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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/13 in all areas

  1. File Name: @novendingboards / @novenders File Submitter: Lilith File Submitted: 19 Mar 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Lilith Request: @nndsl Post: http://rathena.org/board/topic/80231-notrade/#entry187456 See on YouTube: @novendingboards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIT1pRSQZU&feature=youtu.be @novenders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UajUvlzAAc&feature=youtu.be Enjoy Click here to download this file
    2 points
  2. since many will know, gravity started to protect the ragnarok client with Themida since 2012-07-24aRagexeRE if anyone is able to unpack the clients back to normal, it would help alot Thank you Yom
    1 point
  3. Mail via Scriptcommand With this mod, you can do something like this.. (The sample code in the background is outdated) This is a scriptcommand I wanted when I still had a server. It can be used in Achievement Systems, WoE prizes, and other events. This is better than getitem because the recipient doesn't need to be online. Usage: * sendmail <Recipient's Char ID>,"<Sender's Name>","<Title>","<Body>",<zeny>,<item_id>,<amount>{,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>}; Description: Uses the same functions as the default mail system, but this time, it is done via script. All item, recipent, message, and title assignment are done in the background. Enjoy this free release. PS: This have not been used on a live server, if you discover a bug (or if there's something wrong with my coding) let me know. My sample script: This code will give the player a +10 Knife and 10,000 zennies upon reaching job level 10. -<tab>script<tab>Mail Test<tab>-1,{ OnPCJobLvUpEvent: if(JobLevel != 9) end; set .charid, getcharid(0); set .sender$, "Achievement System"; set .title$, "Basic Skills"; set .itemid, 1201; set .itemamount, 1; set .zeny, 10000; set .refine, 10; set .body$, "You have successfully unlocked the achievement '"+.title$+"'. You have received "+.itemamount+" "+getitemname(.itemid)+"s and "+.zeny+" zennies."; sendmail .charid,.sender$,.title$,.body$,.zeny,.itemid,.itemamount,.refine; end; } PS: This wasn't used on a live server, please report any bugs you encounter. DIFF LINK
    1 point
  4. This is a personal project i was working on while i was analyzing the ragnarok network protocol. It started several years ago, and could only read wpe .pac captures, and displayed some basic output of the network traffic. Now it displays 95% of all packets, and shows all the data structures inside each packet. furthermore, it now uses a dll injected into the client, which sends all packet data to the parser for real-time analysis The Parser can use diffrent modes to output or record data captured from the packets, the image above being "full_info" And this is a simple test showing a capture of NPC data, to reconstruct scripts in real-time and saves to file. This mode is intended to ease dialog capture from official servers with new npc's that rAthena does not have. But the main function is to analyze the network protocol,to see the order packets are transmitted and to allow new client features to be added quicker. I rewrote the parser at the begining of this year, with a more OOP based style, but some sources of packet data are not working/missing dll injection - working good capture with winpcap(taking packets direct from network card) - broken with bad connections, due to tcp retransmission, which i cannot figure out wpe .pac reading - still to be added back svn location : https://www.assembla...ubversion/nodes As with most of my projects, PHP needs to be installed as this is PHP Command line scripting. for this to work you have 2 options 1) edit the bat file, and change 'php' to the location of your php.exe 2) add your php folder to windows paths, so you can call php from anywhere.. http://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.installation.php#faq.installation.addtopath If anybody has any interest or wants to help improve, send me a message YomRawr <3
    1 point
  5. The image above tells how the permanent mob spawn work, This is the script for the permanent mob spawn in an area, mapname,x,y,x1,y1, x,y, is the red dot while x1,y1 is the distance from the red dot to the yellow dot. So, in this case, The script will be mapname,3,3,2,2 So the monsters will spawn inside the created figure.
