe set IPs but local should be default afaik) 4. Compile 5. Run login, char and map server 6. Connect with the client to your local server Done.
  17. The PRERE setting is fine. Which skills don't have a delay and what do you actually mean with delay? If you compile on PRERE is read the delay from db/pre-re/skill_cast_db.txt https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/pre-re/skill_cast_db.txt
  18. The fourth number is currently a "1", you want to change that to "16". Then it's friend target. If you still need to press shift to target, there's probably some client-sided skill info, but I'm not very familiar with that.
  19. You probably did some modifications to the source or DB that caused this because I doubt it's like this in default rAthena. At least the last time I tested Deluge and Land Protector it looked just fine. What's your skill_unit_db? 285,0x9a, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_VOLCANO 286,0x9b, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_DELUGE 287,0x9c, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_VIOLENTGALE 288,0x9d, , 3:3:4:4:5,0, -1,all, 0xA010 //SA_LANDPROTECTOR
  20. http://www.unippm.de/#!/results.aspx?pageNo=1&resultsPerPage=20&viewTags=1&mode=work&sortFilter=Default|Desc&keyword=640105&keywordType=1
  21. Well, I don't like change myself and don't know why we have move to IPB4, because everything I need from a forum is already working here. But I hardly use the forums anyway, other than digging up information, so I rather let others that actually have to actively work with them decide what to do. I really hope the format / quoting doesn't mess up as it did on Herc forums, though. That was really really horrible. Also there's still a lot of important information on the bug tracker, would be nice if that wasn't lost. Including bug number (as old commit message link to those).
  22. Update your repository to the newest git hash? Or... check how it's implemented now. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rathena/rathena/master/src/map/skill.c
  23. Could it be that you are using an old emulator version? Several of those values are different in the latest version. BSS was not working at some point of time but was fixed over a year ago as far as I know. Arrow Shower should also knock back traps already.
  24. You want to increase the max job level from 50 to 70, right? In that case you need to define the job exp required for level 51-70 for these jobs. Easiest is to open the job_exp.txt with Excel or OpenOffice and then use a formula to your liking to fill out the missing parts.
  25. If you want Devotion to work on Pressure then you need to delete it. If you want pressure to always damage the target, then it should already be working.
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