    1 point
  6. first of all accessoryid and accname is used for headgears only (as far as i know). secondly since you mentioned that you are using the txt files i am assuming your client don't use iteminfo.lua For old clients (which is your case as per my assumption) the weapons are limited to certain item id ranges since the client actually compares the item id it received against fixed values. Fix: 1) change the view id in your itemdb to one of these (since you said i believe it is supposed to be a spear). View id required for weapons is also mentioned in the wiki in Custom Items section. One-Handed Spears = 4 Two-Handed Spears = 5 2) change your item id to fit in one of the ranges below. (obviously the spr and act file names would also change). One handed Spears = 1400-1449 Two Handed Spears = 1450-1471, 1474-1499 3) Remove whatever stuff you wrote in accessoryid and accname for this (its of no use). Check the link in my signature if you need item id ranges for other weapons. You can also try my modified client that gives better control on the item ids if you like => http://rathena.org/board/topic/79646-release-2012-04-10a-with-no-weapon-item-id-restriction/?view=findpost&p=184288.
    1 point
  7. Here you go:1. edit trunk/src/map/clif.c so OnPCLoadMapEvent always triggers, even if maps do not have the 'loadevent' mapflag. Find these lines: if(map[sd->bl.m].flag.loadevent) // Lance npc_script_event(sd, NPCE_LOADMAP); and change to look like this: npc_script_event(sd, NPCE_LOADMAP); 2. load this script: where_am_i.txt (I commented out maps that did not have an English translation in mapnametable.txt, so there will be no announcement when you load on those maps.
    1 point
  8. prontera,150,184,5 script blop 56,{ mes "hello ! a little gamble ?"; mes "you will need "+ .item_num +" "+ getitemname( .item_req ) +" or "+ .item_num[1] +" "+ getitemname( .item_req[1] ) +" to play"; next; set .@req_1, countitem( .item_req ) - .item_num; set .@req_2, countitem( .item_req[1] ) - .item_num[1]; set .@s, select( ( .@req_1 >= 0 ? "Play with "+ getitemname( .item_req ) +"!" : "" ), ( .@req_2 >= 0 ? "Play with "+ getitemname( .item_req[1] ) +"!" : "" ),"Leave" ) -1; if( .@s == 2 ) { mes "good bye !"; close; } mes "let's see..."; sleep2 1000; mes "."; sleep2 1000; mes ".."; sleep2 1000; mes "..."; if( .percent_gain[.@s] < rand( 1,100 ) ) { mes "Sorry you lose !"; close; } set .@r, rand( .size_gain ); getitem .item_gainID[.@r], 1; delitem .item_req[.@s], .item_num[.@s]; mes "you got a "+ getitemname( .item_gainID[.@r] ) +" !"; close; OnInit: setarray .item_req, 671, 7227; setarray .item_num, 1, 1; // number of items req for each column setarray .percent_gain, 50,20; // % (independent) to gain something for each column // equiprobable gains setarray .item_gainID, 501,502,503; // Put ID YGG,bubble gum , token and else. set .size_gain, getarraysize( .item_gainID ); end; } try this
    1 point
  9. k3dt, do athena a favour, and dont make the RE clients, these are for the sakray server. instead you should force athena to use the main server client, ragexe.exe <3
    1 point
  10. This request was about giving a normal/rare costume in exchange for a ticket, it was not about drop. Maybe you mean to give a gold coin (50% chance) or tgc (20% chance) etc.. in exchange to something ?
    1 point
  11. *me credits himself for the badges in this reply* Maki refused to credit me, he hates the fact I got rights xD!
    1 point
  12. Hi Yommy, Here is unpacked 2012-10-17bRagexeRE client (all credits goes to my friend giv). http://k3dt.eu/2012-10-17bRagexeRE-unpacked.exe if you need unpack some other versions, contact me at irc://irc.reborn.cz/reborn
    1 point
  13. client 2012-04-10 View File - support read data folder first - not auto close if input a wrong password - already show "Create Player" when make new character - removes the gravity ads and logo - skip license screen Submitter hendra814 Submitted 11/18/2012 Category Client Tools Video Content Author hendra814  
    1 point
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